Category Archives: women

A.W.A.L.T. – The Truth or a Red Pill PSYOP Invention?

| by Truth Seeker |

A.W.A.L.T. stands for “All Women Are Like That” and implies that the vast majority of women display extremely similar behavioral traits to the point where one can conclude that they all have a common, predictable character powered by ruthless hypergamy. The notion is widely spread in the Red Pill community and other circles of the […]

Is Approaching Women Immoral? (philosophical article)

| by Truth Seeker |

As you already know, I used to approach women. The process left me emotionally scarred. As expected, the pain was the greatest “the day after the fall”. I shared my suffering with others in expectation of understanding, but I never got it. In fact, the opposite happened. I was ridiculed, criticized, and turned into a […]

Why the World Loves to Virgin-Shame Men (from a late bloomer)

| by Truth Seeker |

Introduction The societal web of unwritten rules has created a very hostile environment for virgins. Technically, both genders experience this problem, but the resentment is greater towards men. Admitting that you’re a male virgin past a certain age, which drops every year, is akin to saying that you’re a sociopath of the highest order. Most […]

Is Chasing Women a Waste of Time? (from a man who tried)

| by Truth Seeker |

My experience says yes. Over the years, I’ve dedicated a lot of my time to finding the right woman. I spent years on dating apps and did all kinds of approaches…warm, cold…etc. Even though I’ve gathered some positive experiences, the effort to output ratio does not speak in my favor. Chasing women had a very […]

5 Fundamental Flaws of Dating Advice for Men

| by Truth Seeker |

1. Corrupted sources A while back, I ended up reading a forum post by a 20-year-old man frustrated with dating. The response that he got was infested with so much nonsense that I couldn’t resist checking the profile of the main person talking to him. It was a beautiful blonde woman. Unsurprisingly, she was telling […]

Is the Red Pill Right About “Holding Frame” and Lifting Weights?

| by Truth Seeker |

I have an extended experience on the love battlefield. I’ve done every form of pickup – online dating, cold approaches of strangers, warm approaches of former and present co-workers…etc. I’ve accumulated such a lengthy track record of rejections that sometimes I would be doing a mundane task and a long-forgotten date would resurrect into my […]

Can the Gym Turn Incels into “Chads” and Save Us from the Pits of Hell?

| by Truth Seeker |

The term “incel” stands for involuntarily celibate. Some say that it describes a very small minority of men who spend most of their awake hours producing misogynistic content and playing video games while rotting in a dirty garage and heaving poisonous sighs, but that’s not actually true. The reality is that most average men have […]

The Entire World Is a Big Fake Natty on Steroids Put on your truth lenses.

| by Truth Seeker |

The “fake natty principle”, an integral part of the human world, operates as follows: First, an image that binds to your receptors of desire seduces you. Then they give you a map that could allegedly help you achieve the presented form of success. That blueprint, my friend, is rarely working. They don’t want you to […]

5 Reasons to Keep Lifting after a Breakup (Even if you are natural)

| by Truth Seeker |

Romantic movies often depict men as evil creatures who always find a way to hurt the feelings of their partner. Generations of boys have been raised with the idea that women are constantly oppressed by evil males too numb and sexually-oriented to understand the sorrow inhabiting the loving female heart begging for commitment and emotional […]