Tag Archives: philosophy
The Farming Method For Getting Out of a Hole (the only way I know how)
People rarely get depressed because of a bad situation. True depression comes because you can’t see a clear path out. Despite what motivational speakers (and their modern equivalents) are saying, it’s not so easy to dig yourself out of a hole even if you are willing to do the work. When you want to escape […]
Understanding The Principle of Actualization (or why many people quit lifting weights) savage wisdom inside
A while back I decided to do dedicated forearm training including some arm wrestling exercises and grip routines. I made the needed equipment out of wood and spare parts. It worked well. One time while doing my routine, I couldn’t help it and admitted the obvious: I felt stupid. I had to ask myself the […]
Time Is Rarely a Limiting Factor In Achieving A Goal (exposing more mainstream lies)
Many professors in the manosphere (and in other self-improvement segments) are super focused on maximizing TSW (time spent working). Hence they allegedly wake up at 5 in the morning, wrestle an alligator, eat 600 grams of protein, do some meditation, and then “seize the day”. As always – it’s all nonsense…and I am here to […]
Why I Don’t Go To Therapy
Therapy is practically useless and impotent in most cases. It can’t solve your problems but can ironically augment them and slow down healing. It could also be an immoral business. Talking About Your Problems Is Helpful But Only To a Point The main value of therapy is that you export some of your thoughts and […]
How To Change For R-E-A-L (the alter ego method part 1) crazy at first, logical later
The DiCaprio Delusion (the male wall is realer than they tell you)
They are selling you a fake dream….again. One of the consistent narratives in the manospherific community is that males become more valuable as they age….and therefore you can still win the game as an older man. I’ve heard some of the gurus say that even 60+ men in their “private cold approach group” are “killing […]
Destroying The Fake Law Of Attraction Mercilessly scammers will scam; dreamers will dream
I am about to do two things. First, I am going to expose the Fake Law of Attraction (FLoA) that’s been sold to the naive public by a great number of conscious and unconscious charlatans. Then, I am going to present the REAL Law of Attraction (RLoA) (don’t expect magic). According to the FLoA, you […]
“Chad” Is Not Your Enemy This is a barbaric post and can induce strong emotions. Be careful.
How To Use Social Media Instead of Letting It Use You | paid PDF (don’t be a pawn in someone else’s game)
In this article, I present a simple program to reduce social media usage and protect yourself from it. Excerpt: Most people are in an abusive relationship with social media and the intensity is only getting stronger despite what we used to predict in the past. The brutal truth is that social media usage has never […]
Why All Self-improvers Are Liars (Explaining The “Loser’s Market)
There are fundamental and incredibly obvious flaws with the theory behind self-improvement. In the big scheme of things, self-improvement is nothing but a treadmill for keeping people engaged. Here’s how the self-improvement money printer REALLY works: Step 1: Find your target audience. The target audience are people who aren’t happy and want more. Or in […]