Time Is Rarely a Limiting Factor In Achieving A Goal (exposing more mainstream lies)

| by Truth Seeker |

Many professors in the manosphere (and in other self-improvement segments) are super focused on maximizing TSW (time spent working). Hence they allegedly wake up at 5 in the morning, wrestle an alligator, eat 600 grams of protein, do some meditation, and then “seize the day”.

As always – it’s all nonsense…and I am here to decode it for you.

The bitter truth is that success is rarely limited by time. Yes, I am not high, and I realize with great certainty that it sounds somewhat illogical.

But it’s also true.

The main reason why we fail to achieve what we want is the lack of leverage. Let me give you an example.

Take an average football player who’s 25 years old (in his prime, essentially). Stop his aging process for 20 years. Or in other words, keep him 25 for 20 years.

Guess, what?

He still won’t become Messi, Maradona…etc.

He will simply stay average/the same for 20 more years.

Why? Because he doesn’t have the talent (leverage) that Messi had. And time can’t produce that.

Another good example would be, of course, bodybuilding. If a natty remains natty for 100 years without aging, he still won’t have “steroid muscles”. Because natural limitations cannot be broken with time.

But juicers face the same phenomenon. If you take any lineup from any era and give 10, 20, or 30 years to each competitor to improve…it won’t happen.

Some will even regress due to receptor burnout and the development of “palumboism” – a de-transformation disease common for aging bodybuilders whose bodies have been subjected to tons of steroids, GH…etc.

The term was coined by a member of the getbig.com forum and is, of course, inspired by Dave Palumbo who had an ok IFBB pro physique that later de-transformed. He developed a large gut while his arms and legs shrunk. (The exact opposite of what bodybuilders aspire to achieve.)

What About Money?

Money generation works the same way. You don’t need to do something for 10 years to know if will work or not. Also, most businesses tend to decline rather than blossom further down the road. They have a lifespan like us. And on a long enough scale – we all – die. So do they.

For instance, when I go for a walk in my old neighborhood – all I see are new small stores that never existed in my childhood except for 1 or 2. But those exceptions are just that – exceptions. It’s a miracle those places haven’t closed doors…yet.

And 10 years from now, if I am still here, the landscape will probably be different once again.

What about dating?

Most of you have been very well informed about my dating failures/experiences/nightmares.

Here’s the brutal reality. More time will not help me much (unless I get younger).

A lot of those experiences have been on repeat mode. Why? Because I am still me and women are still women, and the world is still vastly the same.

More time will not help me. What would help me is getting 50 times richer, more famous, or more attractive. It’s super superficial. But that’s what it takes to fit in a superficial world.

And the same applies to other men struggling. Time, patience, and similar nonsense are necessary only to a point.

After a while, you simply get more of the same thing over and over again unless you change drastically.

And that drastic change is not always possible regardless of what you do due to the lack of options and leverage. You can’t bend the world to your will. It’s harsh but also as real as the sun in the morning.

This is also why I am not the biggest fan of consistency.

You need concentrated effort for a fairly long period to achieve any goal.

But past a certain point, more time spent doing the same task doesn’t equal much. 

Eventually, it boils down to a golden rule that goes like this:

The More You Do Something, The More Pointless It Becomes

So, what can you do? 

I wish I could give you a formula that will 100% catapult you into ascension mode. But nothing works 100%.

1) Give up/Stop dwelling 

Sometimes that’s an underrated choice. Very often in life, we tend to dwell on things that are essentially already dead. The most trivial example that I could think of are romantic relationships.

Somewhat ironically, people tend to spend an unreal amount of time obsessing and analyzing interactions that died 5 centuries ago while completely forgoing more realistic options. The fastest way to heal a wound is to stop reviving it every day.

When something doesn’t work, it’s time to move on. And as I’ve said in the past, if something is going to work, it shows signs fairly early.

How early?

It depends on what we are talking about. But in most cases, a decent plan shows results in about 6 months. I am not saying that it’s maxed out in 6 months, but very often, there are traces of progress – could be little – but it’s also real.

And many things take a lot less time. For instance, if you are talking to some woman and she is constantly refusing to meet you or ignoring your messages, time will more than likely not change much. Women who don’t respond (or postpone) tend to do so forever.

It’s easier to find a responsive woman than convert a non-responsive one.

2) Search for Leverage and Endure 

You have to search for leverage (a method that amplifies your output) and keep pushing against the pain that you are experiencing at the moment.

3) Minimal amount of pipe dreams

I am against pipe dreams for the most part. It’s better to accomplish a small but realistic goal than to drug yourself via your imagination. In AHS1 I wrote that people are living a never-ending hallucination. And I still stand by it. And, of course, I am not perfect either – how do you think I know all of this?

Very often the hallucination is based precisely on the idea that a miracle is waiting for us somewhere down the road. Nothing wrong with having hope, but it’s unproductively seductive to anesthetize the questions of today with a magical world in another timeline.

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  1. Guille

    Truths like fists…good job teacher…thanks….

    1. Truth Seeker Post author

      Thanks, bro.

  2. John

    Often it is necessary to say what we all know deep inside but do not want to admit…..Thank you!

    1. Truth Seeker Post author

      Bein cynical is sometimes the remedy you need to keep pushing.

  3. Lee

    What is your name on Getbig?

    from another Getbigger.

    1. Truth Seeker Post author

      it was Marine something, but I got banned many years ago.

      1. Lee

        It is almost impossible to get banned there. You must have really pissed someone off.

        1. Truth Seeker Post author

          I have a tendency to do that.

          1. SamS

            I was almost going to comment to this before Truth did. My comment would’ve been that there are levels to that shit, and Truth is on another level 😀

  4. Victorio

    Great article , I recall once you wrote “ you awoke one night , about 2am , because of a weird sound and found some construction workers repairing a street “ but o matter how early they get up for work there not going to become rich ! So true

    1. Truth Seeker Post author

      Yes. I remember that too. But I think they were throwing the garbage out. Still the point stands.

  5. Aoi

    Giving up on my unreal hallucinations, is the best thing i did for my well being.
    I guess it goes deeper than i thought, i mean: people are conditioned to think that they are special and everyone can “Make it” in the world, but that is a lie, and the sooner we wake up from this lie, the better.

    1. Truth Seeker Post author

      Some healthy level of delusion is necessary to function properly, especially in hard times, but I guess in many cases, our image of the world and our possibilities in it is just too far from reality.

      1. Aoi

        How could one wake up, if he / she is holding on to delusions ?

  6. SamS

    This is all true. I had a colleague who worked in the same company with me for years. At one point because of customer contracts etc. she got the shorter straw when it came down to salary. Naturally when she realized that many people in the team had a better salary than her, she became very bitter. But to get a raise, her only claim was that she had already worked in the company so long. Of course, that was understandable for her to think so, but the thing was that she never did anything more than the absolute minimum required. And she also did that in a manner where other people had to stretch in their roles for the service to run smoothly, she often vanished when something business critical appeared.

    Maybe in the past, at least in my country, people got different type of salary raises when time went by, but I don’t really think that as a good reason to raise salary, at least not very drastically. Lately I’ve seen people to come to our company, and pretty much in few months they’ve managed to climb the ladder a lot higher than the mentioned colleague of mine. It didn’t take much time for them, but it did take reasonable effort, and they did take the responsibility of things.

    1. Aoi

      That is how things should be ! You work hard = Get a raise, You lazy = get fired, no raise.
      Women talking about “equality” all the time, but they don’t have the physical and mental capacity to even take a chance versus a man.

  7. Tommy

    Could you do a post on the carnivore diet and if its legit for success in life or is it a typical omnivore diet the best you get ?

    1. Dan K

      A really bad diet (eg only carrots) can ruin you. But, assuming you are able to maintain a healthy weight and exercise somewhat regularly, a bad diet will have a small negative effect and a good diet will have a small positive effect. Small is the key word. Doesn’t really matter how good your diet is. Food can only go so far. Sorry. Only the really bad diet will have any impact on “success in life” since you will be lacking in essential nutrients and maybe need hospitalization.

      My suggestion is to eat everything (unless you have an allergy to it) in a moderate and sane way. Any diet that cuts out entire food groups that are a normal part of human eating is probably not sane.

      1. Tommy

        Would you say that diet/ the food you eat is important/ vital for looks in terms of face ? Like to an extent is diet really going to significantly improve your facial looks from 15% body fat to 12% body fat if you lack facial bone mass and structure ?

        1. Dan K

          No. Again, assuming the diet is not really bad/insane, any dietary pattern can be used to go from 15% to 12%. The only thing that is needed is establishing a caloric deficit to lose the weight. Any diet that claims to make you lose weight/fat without a caloric deficit is a lie. You may or may not be counting the calories but without a deficit you will not be losing weight.

          It doesn’t matter at all what kind of diet you use to get to 12%. You will look the same regardless of how you got there.

          Will your face look better at 12% than 15%? It depends. Usually leaner faces look better but there are always exceptions. I have ears that stick out so I look more goofy as I get leaner since they seem to stick out even more. I don’t care though. Being too lean isn’t great for your looks either. You may look emaciated or sick. But in most cases 12% is fine but only a small improvement from 15%. Getting leaner won’t grow your jaw or increase the bone structure obviously. It will just expose what’s already there underneath. If that’s something weird or awkward, well, it will look weird and awkward.

          For example, I myself used a diet very heavy in milk and dairy to get to 10% body fat. Dairy is often associated with weight gain and “bloating” but that doesn’t matter. I was in a deficit so I lost weight and got to 10%.

          The only real exception is some allergy where a specific food causes swelling. That would obviously be bad for your face.

          Also be aware the a real 12% is leaner than most people think. Most regular bros or even gym bros are not walking around at 12-15%. It’s more like 20%+. I had multiple visible veins on my abdominals at 10%.

          1. Tommy

            I see so basically theres no point of dropping below 15% body fat as theres not much significant improvement or change in facial attractiveness since bone structure is already revealed at that level ? (15% body fat)

            Also is natural lifting worth it for getting girls ? Like gaining enough muscle to have a Asethetic physique

    2. Truth Seeker Post author

      It’s legit. But keeping the carbs at 50-80grams and filling the rest with protein and fats from animal sources is the wisest middle ground. 0 carb is too hard on the psyche.

      1. Tommy

        I may just eliminate vegetables from my diet, and eat animal based with some carbs coming from fruits and rice.

        1. Dan K

          Yes, around a true 15% you will get good visibility of the bone structure. Some people can benefit at lower percentages but it’s diminishing returns generally and becomes negative returns when people start thinking you look sickly.

          Truth is right to say avoid zero carb. Not a natural state and it will have bad effects on your brain. Low carb makes it easier to eat fewer calories. Personally though, I prefer calorie counting. I’ve used it with great success to get to 10% with razor sharp abs (for a natty of course). The other benefit is that I can eat anything I want, I don’t have to worry about macros too much, only calories. I eat 300+ grams of carbs and lots of dairy like I said. The downside is it takes some time each day to do the counting. But if you’ve been eating that way for years like me, it’s only 5 or 6 minutes more. And sometimes it is difficult to figure out how much calories something has.

          I do not recommend cutting out vegetables. They’re low in calories and high in nutrients so you don’t gain much by cutting them out. You don’t need to eat a ton of vegetables. But eat some.

          In general “cut out X food group” is a bad approach and indicative of a fad diet. Moderation and sane eating choices is a much more intelligent approach. Just less sexy but it will pay off better.

          You can cut out alcohol entirely though and that won’t hurt you much (maybe socially)

          1. tommy

            Nice, how much protien did you consume on a cut and how much protien is ideal to lose fat without losing muscle ? Is 750 caloric deficit daily too much as well ?

            And is 24lbs of pure muscle gain possible in the first two years of natural lifting ?

    3. bravo

      Bro a diet eating only animal body parts isn’t good for your health nor the animal’s. Obviously I’m bias since I’m vegan for over 10 years, but yeah I am against all animal torture including ones for food.

  8. Dan K

    For my cut, I ate 3500 cal and about 250g protein, 350g carb daily. Keep in mind I am tall and I did a lot of very intense cardio every day so your numbers will probably be lower. My diet was open to everything but generally I kept carb and protein intake high, fat slightly lower. The higher carbs helped me to do long and intense cardio sessions. But your approach can be different if you intend to do less cardio or have a harder time with lower fat foods. Just remember that ultimately calorie intake alone determines if you’re losing or gaining weight.

    I don’t think there’s an ideal amount of protein but you can aim for 1g/lb of bodyweight. For me, I went higher than that because I would eat a lot of very lean steak. But I’m sure the result would have been the same with slightly less protein. I started my cut at 200lbs and ended at 175lbs btw when I did a DEXA scan that showed 10%. Then I simply maintained around this weight afterwards.

    I’d start with a 500cal daily deficit at most. Less for smaller guys or those who only want to cut a little bit. Slow and smooth means less of a shock to the system. Be sure to know what your current baseline is. Don’t just put the numbers into some calculator online. Instead eat normally for a week and count/approximate your calories like that.

    24lbs of contractile tissue (which I assume is what you mean by pure muscle – not counting water) in 2 years could perhaps be done if they’re very much a total newbie and starting out underweight. Definitely not likely for someone who isn’t underweight starting out. I experienced something like that but I was 187cm and 130lbs starting out. I had been undereating for years prior to starting. 24lbs overall lean gain (including water) is definitely more realistic though.

  9. Andre Dias

    Carnivore diet is not what people think it is, carnivores in nature eat whole animals. When we eat only “lean beef”, we are not getting enough for our body, despite what the “real man dad bod” says

    1. tommy

      I guess any diet that is extreme is going to have concerns, i personally am on a strict $100/a week budget weekly so i spend money evenly with my food.

      $50- Ground Beef
      $10- Eggs
      $5- Butter
      $2.50- Beef Liver
      $2.50- Fruit
      $5- Rice
      $5- Brocolli
      $5- Cheese
      $5- Fish
      $10- any other ingredients

  10. dr Deka

    If someone did not have a girlfriend at 10 or 20, he will be probably alone at 30 and 40. They do not like you, despite your self improvment.

    1. Tommy

      Damn straight up brutally honest… its probably due to being looks mainly being genetics (face, height and race)

    2. Aoi

      I might add that, it does not even matter if you are training or not! because beauty is genetic. And you can reach your genetic potential by just going to work and function (not be in front of computer all day)

      1. Tommy

        I 100% agree, just as long as your getting 5k-10k steps a day, eating healthy and sleeping enough your good.

    3. Truth Seeker Post author

      Not always true. Some people can blossom later in life. But yes, in some occasions, this is indeed the case as there is an obstacle (physical/mental…etc.) that is just impossible to overcome.

      1. Tommy

        I think it is genetics tbh, all the chads such as sean o pry got rich and famous when they were just 18 getting to travel the world, adventure, live life comfortably, his salary a year was $1.3 million all stemming just from his face alone and nothing more. Or even the infamous case of jeremy meeks a person who beat a child and went to jail and got rich and famous after his mugshot.

        Natural lifting and even steroid lifting just seem to be cope in general for vast majority of us in the male population because we are not like the genetic elites.

        1. Aoi

          Tommy man, i know what you mean, i don’t want to sound like a doomer, but, this world has become a meme, if you are a average person is not enough, and even people with money don’t have it easy, look at that guy P. Diddy, that man had it all and became perverted and crazy, and now he is in jail.

          1. Tommy

            Money means nothing anymore because looks is most important in life, the author should make a post about looks on this site because its so important that as a average man you are simply invisible to women even with some money, status and game. Muscle’s don’t matter to girls because they find it non-genetic to pass to their kids also scientifically girls are only attracted to a mans face, height and most importantly race. It’s not sounding like a doomer it’s just acknowledging the truth and moving on with it. In this life its all about. L O O K S

      2. Aoi

        Truth Seeker, bro 2021 i was doing 10 pull ups, 5 dips, around 20 push ups, and some dumbbells for arms. Now i am at; 20 pull ups, 15 – 20 dips, 30 push ups, and doing dumbbells for biceps and tri’s with around 10kg,s and i look the same, as before. I mean should i even bother with training anymore, or just do some maintenance work once a week?

        1. SamS

          Obviously, I’m not Truth but Truth has written a lot about this. Unfortunately, I can’t really remember / recommend too many articles (you will find many by searching the site)., but I’ll try to answer something along the lines that I imagine Truth would say. Basically, from what you wrote, you’ve arrived. Truth has recommended numbers for how much you should be able to do for example pullups, dips and pushups, and you’ve reached those. You’re already able to do even more than that. Especially with pullups. Heck, even Jasper Benincasa, one of the greatest pullup guys in the history, said that after you hit the 20-pullup mark, you should forget about regular ones and start doing other kind of pullups (one arm stuff and / or weighted). As a caution, it’s good to remember that numbers can be deceive too, so 10 pullups may mean a completely different kind of a thing for two different guys, it’s more about what goes into those numbers.

          But from where you are, you can proceed in two ways. You may want to specialize on something (arms etc.) if you feel like you want to do that. Then again if you want to stay where you are, you can enter the maintenance mode. For that, there’s and all time classic in this site: https://nattyornot.com/the-art-of-training-as-little-as-possible-solid-gains-minimal-effort/. Anyways, as a natty, you have probably gained most of what you will gain. So, the rest is up to you.

          When I hit those recommended numbers long ago, I changed to maintenance mode where I emphasise arms. So, pullups and pushups I always do limbs close variations to hit the arms more. Otherwise, it’s the same thing day in day out. Occasionally I test my one set max numbers so that I know where I am at. When there’s a possibility, I also use weights or machines but that’s a rarity. Pullups, dips, pushups, and Bulgarian split squats are my main stay but sometimes I also do one legged calf raises and bodyweight triceps extensions. Calisthenics are my main stay, I like them because they are so easy to do anywhere (I can do all the stuff at home, both inside and outside), save money and they are great for my old fucked up body.

          Oh yeah, if you want to do specialised work, you should check those mini-PDF’s that Truth has released lately. They cost close to nothing and the contents are great.

          1. Aoi

            Thank you for your long, and detailed comment!

        2. SamS

          No problem, I’m just glad if this helps at least a bit, food for thought maybe. My comments always digress and are too long but still I always miss something. Few more things came to my mind. One option is also stopping training altogether, but I think that most people here wouldn’t encourage that option, maintenance mode keeps the gains very well and easily. But worth while option is also to get on bar with the basic weighted exercises, bench, press, squat and deadlift. Truth has given good ballpark numbers for those too:

          So, quoting Truth from the above link, the numbers would be:

          “Realistically, most people will get most benefits of lifting by accomplishing something like this:
          Squat – 1.5BW
          Deadlift – 2.5BW
          Bench press – 1.2 BW
          Press – 0.8BW
          15 pull-ups in a row
          20 dips in a row”

          But yeah, that’s one option. Just remember not to get caught too much on numbers, they vary depending on the individual.

    4. Marian

      You are correct. But us women regret in our 30s we didn’t catch the good healthy guy we rejected, instead of being attracted to the dr#gaddict, alcoholic and abusive one

      1. TC

        Marian you seem to have good insight and accountability for your previous behaviour.

        Can I ask your opinion on the idea that perhaps the dating world, and the freedoms that it gives to young women to make their own choices (which I am not saying is bad thing) causes some young women to unknowingly sabotage their own future happiness (in terms of husband and children)?

        It seems that they are fronted with an absolutely bewildering array of options and some, like in the buyers paradox, simply cannot make up their mind. The more mature and emotionally healthy and intelligent ones realise this and also realise that if they leave it too long their options will start to diminish. So at around age 25 start looking for a husband. It works out well for these ones.

        Reason I ask is because as a divorced 47 yo I seem to come across A LOT of women in the 30-40 age range who are frankly not much more emotionally mature than my 17 yo daughter; some of them less so.


        Nb I’m sure there are a lot of overgrown man children out there in that age range too, but i
        don’t date them so I’m only talking about the women

      2. TC

        Marian you seem to have good insight and accountability for your previous behaviour.

        Can I ask your opinion on the idea that perhaps the dating world, and the freedoms that it gives to young women to make their own choices (which I am not saying is bad thing) causes some young women to unknowingly sabotage their own future happiness (in terms of husband and children)?

        It seems that they are fronted with an absolutely bewildering array of options and some, like in the buyers paradox, simply cannot make up their mind. The more mature and emotionally healthy and intelligent ones realise this and also realise that if they leave it too long their options will start to diminish. So at around age 25 start looking for a husband. It works out well for these ones.

        Reason I ask is because as a divorced 47 yo I seem to come across A LOT of women in the 30-40 age range who are frankly not much more emotionally mature than my 17 yo daughter; some of them less so.


        Nb I’m sure there are a lot of overgrown man children out there in that age range too, but i
        don’t date them so I’m only talking about the women

        Sorry truthseeker may have accidentally posted this twice

  11. dr Deka

    The wife also left TB12.
    GOAT of goats, pick #199, quarterback, the supper ball hero, 28-3, all time cluch, millionaire, perfect haircut, six pack, square jaw.
    What do you average and above average expect????

    1. tommy

      Exactly him being high status, and rich even while being tall and good looking still gets left. That’s why I just spend most of my money on scotch fillet steaks (ribeye), ground beef, eggs, butter, beef liver and excerise for health reasons now because its futile to be lifting maximum effort for no return on investment.

  12. TC

    Let’s face it, hard work is for donkeys.

    Just doing MORE is facile.

    Finding something that works (whatever that means to you) and doing more of THAT is good.

    BUT be cognizant that what works for you now may not work for you tomorrow.

    Times change and it is always best to be ready for a change of fortune.

    1. Tommy

      Lifting weights and cardio everyday is the most facile things everyone does nowadays because of media, social media influence, and propaganda and your surrounding culture, many say they lift weights and do cardio for themselves not realising they are actually doing it for others and because others do it they follow the natural herd like a sheep and continue to be brainwashed and influenced by other people’s slave acitvities/session stuck in a man made room lifting man made metal or running for absolutely ZERO reason. Unless your a Athlete, or getting paid to do slave activities it is a endless vicious cycle of wasting energy, effort and time into something that does not exist at the end of that tunnel.

      1. Truth Seeker Post author

        You make some good points, maybe slightly too aggressive against lifting as it does have benefits (better to go deadlift once in a while than be a 300lbs video game wanker), but in general – there’s a lot of truth to that.

        Because we live in a “masturbatory” world mostly in front of screens watching other people do things and those same people watch others.

      2. SamS

        It’s stupid but for me it took decades to realize that I because of my mental health. Of course, being fit is great for many reasons, but for me that comes out on top. And to figure it out, I had to be mentally in a very bad place first. But yeah, there’s something about strength training that gets me going. I don-t really have any goals now regarding it, I just keep at the maintenance mode. I do train daily, (although very low volume) because if I take more than 1 off days straight, I start to feel like shit. And only strength training really does the trick for me, endurance stuff or anything else doesn’t really work, don’t know why.

        I don’ really do much of social media, so that doesn’t really bother me much. I do occasionally see some clips that my friend shows me, and that basically confirms me that I don’t have to be there 😀 One thing that seems to have changed at some point is that there is more stuff from all over the spectrum. There’s fat shaming, fit shaming, people who want to show off their great bodies, people who want to show of their fat asses etc. I don’t know really if that’s a good or a bad thing but each to their own.

        1. tommy

          Lifting weights is fine, its much better than being sedentary/ on the couch all day but as long as we accept and admit that it is a coping activity and not be deluded with our imaginations is when we are free from social expectations being crushed or feeing inadequate to meet some external validation when you will never get it.

          Cope is what most of us do, as a form of way to deal with our very existence of not being the top 10th percentile in looks, height, race, IQ, generational wealth, money and popularity.

      3. TC

        You’re correct up to a point.

        EXCESSIVE working out (relative to realistic goals) is stupid and possibly a compulsive mental illness. I don’t say this in judgement, I’ve been there myself.

        But I’ve been working out with weights for 30 years, every other day. Not only does my body not feel any different than it did when I was 25, but every other week someone accuses me of being “in my thirties”. I am a 47 yo single father.

        You also discount the fact that working out and exercising can just make people feel better, for whatever reason . Who are we to judge?

    2. Truth Seeker Post author

      True. Humans need a purpose.

      Just doing more works only for so long. Hence why natty quit so often. Eventually, they realize there is no actual self-actualization.

      One of the reasons why many smart people switch to bare maintenance and never look back.

      1. tommy

        Im still lifting but i now keep it simple with my workouts doing 3x a week and only doing these movements: Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift, Overhead Press, Barbell Row, Pull Ups, Dip, Abs and Chin-ups.

        1. Scooby D

          Bingo. It’s just maintenance after a while, as I said.

          At that point in life (40s on) the physical doesn’t matter as much in the sense that it still matters a TON, but money matters more (to have any leverage to go, be, impress, etc). The point is that if you are older and DON’T have money you missed that part of the transition, and you aren’t 20s so looks mean much less anyway. You needed to have already put in 15-20 years of fitness into the body so that the money part, which is the point of being a man, can then takeover but you don’t look like some fat version of Larry David.

          The major foil of modernity and feminist influence is that biologically we are made to be together earlier than anyone wants to admit, and women certainly are hot basically from 16-24 if they are good looking at all to start. Everyone after that is going to be less than ideal for a man, which is why we see so many single women (they hold out bc of career and fun) and so many divorces.

  13. Scooby D

    You have a lot of gems in many of your articles of this variety.

    “One of the reasons why many smart people switch to bare maintenance and never look back.”
    “It’s easier to find a responsive woman than convert a non-responsive one.”

    Once I got to late 30s or early 40s, it became clear that the most important thing OF ALL is what used to make the most matches, random or fitting: proximity. What the West lost, among probably 5 other things that hurt men more but women equally as much in different ways (since they don’t evaluate things directly, but by the surroundings) is social connections beyond schooling, which for some is done at late 20s, at latest. You can get the city life meets in late 20s and 30s, but by then it’s too late as all good women are pretty much gone. Then there’s no real way to meet young women or overcome social restrictions like age gap shaming.

    I’ve been fitter than 99% of people for 20 years, but I’m not big, so the best I can do is just look good in custom clothes, since I’m not BIG. How’s a girl going to know if I have abs, too? Does she really care? I don’t think so. But even a million dollar net worth is not something you advertise, so a wise man also will be left out in the wind if families don’t help stupid women make decisions anymore – and they don’t.

    As far as the responsive woman, it’s literally all based on need. And M:F ratio. In the west, they are backstopped by so much AFTER being given a salary, it’s pretty much game over, since only 1-2% also aren’t fat. The only leverage, and I found this out finally in my mid 30s where I was shocked how indifferent people were to a man who was at the top of his game, tall, successful, etc – is going to a place where there are women who actually do care and need you. I’m not saying women are different, they aren’t, but the surroundings are what differentiates them, beyond some genetic differences as well. There’s just no above average girls left in the west once a man “makes it.” Whereas in a place like the former Soviet Union, there are women that have all the traits you want, and men who either aren’t there, don’t have looks or money, or frankly don’t care.

    That’s the only leverage you have at this point.

    1. Dan K

      So you recommend to move to or visit non Western countries to meet women? Have you put this plan into action yourself? If so, what level of success have you had?

      1. Aoi

        I am from Eastern Europe, and i can tell you from experience, that our women and “culture” as a whole, is not verry different than yours (Western) So if you have any hope for meeting a “TRAD” wife here, i am sorry to disappoint you, but it is not going to happen. But if you want to be a sugar daddy to some w***e and get your bank account drained, then yes, you can do that, because most people here work for around +- (350), or (500) euro a month.
        P.S i am from Bulgaria.

        1. Scooby D

          You just have to find more godly people (yes, this is a problem, another issue with the post war population boom from the last century). I know people in Bulgaria, actually – you overstate what the reality is, but I’m sure there are many examples of you being accurate here.

          Regardless, the west is so bad at this point you can’t even pay for barely above average, and women only really want to get married in their 30s, which Truth Seeker rightly said is WAY beyond the wall. Men will have to pay with money or time regardless, the question is a) can you at least get a young woman and b) is the cost MUCH less?

          That’s the point.

        2. Dan K

          Yep, also from Eastern Europe but now living in the West. When I visited I was sorry to see, it’s much the same except in some conservative enclaves. Even there, divorces are starting to rise and seeing more people with tattoos everywhere.

          Maybe Scooby was referring to some African countries? Still waiting on his response.

          Humanity is doomed.

          1. Scooby D

            No, I meant some places in EE and Russia or the Former Soviet Union. If I’m not mistaken, Truth Seeker has heritage from there, but I might remember incorrectly. I think he also realizes that the only way out of such things as we are currently in is to re-adopt our Christian roots. The problem is that so many, and the weakest among us even more than they let on (silents and boomers) are hooked on materialism. They like to act as though the millenials or other gens are lazy, but they learned it from the system in various ways.

            I think a lot of people were raised, unfortunately, with issues growing up or parents who weren’t as warm, or around, as they should have been. My fear is that people won’t really revert, and women won’t consider humbling themselves, until the economy really goes to sh-t.

        3. Popescu René

          Same in Romania. A lot of gold diggers too here in my country.

    2. tommy

      Thats why the only leverage you have as a man is to be good looking facially, tall, race (be white), Neurotypical, rich, and have high status.

      1. Scooby D

        Yes and no. The problem, as is with most things on the internet, is that we don’t know who is talking or writing (like me here, for example). And most people are disingenuous or not very honest in self assessment. Also, let’s say I am what I claim what I am, and fit your description, mostly, but I’m not beyond a 7 facially. If I put all the other work in, and have high net worth, tall, smart (women don’t care about that), etc I’m going to have a fairly high bar for a woman I would commit to. Those 1-2%, and they also have to be young, are all looking at screens and getting DMs from rich men and good looking guys that will just hit and run, but the women don’t think about the future, so they fall for it. Thus, I don’t really even have a good avenue to meet anyone I would take seriously. The rest is crowding with simps on the male side, and 30-45 year old women on the female side, who are like working and “used to being single” which at this point basically means being a single man, not a wife who takes care of anyone. How you gonna marry a woman, or even LTR a woman, who doesn’t actually add to your life? We’re at a crossroads, gentlemen.

  14. Dan K

    Economy goes to shit?! Where have you been?

    Brother, let it completely tank. The modem economy is a complete farce. It would be for the best.

    1. Scooby D

      Dan, I get it. It’s rigged against most, or possibly that you can’t save and beat inflation with assets, which is THE game. The truth is that that has not changed the behavior of most, and certainly not women, yet. If I had any say over it at all, I’d wish everyone would turn to God and traditional ways of living, but I don’t. We’re going to have to wait it out and/or plan a life elsewhere.

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