Hardcore lifting produces big muscles. You become so massive that you need to change your entire wardrobe. When you return home for the summer to see your relatives, they think you are a movie star or a stripper at the wrong address. Your mom complains to Siri: “Search: my son is using steroids”, but she’s mistaken. The glory comes from the compound power that the barbell generates. The mighty milk helps too. It keeps you anabolic. Your friends are no longer your friends because they look subhuman next to you. Maybe because they are. You are a real man; they are betas.
Yeah. Except that never happened to anyone who tried to get huge through natural lifting. Exclude the imaginary man with 12-inch wrists that’s been residing in your head for a little too long.
Natties on a bulk belong in stand-up comedy. They get fat regardless of the data presented by the magical calipers of various bulk-promoters. The miracle quality mass never appears. What you get is a non-stop inflating gut, augmented love handles, extra lard on the booty and legs…a middle finger for your birthday, basically.
And by the way, boy, nobody cares that you sold your video card to finance your bulking journey. Nobody notices your sacrifice. In their eyes, you ain’t nothing but a sucker of the highest order. A low IQ pig that overfed itself. They don’t respect your effort – they laugh at you and think you are a joke. Women nod their heads in agreement. Their tits will remain hidden for you. They want a shredded brah with a male model face.
None of this would have happened if you hadn’t bought the lie. The lie that you too, Billy, can become a huge motherfucker by misplacing a barbell a few times a week. The lie that you can get what you want so easily. The lie that the original document leads to the reward. The lie that it’s all about the effort.
Do you know who else bought a lie? The nice guy who thought that opening doors for women will get him women. He listened to their stories while actively trying to find logic. He paid for the dinner, the movie and the taxi. He wore a tie and a stylish cardigan to the date and successfully suppressed the thought of sliding his hand over her leg because women aren’t sex objects. And what did he get for his efforts? He was left on seen upon asking for another date. She read his message while preparing nude photos for Graig – the guy who called her stupid bitch in public when she didn’t buy him the right donuts with her own money on her birthday.
Graig is an interesting character. He has wide shoulders, biceps that resemble icebergs and carries little fat despite preserving his high school dietary habits. To this day, he doesn’t know why, but he’s never experienced a shortage of women. He is all that a woman doesn’t want and yet the magic works. Just a few seconds ago, he received a new text from Brooke. It says: “Meow”. Craig is not a genius, but even he can figure out that this woman will be naked anytime he wants her to be. What he has a harder time figuring out is who she is in the first place.
Meanwhile, Mr. Nice guy knows the zodiac signs of all the ladies he’s been with. Sometimes he even likes their posts on Facebook. He doesn’t press the like button, though. He clicks on the one with the red heart. He wants to show effort. Cause as we all know – work is the secret to getting stuff.
The gym routines of Craig and Mr. Nice guy are different. Craig trains 2 weeks a year and spends the rest of the time surfing, eating chips and drinking beer on the beach. Mr. Nice guy has a training log thicker than the Lord of the Rings sequel. He is powerlifting too. He spends a decent amount of time bathing in dopamine triggered by clips of men willingly putting themselves under a mountain of steel.
Craig doesn’t really know what powerlifting is. As far as he is concerned, powerlifters are balding competitive hot dog eaters who don’t know how to dress. Normally, Craig doesn’t squat, but when he does, it’s never to parallel. Mr. Nice guy is so afraid of committing the same sin that he takes clips of all his sessions from multiple angles and discusses the footage with his nerdy powerlifting friends. Among them, Mark is the strongest. He was even stronger before but lost a lot of his pussy-pulling top end strength upon starting a diet meant to get his body fat in the low 30% for the first time. The diet is working. He lost a pound over the last three weeks.
To this day, Mr. Nice guy cannot figure out two things. First, why isn’t he huge? While he is certainly thicker than before, some people are still showing doubt when he is about to pick up the 19-liter water bottle at the office. He doesn’t understand why. After all, his deadlift is in the high 400s – no belt. “Maybe when I get to 500lbs, the movie will flip,” he daydreams.
The second enigma is why women don’t reciprocate. What does Craig have on him? Yes, Craig is 6’4″ and has nice blue eyes, but we all know that women don’t really focus on a man’s appearance. They care about their own looks and spend 1/3 of their lifetime in front of the mirror, but they only do it because men are overly-visual pigs. Besides, Craig is not really the type of guy to please a lady. His character is awful. He is violent and far from a gentleman. “I am doing everything right,” said Mr. Nice guy. “Why can’t they love me!?”
The two dilemmas of Mr. Nice guy have a similar route. His biggest mistake is accepting the mainstream narrative as true when it’s never the case. Mr. Nice guy puts his fate in conservative rules, but where do they bring you? If the commonly accepted path was the road to gains, the average person would have some. Yet this is not the case. Mr. Average is nothing but an overworked wageslave property of the banks. If Mr. Average had girls, he wouldn’t have to delete his browsing history nearly as often. If the usual natty routine was producing the expected gains, people would not care who is natural or not.
The mainstream behavior is deeply wired within us. When we face evidence suggesting otherwise, we need a very strong reason to accept it as legit. We don’t want to believe that there are fake natties out there…that our training sacrifice is not capable of delivering the hypertrophy we’ve been dreaming of. We want to hold on to the idea that the overtime in the office is worth something.
Same with women. The movies lied, bro. There are many truths about females that are too hardcore for the politically correct environment to declare. It would be the equivalent of admitting that the athletes have been doping since the start regardless of the trillions invested in prevention. The establishment will never do it. The fairy tale has to continue.
Why do the bad boys get what the nice guys cannot? Two reasons. The first one is that they protect their ground and create the forbidden fruit effect. Unlike the nice guys, they are slippery and do not bend to the will of the woman. They are hard to get and therefore desirable. Conversely, the nice guy shows that he can be had at any moment. This is the reverse forbidden fruit effect – you never want what you already have.
The second reason is that men like Graig do not hide their desires. If you ask for something, you may not get it, but if you never ask, you will certainly remain empty-handed. The bad guys ask. They get sexual and state their intentions. Meanwhile, the nice guys never overstep the official boundaries. And since women are expected to be the receivers rather than the initiators rarely something happens.
The bad guys are essentially signaling to the universe that they want something whereas the good boys want the same thing but expect to acquire it through the proper channels. Good luck.
Muscle mass augmentation happens on a similar principle. Men on steroids declare to the universe that they want huge muscles and do what’s necessary to get them. The good sons are after the same prize but follow a path that doesn’t lead to the honey even though it’s socially accepted and approved.
Twisted, right?
Very often, the nice guy ends up being friendzoned
Good article
Call me crazy, but you inspire me to work out even more.
Your articles are the continuation of Henry Rollin’s “The iron”.
Good work man,
Never ever stop.
What is the reason for that? Do you feel free after realizing the actual situation?
Working out something i enjoy for myself. It is the hour of the day that my mind gets clear. I just feel good stressing my body to it’s natural limits. It is a condition that i want in my day due to my job being something that requires me to sit in front of a pc for a big part of the day.
I always had thoughts quite close to the ones you are expressing, never even dared to express them to others though. When i read what you write is like seeing fragmented thoughts of mine come to life. It is nice that there are other people out there with the same mindset.
yeah, effort for the sake of effort brings happiness. I wish I could start training again, but the goverment built a military based near my house, I cant sleep because of the fucking airplanes. Nice article truth seeker, treat them like bitches, they love that, and thats why society will likelty collapse. What happens when beings with infinite desires let those infinite desires control them? well theres war, and things are not gonna be fixed with logic. Power is in nature the measure of what is right. Thats why the rich men keep making money, its all about power, they dont care about societys health, its all about ego, and we all are deeply invested in that game.
I dont class myself as bad guy your nice guy. defo would not hit women througth
First of all it’s a wonderful article. I really had to laugh while reading.
1.) I’ am happy that I started in the 70ties. BB was a subculture and not that boring middle class stuff as it seems to be nowadays.
2.) Never do it for the girls. Do it because YOU like it.
3.) Even in my place ordinary people who never red nattyornot or something like that and never lifted iron themselves begin to unterstand the concept and the look of steriod build muscles. And dislike it!
4.) I always had and still have a heart for the hardcore guys. Markus Rühl: One day a lady came to me and said: I know you from school. Now you are looking so ugly. Markus smiled and said: I have done it right!
True. But I don’t think it’s their nature. Meaning – I think they have been conditioned/programmed in that direction.
Human beings are programmable. Our preferences can be altered to a certain extent. Hence the different regimes during history.
It’s in their nature to seek the ultimate male, but the environment has its role too.
And whats the ultimate male? I mean even in chimpanzees the alpha is not always the biggest, but the one who has better social skills. I dont think that I have good socuial skills, i am not tall, 5’6, and yet, I aint lying, women who are taller than me had hit on me. I think it has a lot to do with the actitude, that and good social networking.
My observations say that women are extra bitchy about height.
Like always great article! Keep up the good work!
I can so relate to the article as a natty nice guy. But id still say being natty can get you women if you know how to act
You are on your way to realising the nature of women, dude. However, you miss two very important factors when it comes to attraction.
You can sum both up as bone strucure.
You can play the bad boy role all you want but unless you have proper looks, forget it. Good looking nice guys can (and they do) do well. Good looking + the right amount of “bad boy” personality = slayer.
He mentioned face and height briefly in the article:
“What does Craig have on him? Yes, Craig is 6’4″ and has nice blue eyes”
Briefly mentioning them and not putting them in the summary of the most important things (saying what you want, holding your ground) doesnt do them justice.
Yeah if you are ugly you have to have more bad boy aura around you, but its not like you wont get any girls if you are just average looking (and natty people can look pretty good if not too massive).
Average looking guy with the baddest alpha attitude and tons of cash will get more pussy than a model with incel mentality.
Do you realize what you just said? Model with incel mentality? Bro, there is no such a thing. Its like saying millionaire with poor mans mentality.
Also would say that money, especially self made give you by default alpha attitude. Success naturally makes think high of yourself.
hilarious comment from a guy called “BoneIsEverything”
bone > personality
Thank you, Jizz! ( :
Great article man! Laughed my ass off 🙂
It was fun writing it too.
^^^ But his article says EXACTLY this!!! ^^
you are right and wrong truthseeker dude. There’s nothing wrong with being nice, it all comes down to knowing what to do. the biggest problems with this world is…
1.not everybody knows everything.
2. Those that do know rarely speak about it.
In general, yes. But people take advantage of you when you are nice.
Did you ever read the book “No More Mr. Nice Guy” by Robert Glover?
It explains how nice guys aren’t really nice, but are in fact manipulative due to traumatic events during their childhood.
Haven’t read it. But I can see how your upbringing makes you a nice guy. I don’t think nice guys are manipulative. This is simply the way they know. When I was nice, I wasn’t really trying to be manipulative.
If you ask me, you become manipulative when you try to be a fake alpha bad boy.
I became “bad” after being hurt a few too many times.
Did it help you with women when you became bad?
The very same dynamics exist amongst females too!
I stand amazed at males who get hurt by females requiring these mythical qualities to get undressed. Um, it works both ways!
Males and females are as bad as each other. Sure, men may get a semi attractive female, but constantly hankering and trying for an alpha female.
Females are usually more content settling in with Mr Nice Guy. Males are less content to settle for Ms Nice Girl.
I was nice and kind guy. And also I have read that book. Saying that nice guys are manipulative is redundant since everybody is manipulative in one way or another. Ofc there is “good” and “bad”. Also being manipulative is not necessary bad trait, you can manipulate people for good.
Anyway I would say for me that going from good guy to cunning and egoistic manipulative guy helped me a lot with girls.
Females are usually more content settling in with Mr Nice Guy.
This is the response
Haha, nice responce.
Always a great read but i feel you’re getting repetitive. New content please.
Been reading your work for a few years now. Another great Post!
man, i enjoying lifting weights like i enjoyed playing video games back in the day (like 10 years ago). i feel the same thing, the same happiness. so is it can be a right thing that if i say “i lift for my self ?” even tho so much people says “you’re not lifitng for yourself, you lift for girls unconsciously” ? playing video games didn’t get me girls, but i kept playing it anyway. same goes to lifting, i still dont have a girl, but i just want to lift.
how is it man? :-/
and one more case, i love playing death metal music (i play guitar and write a song an music when i was in high school), i did it, because i love it. death metal didnt get me girls. if i wanted girls by music, i could just palying pop music like others if my friend and thet got girls. but i didn’t. i kept playing and wrinting death metal, because i was happy and love this music. same goes for lifting. i feel the same happiness and enjoyment making a lifting progress like i play death metal music. so i repeat.
is it true that i can “lift for myself” instead for girls ?
im reading bunch of articles in this site started from 1.5 years ago, but this is the very first time i comment. 😀 i always loving your articles Mr. Truth. i’m sorry my english is so bad and pathetic, i hope you understand my words here.
Thank u Mr. Truth.
dude where do you post your music?
i write metal too.
I can see how online dating can be useful for extremely busy people. It is a means to find a date that has not been in existence since the beginning of time. It is used with not much luck unless you have a good looking face and not short and overweight. The most utilized method of finding a woman in all history is to…… Get out of the house every once and a while and have fun hanging out with other people. You get to relax and women get to see the real you where you are more comfortable with yourself and confident. They are no longer looking at a face online, but a real person with personality and values they find attractive. Yes it is easier to click the mouse button and browse the options then to get out and meet people were other people gather and asking in person for a number, but it builds you up and lets others know what you are like.
There’s no such thing as a friendzone where nice guys are being punished for being nice. Bad guys get the girls in junior high schools because teenage movies and popular culture presents partying and doing drugs as “the shit”; when you’re an adult and reality hits you in the face, it’s not that black/white. If someone pushes you around, use them as target practice to train your own assertiveness. That will do wonders to both your self-esteem and your prospects for whatever it is you want to get out of life. The vast majority of all men will never be alpha men, but that doesn’t mean that you have to be an omega man. In chimpanzee packs, beta males also get laid.
I’m a nice, compassionate guy. I’m also socially awkward as f… sometimes because of my Asperger’s syndrome, but because I’m physically fit (benchpressing 380 lbs), dress well and have a well-paying job with a high-prestige master’s degree, I still have a stable, desirable girlfriend and I’d still get laid if I didn’t. Regardless, I’m the polar opposite of Craig.
Great article man, try getting a girlfriend while being nice is like trying to develop 20 inch arms without steroids, it just doesn’t happen.
‘Training log thicker than the Lord of The Rings sequel’ , that made me laugh rather hard. Keep it up bruv!
You guys are retarded. Woman only want money. Every woman has a price. Woman don’t give a shit about attitude or looks. That’s what moronic try hards say to sound tough.
Well, you could be the best looking man around, but if you don’t have any money or status, women will just see you as a novelty act.
If you are literally the best looking man around as you put it, and dress reasonably (which is not expensive), you will get lots of attention from women.
They might not see you as marriage material but certainly one night stand material.
Exactly. A novelty.
It must be terrible to have women only wanting to fuck you and not wanting to marry you. Can’t imagine anything worse, what a novelty.
“woman don’t give a shit about attatude or looks”
The stats of tinder have the opposite conclusion. All the men that get the most matches are attractive.
Attatude won’t matter if you are tall, handsome and rich.
Being rich will never hurt you. Being ugly will.
But you are trolling anyway.
Agreed BRETT.
Woman will partner with a guy who has money and status, and even willingly let him have sex with her — but that doesn’t mean she finds him sexually attractive/arousing nor that she lusts after him and WANTS sex from him.
Women are driven by (what I’ve been terming for the past twenty-five years) a dual bio-wiring (I’m age 63, so have had plenty of time to observe and experience women, and I realized these truths long before Red Pill, MGTOW, Rollo Tomassi, PUA, etcetera ) , one part of her seeking “security”, her other part seeking “good genes for her potential kids”.
Consequently, she needs a guy with enough sensitivity, money, resources, and status to comfortably support,her nurture her, and continually “improve” her nest, as well as a series of short-term sexual opportunities with guys whose physical appearance (their face, their basic bone structure, their leanness, their alpha attitude) indicates “strong, healthy breeding stock, so good survival genes for my potential babies)”. Women don’t want to accept about themselves that they’re NOT basically mono-sexual, nor admit that they’re only sexually attracted to a very few guys whom they lust after and crave sex with.
Meaning just because she’ll have sex with a guy who has money, power, and status isn’t necessarily because she lusts after him. Allowing him to have have sex with her may merely be what she accepts as reasonable in order for her to be with him to enjoy his money, status, power.
But a woman will lust after a guy who has those rare physical-and-attitudinal alpha qualities which she finds sexually attractive even if he doesn’t have money. I personally have witnessed women PAY for their own dinners, the motel rooms, all the travel costs, and do all the effort in order to enjoy sex with a guy whom they lust after. No long-term relationship was involved — she simply lusted after him and wanted sex with him.
I’ve seen guys beat women senseless and they ask me for help so I talked to them then they tell their boyfriends I’m the bad guy. And whenever I act like those guys (without the beating women part) I’m a creep or asshole or loser. That’s why I think southeast Asia is great. But you’ll see more jacked Chad’s there than a regular western beach and alot of scammers and prostitution neither of which I agree with. If you can find the right one there you can kiss western women goodbye since alot of those girls are still traditional and virginal until marriage. Just depends on the area. Japan to me looked like modern Sweden or France. I’d avoid China they really do not like foreigners much there.