Author Archives: Truth Seeker

Without Fapping The World Will Collapse (no fap = death)

| by Truth Seeker |

Do you know what’s missing from most men’s CVs? > Professional fapper since 12 y.o.  Don’t worry. Your mom knows, she is just pretending she doesn’t. The brutal reality is that fapping is the invisible “magic ingredient” that keeps this world from collapsing. And I am not joking or trying to construct some metaphor. It’s […]

Stoicism = Mental Degradation and Slave Ideology

| by Truth Seeker |

My take on philosophy as a whole can be summarized in one sentence: <<<<Everyone is a philosopher until life hits them for real. >>>> Stoicism, archaic yet new, is no exception. It’s one of those constantly shape-shifting ideologies that reminds me of Jordan Peterson’s way of talking—many words, little substance, constant mental stretching followed by […]

Somewhat In Defense of Cheaters (a strange angle maybe)

| by Truth Seeker |

Have you ever heard the saying – “If you want something done, give it to a busy person.”? It indirectly implies the existence of two Homo sapiens types – doers and no-doers. A person with a busy schedule is a doer and more likely to get something extra done than a no-doer who has all […]

The Farming Method For Getting Out of a Hole (the only way I know how)

| by Truth Seeker |

People rarely get depressed because of a bad situation.  True depression comes because you can’t see a clear path out. Despite what motivational speakers (and their modern equivalents) are saying, it’s not so easy to dig yourself out of a hole even if you are willing to do the work. When you want to escape […]

Why I Don’t Go To Therapy

| by Truth Seeker |

Therapy is practically useless and impotent in most cases. It can’t solve your problems but can ironically augment them and slow down healing. It could also be an immoral business. Talking About Your Problems Is Helpful But Only To a Point The main value of therapy is that you export some of your thoughts and […]

The DiCaprio Delusion (the male wall is realer than they tell you)

| by Truth Seeker |

They are selling you a fake dream….again.  One of the consistent narratives in the manospherific community is that males become more valuable as they age….and therefore you can still win the game as an older man. I’ve heard some of the gurus say that even 60+ men in their “private cold approach group” are “killing […]