Tag Archives: training

5 Reasons Why Dorian Yates’s HIT Training Is a Low IQ Doctrine That Only Works If You Inject Religiously (HIT tears are delicious)

| by Truth Seeker |

Dorian Yates has no idea how to train…naturals that is. The Internet is filled with clips of him trashing volume training, but the reality is painfully different, if you’re natural, of course. Here are 5 (high IQ) reasons why Dorian Yates’s H.I.T. methods are nothing but pretentious nonsense that doesn’t work unless you’re blasting a […]

How To Fix Skinny Fat (brutal truths but effective)

| by Truth Seeker |

Most people are SKINNY-FAT. I know because I’ve been there. In this post, I will reveal a method that will eliminate this issue. First, let’s present some hard-to-hear truths: 1. Most people are skinny-fat Skinny-fat is exactly what it sounds like – skinny (low muscle mass and tone) + undeniable fat deposits around the waist […]

Is Direct Neck Training Necessary?

| by Truth Seeker |

Short answer: The neck could grow from the total body tension generated during “global” exercises such as the deadlift and the rack pull, but that isn’t the case for everybody. Individuals whose neck muscles do not respond to indirect training and those who wish to maximize their neck size and strength will have to implement […]

Are Squats and Deadlifts Enough for Abs?

| by Truth Seeker |

Short answer: Compound movements like squats and deadlifts require а strong mid-section and spinal erectors. The job of those muscles is to stabilize the spine and allow efficient transfer of the force generated by the legs, hips, and back to the bar. The abdominals and the trunk muscles are the pillars keeping the “edifice” together. […]

How to Get a V-Taper Naturally (3 steps, scary simplicity)

| by Truth Seeker |

The road to a V-taper consists of three steps: Step 1: Lose body fat Trillions of pages have been written on the subject of fat loss. Yet the process is fairly simple for most healthy individuals – consume fewer calories than you burn. But the actual problem is not a lack of information. It’s the […]

8 Reasons Why Beginner Barbell Strength Routines Are the Worst for Aesthetics (and what to do instead)

| by Truth Seeker |

Contrary to popular belief, many of the popular barbell strength routines marketed towards beginners do not produce aesthetic (lean & mean) physiques. Those training methods have severe technical deficiencies turning them into factories for skinny-fat men with poor upper body development and viciously drained central nervous systems from heavy squatting and deadlifting. Here are the […]

Are Weighted Push-ups as Effective as the Bench Press?

| by Truth Seeker |

Are weighted push-ups as effective as the bench press? The bench press works. It has built a great number of strong and muscular upper bodies over the years. It’s also one of the three power lifts, and despite the effort of some strength organizations, the overhead press will not negate the royalty status of the […]

Feeder Workouts for Arms: Do They Work?

| by Truth Seeker |

FAQ: What are feeder workouts? Feeder workouts are frequent pump training sessions designed to massively accelerated the hypertrophy of a specific body part. The modern originator of the feeder template is Rich Piana who uploaded several videos on the subject. According to Rich, feeder workouts should be done the day after a hard training session […]

Bulgarian Split Squats: The Most Hypertrophy-Friendly Single Leg Lift

| by Truth Seeker |

The Bulgarian split squat (BSS) has the highest potential to produce hypertrophy of the lower body out of all single-leg lifts because: The difficulty of the exercise can be amplified to a very high level. The range of motion at the knee and hip joints is sufficiently long and can be increased even further by […]

Do Shoulders Need Direct Work?

| by Truth Seeker |

Short answer: The shoulders participate actively in pressing and pulling exercises. Many lifters develop decent deltoids without doing isolation work or dedicating a special day to the muscle group. But the high market share of the shoulder in big compound lifts does not make direct work obsolete. In some cases, extra focus on the area […]

Are Chin-ups Enough for Biceps?

| by Truth Seeker |

Short answer:  The chin-up is a pull-up variation done with a supinated/underhand grip (palms facing towards you). Subsequently, the biggest arm flexors i.e. the biceps receive a significant market share in the exercise. The contribution of the biceps combined with the ability to scale the chin-up forever by adding weight, turn the movement into a […]