Tag Archives: women
5 Fundamental Flaws of Dating Advice for Men
1. Corrupted sources A while back, I ended up reading a forum post by a 20-year-old man frustrated with dating. The response that he got was infested with so much nonsense that I couldn’t resist checking the profile of the main person talking to him. It was a beautiful blonde woman. Unsurprisingly, she was telling […]
Is the Red Pill Right About “Holding Frame” and Lifting Weights?
I have an extended experience on the love battlefield. I’ve done every form of pickup – online dating, cold approaches of strangers, warm approaches of former and present co-workers…etc. I’ve accumulated such a lengthy track record of rejections that sometimes I would be doing a mundane task and a long-forgotten date would resurrect into my […]
Can the Gym Turn Incels into “Chads” and Save Us from the Pits of Hell?
The term “incel” stands for involuntarily celibate. Some say that it describes a very small minority of men who spend most of their awake hours producing misogynistic content and playing video games while rotting in a dirty garage and heaving poisonous sighs, but that’s not actually true. The reality is that most average men have […]
The Entire World Is a Big Fake Natty on Steroids Put on your truth lenses.
The “fake natty principle”, an integral part of the human world, operates as follows: First, an image that binds to your receptors of desire seduces you. Then they give you a map that could allegedly help you achieve the presented form of success. That blueprint, my friend, is rarely working. They don’t want you to […]
5 Reasons to Keep Lifting after a Breakup (Even if you are natural)
Romantic movies often depict men as evil creatures who always find a way to hurt the feelings of their partner. Generations of boys have been raised with the idea that women are constantly oppressed by evil males too numb and sexually-oriented to understand the sorrow inhabiting the loving female heart begging for commitment and emotional […]
Why Pick-up Artists (PUAs) and Red Pillers Promote Lifting as one Of the Ultimate Solutions
The system is relying on a net of fairly sophisticated strategies to extract maximum profit from single men. The mechanism is simple and very subtle – various establishments create venues and blueprints that seemingly contain a pathway that could potentially produce the desired female interest, companionship, meaningful sexual experiences and maybe some of that mythical feeling known as love. The most basic example would be night clubs […]
Similarities Between Natural Bodybuilders Who Don’t Get Huge Muscles and Nice Guys Who Don’t Get Bitches
Hardcore lifting produces big muscles. You become so massive that you need to change your entire wardrobe. When you return home for the summer to see your relatives, they think you are a movie star or a stripper at the wrong address. Your mom complains to Siri: “Search: my son is using steroids”, but she’s […]
Why Do The Crossfit Ladies Look Like Men? Injections.
8 pack abs, cobra traps, a thick neck, bulging biceps, juicy quads, striations, capped delts, insane endurance, power, strength….etc. You would think that those are the characteristics of a male who’s been fighting gravity for a long time, but the same traits find themselves on women doing kipping pull-ups for a living. Let’s tell it […]
5 Reasons Why a Kinobody Look-alike Is Banging Your Girlfriends
Why “Game” And Lifting Weights Are a Scam and Don’t Get You Girls 99% Of the Time (let’s get to the bottom of it)
I have approached more women than most men I know. Probably more than you too. The process was rather painful but also revealing. I learned a lot about the dynamics between men and women and, of course, about the world too as I always try to relate everything to the main mechanism. My motivation was […]