20 Myths About Six Pack Abs

| by Truth Seeker |

Myth 1: Women are attracted to males with “shredded” abs

Many fitness enthusiasts start training to impress the opposite sex. They believe that having a set of solid razor sharp six-pack abs will “get them the girls”. This is the epitome of delusional thinking. Having a six-pack may be a bonus, but being a slave to your six-pack is hardly an advantage. Many females don’t feel well around males who behave like narcissistic bikini models.

Six pack abs -20 myths revealed

Bruce Lee is known for his sharp abs.

Truth: Women consider six-pack abs an extra, but abs alone are not essential. Variables such as money, character, social status, facial aesthetics, height…come first.

Myth 2: Training abs increases abdominal definition

If you want visible abs, you have to lose body fat. No amount of crunches, ab machines, squats, deadlifts or other forms of exercising will increase the definition of your abs as much as a healthy diet targeted towards losing fat.

Truth: Strong abs are more visible, but if there are too many layers of fat on top, exercising becomes almost irrelevant when a better definition is the goal.

Myth 3: Everyone can have a six-pack

The form and shape of your abdominal musculature are entirely dependent on your genetics. Some people have six packs, others 8 or 10-packs. However, there are also people with 4 packs and even 2 packs.

Truth: Abs come in all shapes and forms.

Myth 3: The Pavelizer of Pavel Tsatsouline is a good way to train your abs

Truth: The Pavelizer is a gimmick. It’s that simple. You can get the same or better results with standard equipment.

Myth 4: Six-pack abs always look good

Truth: Exceptionally skinny people often have abs but look anorexic and malnourished.

Myth 5: You can be very big and have a six-pack without anabolic steroids.

Many ignorant beginners fall into the trap set by the supplement companies. The industry uses the bodies of steroid users to promote stupid products, and many people are starting to think that they can be 240lbs/110 kg with visible abs naturally. It’s impossible.

Truth: You can’t have truly big muscles and a visible set of abs at the same time if you are a natural bodybuilder.

Myth 6: Fat burners will give you shredded abs

You can take all the fat burners in the world, but if your diet is not good, you won’t lose any bodyfat, and your abs will remain undercover.

Fat burners are not as effective as you may think. In fact, they are highly ineffective. The companies use enhanced fitness models to promote suspicious supplements. Christian Boeving, who at one point was the face of Hydroxycut, got fired immediately for admitting that he’d used steroids to develop his physique.

Truth: Your diet shapes your abs.

Myth 7: The workout program Insanity will give you abs

While Insanity is a decent cardio program, your diet is still more important. If you eat large meals at McDonald’s five times a day, your abs will remain an underground celebrity for a long time.

Truth: Exercising is beneficial when “shaping your abs”, but diet is still KING.

Myth: 8: 50 Cent go his six-pack abs from doing sit-ups

In many movies, the rapper 50 Cent is presented as a guy who loves his sit-ups and pull-ups. However, his body has not been developed solely through bodyweight training. He was caught using GH (growth hormone) and anabolic steroids.

What did you expect? How is the guy supposed to find time to train when there is so much money to be made and “bitches” to be “fucked”.

Myth 9: Abs can be isolated

Truth: Some exercises place a higher emphasis on specific parts of the abs, but at the end of the day, the whole muscle functions as one complete unit.

Myth 10: Training like the popular fitness models will give you insane abs

All famous fitness models have used PED to achieve their looks. You can train and eat just like them your whole life without reaching their level of muscular development.

Myth 11: Deadlifts and squats will make your abs super big and spoil your physique

Contrary to popular belief, deadlifts and squats do not make your abs crazy big. Of course, if you can deadlift three times your bodyweight, your abs will be thick, but you will still look proportional. The famous IFBB pros from today have distended stomachs due to growth hormone and insulin abuse. The phenomenon has nothing to do with deadlifts and squats.

Myth 12: Mike Chang’s six-pack shortcut workout is the fastest way to get shredded abs

Mike Chang uses annoying marketing tactics to sell programs and supplements of questionable value. Getting abs has always been done the same way – through diet and exercising. There are no shortcuts or Chinese secrets that will get you there faster. Hard work is the answer and paying for overpriced products has nothing to do with it. Shortcuts are over-hyped.

Myth 13: Women can acquire the abs of famous CrossFit competitors naturally

The CrossFit epidemic has taken over the world, and many females have lost contact with reality. There are thousands of motivational photos on Facebook showcasing CrossFit female competitors who have a full set of visible and deep abdominal muscles. Consequently, women are starting to believe that they can achieve that look without the use of anabolic steroids. Nothing could be further from the truth. Females were never meant to look “dry” and “shredded”.

Myth 14: Six-pack abs are a symbol of health

Many consider six-pack abs a symbol of health and strength, but this is simply not true. There are plenty of anorexic males and females who are weaklings with visible abs.

Myth 15: Visible abs equal strength

Visible abs may look impressive, but they don’t equal a strong mid-section. You can “invisible” abs that are pretty strong actually. A good example would be a heavyweight boxer or a sumo fighter. Their abs may be hidden from the eye but are plenty strong compared to the average human being.

Myth 16: High repetitions are the best for abs

Contrary to popular belief, performing high repetitions is not the best training approach for your abs. Countless reps fatigue the lower back and may cause a trauma. The best way to train your abs is with medium volume and resistance – between 7-12 reps per set.

Myth 17: Abs should be trained daily

There is no need to train your abs daily. In fact, it is counterproductive. Training your abs a few times a week will provide plenty of stimulation. The abdominal muscles may be tough, but most core exercises also target the lower back, which is the muscle with the slowest recovery.

Myth 18: Twisting to the left or right at the top of a sit-up will make your obliques stronger

Untrue. Rotating at the top of a sit-up will only hurt your lower back. You obliques receive very little stimulation during “the rotating” sit-up. There is almost no resistance. Moving from left to right during sit-ups is dangerous, and you may hurt your back. Instead, try the suitcase deadlift. Your obliques will hurt the next day.

Myth 19: Bruce Lee had the strongest abs in the world

Bruce Lee had strong abs, but many people have successfully matched and even surpassed his strength. In general, male Olympic gymnasts have abs at least as strong as Bruce Lee’s.

Myth 20: Abs are made in the kitchen

Technically, abs are not made in the kitchen. Abs are made by reducing your time in the kitchen. {evil laugh}

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  1. Adam Bliss

    I would love for you to write an article/book on how to become a successful fitness personality/online trainer without using marketing gimmicks and cheap tactics. Using solid, research based science. I would buy it.

    1. Truth Seeker

      I will definitely take this into consideration.

  2. simon prociuk

    probably the dumbest comment made in terms of bodybuilding was #5. Are you fucking kidding me? really? you think that just because someone doesn’t use anabolic steroids and has ‘big muscles’, they automatically can’t have defined abs? You need some fucking schooling. Anyone who wishes to gain mass can and anyone who wants visible abs can. (obvious exceptions)

    1. Evan

      Simon…your anger doesn’t make you right. If you think you can be a beast (like how outlined in the post, 240 lbs) and be lean enough for a visible six pack…you don’t know shit

    2. Matt


      You’re wrong and likely not natty if this triggers you.

  3. Farouq Omaro

    Thanks for the enlightenment.

  4. Craig Davis

    Who the fuck has a “10-pack”?

  5. MB

    Point 18 -what about the russian twist? Isn’t that a good exercise?

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