Tag Archives: professional bodybuilding

Mr.Olympia 2015: Was Phil Heath’s Victory Deserved?

| by Truth Seeker |

At the end of July, I predicted that Mr.Phil Heath is going to win Mr.Olympia 2015. It happened today. Cool, but was his victory deserved? Is he truly the best thong warrior in the world? Surprisingly, or not, the answer is yes. Phil Heath’s victory was deserved this year. I am not one of those […]

Why Isn’t Kai Greene Competing In Mr. Olympia 2015?

| by Truth Seeker |

A reader heartbroken by the fact that his muscle hero Kai Greene will not compete in Mr. Olympia 2015 contacted me. At first, I thought that the guy was trolling because I cannot imagine a Kai Greene in shape skipping the biggest bodybuilding event of the year. Therefore, I had to become an analyzer of […]

Can You Learn How To Train From Bodybuilders On Steroids?

| by Truth Seeker |

Taking advice from people who have what you want seems logical. When it comes to the muscle sector, however, it’s not that simple because bodybuilders rely on synthetic hormones to build their extraordinary muscle size. Consequently, their perception of what really causes growth is deluded. In addition, they have to be politically correct and always […]

Is Bodybuilding a Real Job?

| by Truth Seeker |

Bodybuilding thongs on the bed, steroid needles on the night stand, used bottles of testosterone on the ground, Viagra and a plastic trophy on the book shelves – this was the hotel room of Riki Pianola, a middle-aged heavyweight bodybuilder. After taking a shower Riki stared at his reflection in the mirror and began contemplating […]

Who Is Going To Win Mr. Olympia 2015?

| by Truth Seeker |

During his afternoon break Harry (better known online as TheBicepsFLEX-Killa) decided to check the new posts of his favorite bodybuilders on Instagram. Harry was a hardcore bodybuilding fan reading muscle magazines constantly. He was sucked deep into the muscle illusion and believed that most of the fairy tales written in those thong and bikini catalogs […]

Mr.Olympia Has Become a Best Gut Competition

| by Truth Seeker |

Mr. Olympia is supposedly the event that decides who is the best bodybuilder in the world. Apparently, looking pregnant is one of the requirements to fight for the title. Even the current Mr.Olympia Phil Heath is already showing a large gut. In the image below, you can see Phil Heath’s gut at Mr. Olympia 2010. […]

Ronnie Coleman Is Natural and Has Never Used Steroids

| by Truth Seeker |

Ronnie Coleman is one of the best bodybuilders of all time. He has 8 Mr. Olympia titles, and to this very day, his back development is unmatched. Many unaware fans wonder whether Ronnie Coleman has used anabolic steroids during his training career. Well, we have the answer – Ronnie Coleman is completely natural. He has never touched […]

Phil Heath Destroying The Haters Online

| by Truth Seeker |

A few days ago, Mr. Olympia Phil Heath made a series of childish comments on the Internet regarding the online haters and his competition, namely Kai Greene. Of course, nobody knows for sure whether Phil Heath is truly the person behind the comments, but the fact that he frequently posts selfies on Instagram and Facebooks […]