One evening on my way back home I saw a supermarket with a big large poster of a smiling chicken. I had to ask myself why would that chicken smile if it’s about to lose its head? The answer was, of course, simple – marketing.
Companies want us to see only the PR version of their businesses. As a result, we become detached from reality and develop clouded and false judgments. The system always pushes happy stickers in people’s face while hiding a blood path behind. The shiny packaging comes first, always. Since those practices have been accepted as normal, most people have forgotten where their meals and things come from. We’ve been taken.
As you can expect, the happy chicken model is used in bodybuilding too. The magazines rely on the physiques of professional bodybuilders to promote different products.
We see the 3D muscle fibers in shiny images, but we are not granted access to the true driving force behind the bodybuilding dream and lifestyle. How does it really happen? Are those powders the secret to bodybuilding?
At the end, the result is always the same – a massive amount of delusional people who think that drop sets will cause alienesque muscle growth.
Even if you do all the curls in the world and then steal some more from Mars – you are still not getting lean 22-inch arms naturally.
Today, I will tell you what’s truly behind the big arms of modern muscle pros.
As a permabulker, I was convinced that curls represent a dangerous sinful activity that could get you big troubles. I used to look at biceps curling the way medieval grandmothers treated masturbation.
If people around me were curling, I was staring at them like they were stealing from the poor to buy heroin. I was one of those guys who believe that you can squat and deadlift your way to big arms. By the way, isn’t this what the gurus continue to preach to this day?
Later, after destroying the chains of permabulking, I started doing curls regularly. They are boring, but I consider them a functional exercise since many objects can be carried only in a semi-curl position. (e.g., brides, boxes, TVs…etc.)
Sadly, I didn’t get big arms despite all the squatting, deadlifting and curling. To tell you the truth, at one point I developed some pretty impressive fatso pipes full of hanging triceps lard, but I wouldn’t call that an achievement.
Today, I realize that training has little to do with the arm size of professional bodybuilders. In fact, there are many pro bodybuilders who train like complete neanderthals who have skipped caveman school. Despite their poor training they still have big arms. That’s because the key to the arms of a professional bodybuilder is not really training.
What is it?
Your arm genetics can make you or break you as a bodybuilder. It’s not a coincidence that the current Mr. Olympia Phil Heath has exceptional arm insertions. The same can also be said about the most popular bodybuilder of all time – Arnold. Those individuals are blessed in the arm department. They were born with stones that could turn into diamonds with the right methods.
Drugs, Synthol and More Drugs
The main ”secret” behind the size of professional bodybuilders are not ninja techniques. I don’t care how hard you feel your muscles work during Scott curls. I also don’t care about the incredible pump that you get from using the advice of self-proclaimed training gurus who wear mini T-shirts and pin them glutes in the shadows while you are sleeping.
Training elements are almost completely irrelevant. You can change the arm routine of any professional bodybuilder while keeping everything else the same, and the individual in question will still have the same arm development. Why? Because the driving force behind bodybuilding have always been anabolic steroids.
Over the last decades, growth hormone and insulin were added to the equation and formed the modern bodybuilding look. That’s it. This is why professional bodybuilders have big arms. The pros get their size not from training but from pinning. However, they still pay a price because you can’t hide from the natural law. Abuse always comes with damage.
Another element responsible for the look of the pro’s arms is Synthol and other forms of site enhancement.
When people hear about Synthol, they immediately think of the oil bag idiots claiming to have the largest arms in the world. However, don’t let those images fool you. It’s possible to inject Synthol in a stealthy way. There are many bodybuilders who put Synthol in their arms while keeping the doses low. To the untrained eye and from a good enough distance, this is often undetectable, but the Synthol is there, circulating in their system like venom.
Drug genetics
There is a special set of genetics known as “drug genetics”. The bodybuilders with good genetics respond well to drugs and suffer minimal side effects, at least in the beginning.
Truth be told, most mortals will need new internals every three years if they were to follow the real drug regimen of the pros. There are professional bodybuilders who reach a very old age despite abusing every drug under the sun, but there are also gym rats who get on dialysis without ever stepping on a big stage. Of course, the repair shop of broken dreams is not marketable and always hidden.
Remember, if you want customers, you need a smiley chicken, not a crying one. The latter does not sell.