The RAW muscle reality in 3D
The following text is:
Not safe for home
Not safe for work
Not safe for the bus
Not safe for happy people

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The Superhero Business
Extraordinary sells. Ordinary doesn’t. Nobody goes to the movies to see a gloomy cleaner vacuuming the floor or a fat janitor with diabetes. That’s depressing. People don’t buy tickets to get depressed. It’s all about that special surge of euphoria in the cranium that only dopamine can trigger.
The result? Superheroes everywhere – on TV, in video games, on T-Shirts, on pajamas, on notebooks, on billboards. You cannot move through a zone designed by humans without seeing a few of those bastards supposedly protecting humanity from destroying itself.
The superhero effect is strong, very strong. By 12, the average kid has heard more stories about Krypton than the Earth. As always, the ultimate brain rewiring happens on a subconscious level.
The superhero propaganda suggests that there is something inherently wrong with you, STUPID HUMAN. Your genes require altering for you to become valuable. You are worthless until a spider bites you or a mad scientist builds a thick iron suit to protect your pathetic human body. Get this in your head and wait for the vigilantes to fix your world while you punch numbers in a cubicle, genetically inferior bio trash! You are nothing without their help.
Eventually, the kid grows up and learns that superheroes don’t exist. The lollipop stops working, and a sense of deep melancholy starts bouncing from one heart chamber to another. The pain is real but doesn’t continue forever because there is another form of superheroism keeping the dream alive.
Reaching a superhero status may be impossible, but you can still become a superhuman living above the trivial, weak and motionless people who no longer desire anything except a good game and an easy death.
”How can I become a superhuman,” asked the kid with eyes saying – ”I am going wherever the mission takes me.”
Becoming a Superhuman
Superheroes’ ability to escape the physical serfdom makes them incomparable. Superhumans do not have that kind of strength because no man can bend the laws of the cosmos. Therefore, the power of superhumans reaches their veins through an alternative route.
The legislation of the universe may be unbreakable, but that isn’t true about the rules of the human world. To transform into a superhuman, one has to become limitless in all the ways that the man bowing to the system’s decree isn’t.

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The Worship of Needles and Pills
Drugs seem magical compared to what reality, water, and vitamins offer us. The needle and the pill have been a man’s way to freedom and beast mode for a long time. Morphine, amphetamines, cocaine, steroids and NZT are drugs that turn pain into joy; weakness into strength; anxiety into confidence; inability into skills; men into superhumans. This is why we worship them.
When fans look at a bodybuilder, they say ”Damn. Some biceps!”
That’s incorrect. The right exclamation is ”Damn. Some kidneys!”
Steroids made bodybuilding and modern physical modeling possible, but people don’t know that because what happens in the lab stays in the lab. This is the where superhumans come to life. You get to see them only after they have acquired a marketable form that the masters can monetize. Upon completion, the superhuman leaves the factory, and his energy hits the human realm like a nuke.

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Recognition VENERATION
The life of the modern muscle hero is as mysterious to the average human as the feeling of flexing a shredded 18-inch arm with detectable bicep heads under the looks of ecstatic girls while barbarian subwoofers are lifting the club.
John Doe knows nothing like it. Walking around and receiving an unlimited amount of respect from everyone with a heartbeat is incomprehensible to a drone.
The primary power of a muscular superhuman is his unreal appearance. How you look matters regardless what the Little Prince says. The essential may be invisible to the eye, but the cover is still what attracts people.
We live in a looks-based society, kid. That’s why you have a front facing camera on your phone. It’s there to take pictures of your face and body. Your interactions with others are highly influenced by yours and theirs external qualities. Your image changes everything.
Go to a bank looking like a version of Harry Potter holding a lunchbox with your name on it and notice how people behave. Then, use your magic powers to transform into George Clooney or Arnold in his prime and go back for the same thing. They will treat you differently, very differently. The security guard will show you respect whereas the cashiers will offer to breed with you, tonight.
Instagram = Proof
Instagram acts as evidence of the high roller lifestyle. Who’s popular there? The rich, the beautiful and the muscular. People don’t enter Instagram trance on the subway because of ugly people. There is a reason why men resembling trolls don’t have followers whereas guys like Jeff Seid and Bradley Martin collect more likes than there are people in the world.
Can you imagine how it feels to have millions of humans bowing to your morning selfie? You tap two times on your phone screen and in seconds, thousands of appreciative comments start flying through your self-worth meter. The energy generated by your fans amplifies to epic proportions when you discover hundreds of messages in your inbox from extremely attractive girls begging to buy you dinner. The experience ignites a thunderbolt of delirium inside of you.
Constant online and offline validation is what turns fitness models and bodybuilders into superhumans. Men sitting on an Instagram throne experience sensations unknown to emperors, presidents, prime ministers, drug kingpins and even knights. People love the rulers out of fear, but no one forces the fans to like photos and comment. Yes, the brainwashing power of the system influences people’s choices, but in this case, it exploits the natural affection of humans for an aesthetically pleasing exterior. As long as you are outside, or on a device with Internet, you can access the love of the people. The high you get from constant veneration is unparalleled.
Where does this leave the ordinary man?
In tears.
No one worships the average male.
He posts to himself and his 1-2 semi-friends.

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Your Personality Is Irrelevant
Personality? You are using archaic words, man. This is 2017. Nobody cares about your personality. It’s all about that profile picture. You don’t get super likes for a pretty heart. You get them for a handsome face, shredded abs and big biceps. Something more – the sexier you are, the better your personality becomes. Beautiful people can do no wrong.
Women will deny it, but actions speak louder than words. When you are unattractive, females reject you. The only thing you get is some sort of condescending behavior.
”You have a pretty soul,” said the hot blonde girl, took the flowers and touched the short bald man’s head ever so slightly without removing her glove. The whole time she was wondering why the tall, handsome boy with big arms from work was not texting her back. ”Were my pictures not slutty enough,” she asked herself.
When women see specimens like J.Seid, L.Angelov, Zyzz and the likes, the animal desire awakens. There are no exceptions. Even those who are ”not into muscles” quickly change their mind and become into muscles. The money and the status catalyze this way of thinking. Who would you rather date? The short bald guy with good heart feeding the pigeons or the rich, tall, shredded muscular man creating sexual tension wherever he goes? Please, enough with the lies. It’s not even a choice.

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The Fake Saints
There is a group of people that I call the fake saints. Those men stay away from sin not because of strength, but because of weakness. Fake saints criticize the ballers of this world for their immature and materially oriented existence. When the fake saints see a manwhore they say: ”This guy is a sinner. He needs to find real love.” Then, they hug their ugly fat wives while subconsciously dreaming of rubbing against the flesh of a prime woman – the kind that waits in lines for the superhumans of this world. Deep inside the fake saints know that sharing a bed with a whale is not the road to heaven. Under the right circumstances, almost any man would become a manwhore, at least for a while.
Behind many comments criticizing the muscle gangsters of this world, you will find fake saints trying to rationalize their existence while hating on potential prodigal sons. The more I think, the more I realize that you can’t be a real saint without a past of sin. You cannot know the light without knowing the dark.
Your competition is not as big as you think because few people have the strength and courage to push through. Most give up in the middle – the scariest part of the journey – the place where you are tired the most and yet still far away from the destination.
Superhumans do not give up at 50%. Instead, they remove everything holding them back and go all out, knowing that they may fail miserably and lose. They act in the presence of fear and sacrifice secured mediocrity for possible greatness. This is what separates them from the crowd.
Love comes and goes. The need for money is always here. Even if you are single, you still have bills to pay and toys to buy. The good news is that money comes in abundance when you are a superhuman fitness model. You won’t make as much as a pro football player, but it’s still more than enough to live as a high roller. The best part is that you don’t have to do dull office jobs or work for a lunatic calling you at midnight to wash his car. You get to make money in the neatest way possible – through photo shoots and commercials.
People worship you so much that they buy every product close to your face and body. You make money by flexing your biceps next to a box with protein powder. How cool is that?
Meanwhile, the true natty is glued to an office chair or chained in a factory. His annual salary is a fraction of your monthly revenue.
Thanks to the digital age, the muscle heroes enjoy multiple sources of income. If your biceps are an object of adoration, there are many ways to make money.
Online $$$
- Start a YouTube fitness channel and feed your fans with muscle wisdom.
- Start a personal website offering coaching and nutrition plans to morons who still believe in the perfect rep range and the existence of ”hypertrophy routines”.
- Start an Instagram account and make money through product positioning and subtle sexual ads.
- Start a podcast. (Don’t forget to lower your voice with EQ to sound even more gangsta.)
- Write delusional articles for the muscle hungry boys and girls.
- Become a webcam model.
Offline $$$
- Pose for magazine covers.
- Sell fat loss gimmicks on TV.
- Become an actor.
- Become an escort.
- Make the sluts surrounding you pay for the selfies.
- Start a supplement line.
- Participate in documentaries.
- Distribute drugs.
While some of the activities do not look pleasurable, at least, you have many options. The potential for muscle-based income is staggering compared to the alternatives.
”How will they remember you?” is a phrase that freezes people instantaneously. It’s true that once you are dead, you are dead, but this question is not about what happens in the afterlife. It’s about the present and reminds us that clocks know no holidays. The painful truth is that people waste their potential like a drunken gambler.
Muscle heroes have this covered. They are unforgettable thanks to the millions of drones worshipping them. 50 years from now, kids will gather around the fireplace to hear the Legend of the Almighty CT Fletcher and Kali Muscle.
Meanwhile, no one cares about ordinary people. You may work at one place for 10-20 years and receive nothing but a fuck you for Christmas when you leave. I’ve seen it happen. Drones don’t leave a mark because they have never been alive to the required level. Their bosses treat them like printers a.k.a. disposable units.
The first part of this post glorifies the life of the modern muscle superhero. And while it’s all true, the coin has a dark side. Equilibrium requires tears. Everything in this world is constantly on the verge of becoming its opposite. Life becomes death, and death becomes life. If you want to smile tomorrow, you have to suffer today. And if you smile today, you will suffer tomorrow. Those are the rules of the universe, and as you remember, superhumans have to obey too.
A bill is waiting.

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The Pain of Today Is Yesterday’s Pleasure
The plan is simple. Inject. Lift. Attract. Sign autographs. Flex. Make money. Penetrate bitches. Dominate. Repeat until you are the governor. Smile.
It works, just not for everybody. Some end up on the cover, others on the kidney transplant list. For every successful pro, there are dozens of gym rats living with nightmares reminding them of the night the cold needle penetrated their innocent skin for the first time. They dream of turning back time and returning to school.
Many muscle warriors, whose dehydrated smiles are currently on the covers, will cry tomorrow. It’s called a hangover, bitches. You played last night, and now your day is ruined. You can laugh at me all you want. It’s ok. I deserve it. But you won’t be laughing at the face of the ultimate joy extinguisher – pain.
Social Media – an Imbalanced World
Remember what I told you about looks? It goes both ways. Men don’t like beastly women either. Obese whales just don’t cut it. Women have an advantage, however. They can lose fat while men can’t grow taller and wider. You are stuck with what you got. In other words, small tits will never be as disadvantageous as a small penis.
A long time ago, I set a date with a girl that I only knew from Facebook photos. Huge mistake. I got there first and saw her. ”God, I hope that slowly floating whale covered in a black robe isn’t her,” I said to myself. It was her, of course.
The thought of running away crossed my mind…several times. After all, she had lied to me. Nevertheless, I started walking towards her. The pain was increasing with every step. When I got close, I realized that her photos were more than likely 8 years old and taken from flattering angles. She looked like a different person. One had to dig really deep to detect similarities between her real self and the Facebook persona she had created through photo manipulations.
Social media allow you to do that. They create an imbalanced world covering only the highlights of our lives. We delete the ugly photos and never share the desperate moments. Unless you look like a high roller, you are doing it wrong, say the social media experts. Everything you post should support your agenda. As a result, the profiles of superhumans are only 50% complete. The other half remains hidden.
You will never see selfies of fake natties looking at you with kooky eyes powered by prolonged drug-induced insomnia. You will never see your muscle idols covered in an ocean of perspiration generated by fat burning drugs. You will never hear them talk about the pain and emptiness they feel from selling their bodies like a ladyboy. They will never tell you that their heart tightens before introducing a new compound or upping the dose. They don’t want you to see the wig. You are not supposed to.

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The Cruel Mechanism
A celebrity. A revolver in the palm. Brain parts and blood on the wall.
But why?
Mental illness and staged death aside, the main reason why celebrities pull the trigger against themselves is depression generated by demotivation and an inability to feel content.
Here’s how it works. When you are healthy, you take everything for granted. You don’t wake up and say: ”Thank you, lungs. Thank you, heart. Thank you, liver. ” If something is working, you don’t think about it. We only care about what isn’t working. We only want what we don’t have.
The effect? Advancement or destruction.
Dissatisfaction has a positive side and resides behind most achievements. As soon as you accept a height as a peak, the only way to go is down. Constant discontent fixes this problem.
What is the best way to maintain a 400lbs deadlift? To lift 500lbs.
The downside is that there is no end. What’s after 500lbs? 525, 550, 575…
Beyond a certain point, every accomplishment brings less joy. This mechanism applies on every level. If right now your salary doubles, you will be very happy, but a year or two from now, you will acclimate and return to numbness.
Celebrities experience over-saturation and burnout too. Their success suffocates them. What are you supposed to do when you have everything, and yet you are still miserable? What’s the point of trying when you know that nothing will bring you joy?
Overcoming challenges is the ultimate defibrillator.
Who is happier? A boy who has just hit a PR deadlift or a celebrity who has secured another movie deal? It depends on how big the challenge was for each of them. The common denominator is that in both cases the moment of happiness is a result of conquering an obstacle. The bigger the stumbling block, the larger the fulfillment.
The only way to move forward is to overcome the challenge leading to the next level. This is how you keep yourself focused and motivated. It’s not easy, but it does work. When you are not hungry enough to find the next beast, you break. Stillness kills you. Millions in the bank or not, this is how the mechanism works. Without battles, your kinetic energy dies, and soon, you follow.

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Mirror, mirror… am I pretty without tren in my system, said the mannequin to the ghost in the corner.
Every muscle gangster classifies himself as an ultra-special, hardworking unit above the average loser afraid to act and conquer. There is truth to this belief, but special? No. You are not special, junky! The physique you have is not a product of broccoli and squats. The thick muscle fibers covering your bones are the result frequent injections in your overworked glutes resembling a darts target.
What will the muscle heroes become without drugs? They will detransform into the same thing they were before the drugs – overcompensating, insecure manlets. Take their needles and pills away and watch them convert into skinny fat weaklings residing in a male organism unable to produce testosterone on its own. But since admitting the truth causes brutal heart cramps, they fool themselves into believing that their physiques are the result of desire and hard work in the gym.
Are steroid cycles hard work? Absolutely. It’s very difficult to pin for years without killing yourself. It is much harder than working out. I cannot deny that. Yet this doesn’t change the fact that the admired physiques in this world cannot exist without the power of synthetic hormones. A natural, special effects free, Rambo is an illusion.

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Lie To Live
Fitness models and bodybuilders must lie to avoid economic destruction. Consequently, they fill your head with illusions keeping you in the bodybuilding matrix.
The muscular superhumans know that supplements are neither required nor magical. They know that there aren’t any special training techniques either. They know that their extra muscle mass comes from drugs. In the course of time, the fake lifestyle gets to you. You become the actor tired of playing fictitious roles for a living. Your words are not your words. Your actions are not your actions. Your beliefs are not your beliefs. Your clothes are not your clothes. You are nothing but an illusion crafted by businessmen. This opens a void in your heart.
The lies you spread are not the root of the pain, however. After all, some amount of strategic manipulation is required to protect yours in this world. The real misery comes from lying to yourself. Those lies are cancerous and vacuum your heart into the nothingness.

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Two colors
Completeness has always required the union of plus and minus. Life itself is a connection of two opposites. Black and white dance together. When one advances, the other steps back. Yet like your biceps and triceps they hold each other at all times. That unison is what gives life to both and creates movement. To know the sacred, you have to know sin. To know strength, you have to know weakness.
Life has two opposing colors. One comes from the outside world, the other from you. Both contain a meaning, but in the end, they have to die separately and unite to form one that’s truly yours and leads to peace.
Thank you for this article. Once again you call everyone back to reality. It is difficult to find balance with so many distractions around. Keep up the good work!
Superb. Happy holidays, hater 🙂
Once again you have proved yourself to be a True Hater!
what a masterpiece man thanks for this great article
Really loved the article, exposes everything that is in the bodybuilding world and also the world in general. Just read all your e-books too, thanks a lot for making them available to the people like me who live in a third world country, like me. Keep up the hard work and the ceaseless dedication.
This article is cheesy as fuck. It has an ok idea, but you fucked it up….
Of course, the fanboys won’t realize this FACT.
I give you 2/5 for this peace.
Try harder next time.
What I wonder:
If they know that all pro’s use drugs, why don’t they arrest them. After all it’s illegal.
There are even people who speak open about their drug use.
And can’t they stop the anabolic steroid providing people?
What would be the point of arresting steroid users, or going after the dealers? It would take a lot of effort and expense and provide no tangible benefit to society.
Well… it’s illegal.
And what about the law and maintaining order?
Are you saying that steroid users create chaos and disorder? They don’t.
While it is illegal, there are literally hundreds of other lawbreakers who present an actual danger to society. Arresting steroid users who bother nobody would be like arresting everyone who downloads a song or a movie illegally, i.e. a stupid waste of resources. Either way, the maximum penalty is a year in prison (in the US, a decent lawyer can get this waived) and a cash fine.
No, I was just wondering.
Not sure I get this. You seem to condemn women for:
“When you are unattractive, females reject you.”
And humans in general for being shallow and obsessed with physical appearances, feelings of worthlessness, blah blah. Yet a few paragraphs further down you write:
“I got there first and saw her. ‘God, I hope that slowly floating whale covered in a black robe isn’t her'”
Hypocritical much?
I said that it goes both ways.
The fact that it is illegal vastly reduces the number of users. You can’t go into GNC and buy roids, you can’t get them from your doctor under ordinary circumstances. Thus, you have overwhelming medical and retail compliance. The only people who use are those who really want to and are willing to search out the gear. The government may go after dealers to some extent. But going after individual users with only their “rad physique” as an initial clue would be really expensive and time-consuming.
Pure poetry.
Echo this opinion!
Great post as always.
Happy holydays!
ThanX once more master of truth!!
Happy holidays everyone!!
Your are too good.too good.greets frrom germany
Nice to hear your rants back, had missed them haha. Happy holiday bro!
I have a question:
When you train you make progress.
After a while this goes slower and there’s a limit in what your body can do.
How is this with the drug-users?
Let’s ignore the side effects and kidney problems for a while… do they keep making progress in muscle hypertrophy as long they take AAS and train? Or does this progress (muscle hypertrophy) slow down too?
It’s the same way. Eventually, the androgen receptors get oversaturated and the internal organs can’t take the abuse anymore. There is a genetic limit even for drug users.
Oh, ok. Thank you.
…and the inevitability of that “Maximum Drug Limit Potential” for AAS being ceilinged is partly why the search for new means to circumvent the body’s limitations continues.
Growth hormone and then insulin were added to AAS when the limitations with AAS were reached; the feasibility of myostatin inhibitors are being researched now that the limits attainable with AAS, growth hormones, and insulin are being ceilinged.
Is insulin and growth hormone something different than AAS?
“I got there first and saw her. ‘God, I hope that slowly floating whale covered in a black robe isn’t her’”
Hypocritical much?
No hypocrisy here.
If he was hoping to see prime Monica Bellucci, or an instagram model then he would be a hypocrite.
To want to see a normal female no more than say 20 lbs overweight is not unreasonable.
“To want to see a normal female no more than say 20 lbs overweight is not unreasonable.”
To want to meet a decent-looking non-loser is not unreasonable either. But in the article it gets twisted into “women like rich men with developed muscles and ripped abs”.
No degrees of hypocrisy – you either are one, or ain’t.
Author obviously has insecurities around women.
I always wonder what kind of women he longs for. I see hot girls with sloppy, grungy dudes all the time. In fact, my issue with women is the opposite: I’m like, “Why the fuck did you settle.” Author needs to worry more about his lack of charm than his lack of abs.
“AAS” is an abbreviation for “Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid”. So, AAS means “steroids”.
The term “steroids” is sometimes used to mean “steroids and any other muscle/strength enhancing drugs such as Growth Hormone and Insulin”, but, “steroids” actually means only “drugs which are chemical relatives of testosterone”.
Growth Hormone and Insulin are not chemical relatives of testosterone. Growth Hormone and Insulin do enhance a physique but not in the way that testosterone does.
A term that means “AAS, Growth Hormone, Insulin, and other muscle/strength enhancing drugs (as well as other performance-enhancing drugs)” is PED, which means “Performance Enhancing Drug”.
Is growth hormone and insuline something ‘natural’ then?
Growth hormone and insulin are “natural” in the same sense that testosterone is natural — growth hormone and insulin, like testosterone, are produced naturally in the human body. Healthy human bodies need and produce all three, in limited amounts.
But, same as with testosterone, growth hormone and insulin can also be made exogenously, such as in a laboratory or in a chemical manufacturing facility.
What bodybuilders do with testosterone (and, remember, steroids are basically testosterone), bodybuilders also do with growth hormone and/or insulin: they take manufactured versions of them. Bodybuilders usually take them in amounts that raise the levels of growth hormone and insulin in their bodies to far exceed the amounts the human body naturally makes.
So, in the sense that bodybuilders use them to far exceed the levels naturally produced by the human body, their levels of growth hormone and insulin are not normal so not “natural”.
Thank you for making that clear.
Great post with astute observations about human psychology. Thanks!
” morons who still believe in the perfect rep range and the existence of ”hypertrophy routines” ”
Are you calling me a moron?
There is no perfect rep range just like there is nothing else in life is perfect. Even if there was one perfect rep range it wouldnt fix imperfect body proportions, your amount of muscle cells, your genetics. It would just build up what you have already and make it slightly better. We tell ourselves there are secrets just to make the truth we already know less depressing. Secrets trigger the imagination which creates hope. Hope makes tomorrow seem less repetitive. But in the end our lives can be summed up in one word ‘repetition’. At least we can only die once. Thats a pleasant thought. By the way nice article. But havent told me anything I doint already know.
What if l told you we die more than once?
I heard of something called ‘super laxo’, a plant steroid and not a drug. What does that mean?
Once spiritually, once physically. Or if you believe in Reincarnation which is both perpetual death and perpetual rebirth. Then you fall under the belief that life is like a continuing circular force rather than a unstoppable forward moving one. My understanding is as follows: If you walk circular around a tree and stand in the position you stood before you took the walk, you would be in the same place as you were a moment earlier. But time kept moving forward while you were walking, so you have not stopped time, you have just placed yourself in a past situation, But at the expense of more time. Death signifies the end of time for a being. So if time is a horizontal moving force that leads to death for all then the only way to rebirth is to restart time as if it were sand in a hour glass. But then are you really rebirthing or is time just beginning.
Man that was hilarious. You essentially write the same article every time, but it’s still funny every time.
True. Thank you for the support.
Great Work again!
The article is pretty negative. I think that’s a little regrettable because some of the athlete’s are also people who work very hard and are nice too.
I just read, “A Hater’s Synthesis,” first time I have read anything cover to cover since school (sad I know but I usually lose interest or get distracted). DAMN MAN….. That book should be required reading for all people….no, that book is a light at the end of a tunnel for those looking. Wish I had found it years ago, it would have freed me from the tail chases I had been on until very recently, (well at least the ones that dont propel us forward. I’m on a different one now 🙂
Do you have any other blogs outside of the steroid discussion? You should… honestly. Gets harder and harder to encounter other actual unbiased, self critical, THINKING people like you every day (and its just going to get harder in the future).
How have you decided to make your $$? Just curious, are you still an accountant/office drone? Nothing wrong with that, when balanced with perspective and goals, like mentioned.
One thing, I dont know how I feel about reconciling using roids and selling The Lie….. Honestly I think people who do that are SOMETIMES making a fair trade off ie, self damage for $$, but I guess it depends on the case….
Thank you for the massive support. I am happy that you liked the book.
Happy new year
any money people make is self damaging. make 100g selling realstate and you prob spent to much time away from family
Hi dear Mr. Nattyornot. This is me worldwide famous king fu master and wrestling-man Matt Furey. Im seriously impressed by your understanding of how muscle fitness wolrd works, and I like you to join my forces of spreading happiness and bodyweighted exercises. We need that young guys stop following those fake bodybuilding steroid abusers and live naturally with peace and harmony, like me and you do. I could teach you some secret monkey combat tips that I use in my everyday life. We could even become soul buddies and meditate in my “shrine”. I’m waiting for you reply Natty.
Hi bro. I hate you for talking shit about my training and diet. I actually once a day – a few spoons of camobodia spirits oil and 3 slices of bread. My training consists of 9999 pushups, 9999 pulls and 9 miles run everyday. Thats what takes to achieve as much as I did, douchebag. You just to lazy and negative like mosts nerds. I’m 54 and could easyli kick you fat ass anyday, boy.
Hershel was one of my heros growing up. Him and Walter Payton. I tried for one month to do the push up thing just to see how many I could crank out in one day. Sets of 40, 20, whatever…. the most I got was just over 2000. That is a workout.
As always, a fantastic read. Happy New Year
Great stuff as always !!
Good article. Totally agree about the facile insanity of the current vogue for the male body ideal and the peddling of lies to supposedly achieve it. However, things were not this way until fairly recently. Our fathers (well at least mine, dunno how old you guys are) didn’t worry about this shit. They didn’t care and so hardly anyone bothered with going down the gym. Bodybuilders were considered a bit weird. Worrying about your appearance to current levels was unmanly and vain.
The thing is, despite the “phoar he’s nice” comments about pictures of celeb torsos, women still aren’t that bothered by it. You don’t need a cover-model body to be with a woman you love. As long as you’re not grossly overweight, most women are not THAT bothered. Certainly other characteristics you might have to offer seem to be more important.
Ie. you can step off the carousel and fall flat on your face. You can, just choose to ignore it. Stay healthy. Do sports you like and worry about other shit. You call these people “fake saints” but you’re wrong. There are huge numbers of people who really don’t give a shit enough to get involved. Sure if you had a magic pill to transform them they’d probably take the bait but that doesn’t mean it’s eating away at their very core.
Quite us men went from laughing at the silly vain girls having to make up before leaving the house to spending hours in gyms taking drugs to “look good” I don’t know but hopefully we can go back to how things were in this repect.
Articles like this serve as an excuse for the writer (and some readers) for why they cannot have the life they want. The reason they cannot find a decent woman is because they are not a jacked & shredded fitness model – HA!
I’ll turn age 61 this year, so I don’t speak as a young guy.
It’s true that US men from my generation and even moreso that men before my generation were, generally, less concerned if at all concerned with their physiques when it concerned attracting women.
However…keep a couple things in mind.
First, while a guy’s physique is not the only or perhaps most important aspect to a woman, especially when she’s considering long-term relationships, nevertheless a guy’s looks ARE important to her. If she has to choose between two guys, and they are equal in the non-physical aspects she’s wanting, then she will choose the better-looking guy and the better-looking physique. Women often will avoid admitting this fact because of not wanting to think of themselves as “shallow”, but biology is biology. A better physique signals “healthy genes” and women are bio-wired to instinctively want better genes for their babies. Consequently, a guy with a great personality and great career but also a good physique has an advantage with women over a guy with a great personality and great career but a poor physique.
Secondly, before about 1970 (as a reference point, I was age 14 in 1970), society was still largely of the mindset that women were economically dependent upon men. That meant that a man’s potential and ability to earn and support a woman (and probably children) had to become more important to a woman than his physique.
Today, while a man’s earning capacity is still important to a woman, she is not financially dependent on men. Therefore, women are able to be much choosier about which men they might want — and that means that today’s woman is freer to “shop” for a man with not only a great personality and career but also with a better-looking physique.
So, unless US society economically reverts to women being dependent again on men as in my era and before, men will no longer get the “free pass as long as making good money” regarding their physique.
I dont know your age, but joe santus pretty much summed it up. The world has changed, and a big percentage of the woman’s population is made of phony saints. They play the virtue card but deep inside the new generation is basically totaly hedonistic. I dont believe that’s bad, the problem is to blind yourself and dont accept it (and I believe many people in my generation actually do that). And you are right, before gyms were full of steroids addicts bodybuilders were considered something weird, but nowadays there is a new “ideal” male role model, and that’s Ken Abs, I mean if you have grown being told that you can literally can have anything (im talking about tv here) a handsome husband, big money, and fame you are going to start believing it. I know plenty of woman who just go on in life changing boyfriends after boyfriends, it seems that they are not able to find prince charming. Men are infected with this virus, but I have noticed that men of my generation dont seem to be so infected with the I can have it all without sacrifacing anything virus as women, I think it has to do with tits (when you have tits people kind of like you more) tits spoiled humans.
And if you dont believe that that’s the new role model just think about this. When my father met my mother all he had to do was to prove that he was manly enough to take care of her in a proper way, now woman want something more, this is way you see so many metrosexual boys been born. My grandfather would have never got such ridicoulous justin bieber like hairstiles back in his day, or why so many woman chasse men because of status. The truth is that not everybody cant ride a lamborghini nor everywoman cant be a madona, the diference as far as i know is that woman dont want to accept that fact and keep believing they are morally superior because they believe that “daddy goverment” should take care of every single need that their children want, while men (at least a higher percentage) have come to the conclusion that you cant really have it all in this world.
I think Joe and Alphonse both have good points. Here is another way of looking at it that I think builds on your points. One phrase I have heard that I think is accurate is, “Women are sex objects. Men are success objects.” This is sucky for both sides and was arguably suckier for women for a long time.
The trouble now is that the standard for women hasn’t changed, but it has for men. A woman who looks good has a huge advantage in life. Since this comes down to biology, society can’t take this away from her. Yet it is now harder than ever for men to be successful. With increasing automation and competition for jobs, a lot of men are just left out. I think this explains the slow shift toward making fun of men and generally valuing them less that we’ve seen since the early 70s.
I do think also that there has been a subtle shift toward higher expectations of men on their looks. The whole Calvin Klein underwear ad aesthetic look wasn’t really a thing until the 1980s, whereas body builders were seen as absurd (I can remember my mom saying of them in the 70s, “They look like they’re tied in knots.”) It’s possible that women are now subconsciously substituting success in terms of physical looks for monetary success, or at least putting a greater emphasis on it.
TL;DR: The standard for women remains as achievable as ever (just look good), but the standard for men is less achievable and has gotten tougher (make a lot of money and, oh, look good too).
Hello, thanks for the article again.
I just have one (or more) simple questions, not mean to be offensive, just really interested in your answer: How are Schwarzenegger/Stallone still alive in their 70’s and kicking ass (Stallone currently recording Expendables 4), while my grandpa who wasn’t even drinking died at this age? Aren’t steroid users supposed to live shorter because of their drug abuse? Or were they smart enough to not abuse/take them in destructive doses? It’s hard for me to believe that all of this is because of genetics, great genetics of not – 70 years of drugs must do something to you, it’s just too much coincidence that two greatest Hollywood action stars both have THAT great organs to sustain, and obviously they are still taking. Thanks for answer/opinion.
Here’s the evidence you were looking for. Luimarco on YouTube put together this video, which is an endless list of bodybuilders who died young:
Most of these guys succumbed to some type of heart problem. Schwarzenegger himself had heart valve surgery in 1997, but that seems to have been congenital. It’s a roll of the dice for any of these guys: the gear and extreme bodybuilding practices like heaving weight cutting for shows do an extreme job on the body. Some people survive, some do not.
The primary reason some people suffer from debilitating medical problems and/or die younger than others seems to be genetics, yes.
Apparently, a person can possibly reduce his quality of health or shorten his life by unhealthful and physically-stressing behaviors (for examples, taking organ-damaging drugs, becoming obese, or avoiding exercise), but even if he had lived optimally healthfully is no guarantee of ” a healthy life until age 85″.
A friend of mine is perhaps one example…he came from a family of a father and uncles who all died before age 49 of heart issues. My friend controlled his weight, never smoked, never drank, never doped, did exercise, and lived moderately, yet still died of heart disease at age 55. By living healthfully, he did manage to outlive his dad and uncles, who hadn’t bothered taking care of themselves, but in the end, those family genetics still destined him to die far sooner than, say, my grandfathers, neither who really took care of themselves yet lived to ages 76 and 86. Perhaps my grandfathers would have lived to even older than they did if they had taken care.
Some have genetics that can tolerate the AAS and auxiliary PEDS so can live into their 70’s; but others don’t so won’t live as long. Presently, there’s no way to predict who can or cannot.
And, as strong as his genetics seem to be to have been able tolerate years of AAS, someone like a Schwarzenegger might be able to have lived even far longer if he never took AAS.
Hey men, what a great job have you done, I enjoy every word you said.
I would really like to know the kind of books you have been reading
Thx for everything, 🙂
Keep it up
Thank you for the support. The last book I read was Ask The Dust by John Fante.
Yes, good observations. Another example of troublesome genes is Arthur Ashe, the tennis champion. He was in awesome shape but started having chest pain one day. He couldn’t understand what it could be. Well, it was a heart attack. He was just 36. He died at age 49, albeit of AIDS (not sure if that was from blood products or what).
Hi Hater,
I read in earlier post that you were going to do hyperextensions and then test whether they improved your deadlift.
Curious for an update on that?
Hello Truth Seeker, this article is pure genius in my opinion. For those individuals with a degree of insight, intellect and integrity they will appreciate the subtle messages you are trying to convey in your pieces of work. Some may say you are being nilhistic in your approach but I think those words you use are the bitter truth and subsequently are difficult to digest for a minor proportion of your readers.
I am a doctor in the NHS working in Cardiology and at this point in time my career is static so your theme/paragraph around overcoming challenges and defibrillator (excuse the pun) was so heartening and refreshing to read.
You strike me as a chap with a depthless mind who always has thought provoking ideas no matter what the subject may be. Just wanted to say continue the excellent work and don’t let a few intellectually challenged individuals demotivate you.
Kind Regards
Dr Mithilesh Joshi
This is a comment that l will remember for my entire life.
Thank you for the support.
quick question: Are these guys natty or not?
Key signs I notice. 3D shoulders are my number one go to sign that I look for in people that I think are on steroids. Since there are more androgen receptors in the shoulder area. Yes it is very tough to tell who’s natural and who’s not sometimes due to each persons background.. Among other factors. But I look at age. Shoulders, signs of vericose veins, dry looking skin, perfect paper thin abs at high body weights. Zero to no bodyfat at high body weights.
I look at the face and take that into account as well in my determinations of who’s using steroids and who’s not. Typically sometimes I will see a 20 or 21 year old college student with this perfect puppy dog face but yet having the body of a 38 year old peaked out fully developed figure.
Upper 30’s to low 40’s are the peaks for males usually.
So i’ll see these college guys and I see what they are doing at the gym. For instance there’s a few at my gym. They go there. They act like they are pushing themselves but they really aren’t. They aren’t even lifting heavy. There’s this one idiot who’s prob around 251 and has zero definition but has the 3D shoulders and is clearly in college. Has no clue how to push himself. But that’s ok because not everyone has that ability. At least he’s trying. But he’s clearly on steroids to me. He has back acne as well. That’s another indicator. And the weights that he is lifting is another. Nobody grows like that by lifting light weights for high reps. Well I should take that back.. Because there are some that do. But normally the human body does not grow at that rate.
What it comes down to is that if they are fine with deluding themselves into believing that they represent the fitness industry then let them. They only deceive themselves. They will now no longer ever know where they could have got naturally. They don’t know how to compare themselves to themselves anymore. And anyone who takes steroids has now effectively taken themselves out of the fitness world and into the disease world. Because that’s what steroids are to this world.
They are a disease. They are a sickness to this world. STeroids are not who the person is deep down within themselves and that’s the irony of it. They want to believe that they are this strong and that big because they see the results in the mirror but they aren’t. But on the same side of this lots of NFL players are natural and are bigger than 98 percent of steroid users. So it comes down to a per person basis. It all depends who the person is naturally. And it doesn’t matter how hard a person works either.
Nothing a person accomplishes while taking steroids counts for anything. If they want to delude themselves and think that it does then let them. There’s always going to be this guilt trip placed within their brain that knows the real answer. And the real them. They can’t hide from that fact. And it eats away at them slowly.
So in reality you should be feeling bad for steroid users. It’s not who they are.
Are you saying that the use of steroids will over time change the way the users think about it and become a mental problem?
“Nothing a person accomplishes while taking steroids counts for anything.”
Well…”accomplishment” is in the eyes of each beholder, isn’t it?
I’ll turn age 61 in 2017, and I began bodybuilding in 1972 at age 16. I’m a lifelong drug-free — zero steroids, zero prohormones, zero growth hormones, zero PEDs, for the entire forty-five years I’ve been bodybuilding. I’m one whose natural muscle-potential is below-average (even for natural drug-free), so my choice to abstain from drugs hasn’t been because I can build a decent physique without them.
I began bodybuilding before the book and movie “Pumping Iron” and Schwarzenegger made bodybuilding acceptable to the public. The first three or four years I was bodybuilding (even though I was developing muscle drug-free) what I was doing was seen as “counting for nothing” by almost everyone I knew, because, in their eyes, anything bodybuilding “accomplished” was useless vanity and a waste of time and energy. After all, people reasoned, what’s the purpose of building strength and muscle unless it’s for use in sports? People back then sincerely considered me and anybody else doing even serious drug-free bodybuilding as “deluded”.
But, while that was how their eyes saw it, to my eyes, my results from bodybuilding made me not only healthier but also more attractive to girls (and, it did — bodybuilding changed me from a skinny-fat to a lean athletic look that girls admitted they did find more attractive). People could have correctly assessed, “But how you look after bodybuilding for three years is NOT the ‘real you’, because you can only look that way by constantly training, eating a certain way, and prioritizing a lifestyle which is not something people ‘naturally’ do.” However, for me, being dedicated to a bodybuilding lifestyle DID count for something in my life, since by it I achieved things which made my life more enjoyable. The “real me” was a skinny-fat, but I didn’t want to be the “real me” so I used drug-free bodybuilding to be what in my (and other peoples’) eyes looked better than the “real me”.
So, while it’s perhaps valid to criticize steroid users upon the basis of the long-term health effects of PEDs and upon the basis of dishonesty, it’s mere personal opinion to also claim that what they achieve with steroids “counts for nothing”. Ony each person can ultimately decide whether what he/she is doing is accomplishing what’s important to her/him. Merely because I think golfing or watching basketball or climbing rockwalls “counts for nothing” is nothing more than how my eyes behold those things — to others’ eyes, those same things are accomplishing something they each want from life.
Do you read up on TRP and ‘the red pill’ on reddit.Would like your comments on that
Thank you truth seeker ,Very good article indeed.
I would like you to explore more on the “fake saint ” phenomena because many of us are actually fake saints without realizing it .
many of us condemn the degeneracies of life but if we had the opportunity we may actually turn to what we condemned before.
And maybe this deep hidden reality is one of the reasons and contributors to the decadency of society
Hey Truth Seeker, enjoyed reading your article. It’s rare to find such articles in the fitness and related category, that talk about this vey real problem. I have been working out, and/or running, and/or cycling for the last 16-17 years (since college), and was lucky to have had the right introduction into weights by a professional boxer (coach). I have seen so many youngsters wanting to achieve too much too soon after looking at fitness models and actors on screens, that they start abusing their bodies with steroids; Steroids (unfortunately) mostly work, and then self adulation and that of those around you takes over and you make them a constant in your life. The body suffers! So many other youngsters who do not or are afraid to abuse their bodies feel dejected and not being able to get “that body”. Your article is a must read for many many people today. They might not like the bitter but real insight into their “persona”, but will be good for those who can honestly accept the truth.
Thank you for the support and the comments.
Yes, drugs make a lot of difference, but the users of it also train hard in the gym. They put a lot of effort in it too.
No one said they don’t!!
Actually, people do say that people on roids *often* don’t have to train very hard. It depends on what the goal is. IFBB pro? Probably really working on getting everything up to a particular standard, not necessarily lifting hard for every muscle group. It’s a lot of work, no doubt, and includes finessing the cutting and whatnot (don’t forget the synthol where needed!). Aesthetic model? On gear, they really don’t have to lift that hard, just maintain a nice build and stay lean consistently so that they are always ready for a shoot.
End of the day to take it that far…to ruin their health to get bigger…says it all. They are lost. It’ll end up one way.
I am tired of this argument.
“Ok they are on steroids..but they work dammed hard for that physique.”
B*S*….not what i see at all. The fact they are on the juice means they don’t have to push them-selves hard. It’s simply a matter of doing some exercise and letting the juice build it back up.
I lift much heavier weights than all the juicers i know…they are bigger than me. IF they actually believe it’s due to their “better” work-outs (as they always try to say) then stop taking the juice and prove it.
Anyhow…I look good enough. I’ll still be around in my 60’s doing this..they won’t. Their funeral. Dumb asses.
And how do you think about the AAS users who do… let’s say shoulder presses with 100 lbs dumbbels? Do you say that the AAS user could achieve this too without the drug if he or she trained much more years?
AAS often enable a person to build more muscle using lighter poundages than that person without AAS can build using much heavier poundages.
That’s why, as JIM mentions in his earlier comment, he observes juicers gaining more muscle using poundages far lighter than what he uses as a non-juicer.
Juicers, therefore, can choose to use only just enough poundage to build a “good” amount of muscle.
HOWEVER, besides building muscle mass bigger and quicker, AAS also enable a person’s strength limit to progress far beyond their natural strength limit.
So, if a juicer chooses to push himself to the higher limits which AAS enable, then that person will be able to use poundages far heavier than they can without drugs (and, by progressing to those unnaturally higher poundages build even MORE muscle mass than they build using lighter poundages.)
So, a juicer using 100-lb DB shoulder presses is probably a juicer who chose to push himself into that unnaturally high strength level, meaning, NO, he cannot achieve that strength without drugs even if he trained many more years.
It’s sort of a spectrum, and the following oversimplifies it, but: a juicer who uses lighter poundages will often build more muscle than a natural who uses heavier poundages;… but, a juicer who pushes himself to using heavier poundages will build more muscle than either of the others.
Oh. That explains a lot. Thank you.
I always had questions with people who used superheavy weights.
For example. I’ve once read about a 5’7” woman who does 4 years of bodybuilding and does 10 one arm rows with a 150 pounds dumbbell.
Naive as I sometimes am, it made me wonder for a long time why I stil use 44 pounds dumbbells for the same exercise after 5 years of training. It made me ask myself if 44 pounds is regular for a natural after 4 years or was I just not very good at strength training?
Now it’s more clear. Thanks.
Natural strength limits vary with genetics, with most people being somewhere near the middle range of the bell curve and with the outliers, with less-than-average or more-than-average strength, along either end of the bell curve.
AAS and other PEDS can enable a person to exceed natural strength limits. However, while their enhanced strength levels are higher (with larger doses of drugs enabling higher levels), even users of AAS have strength limits .
Which means that whether or not a bodybuilder uses drugs, he/she will have strength limits. A non-drug-user who trains knowledgeably, consistently, and progressively typically reaches his/her strength (and muscle-mass) limits in four to five years. How long it takes a drug-user to reach limits depends on dosages and cycles, but can be the same length of four or five years.
The person born with higher-than-average strength genetics who then adds AAS and other PEDS is going to be far stronger after four years than anyone else.
The non-drug-user born with below-average strength genetics might might be using poundages after four or five years that, while his limit, are actually less than the poundages a person born with superior strength genetics uses in the first year.
The main concern is “have you progressed in five years?” If you, say, began able to train with only 22-lb dumbbells then eventually progressed to 44-lb dumbbells, it evidences you’re probably doing all you are able within the natural limits of your genetics.
Yes, I did made progress. Thanks.
Absolutely awesome piece sir! Thank you!
Sometimes people talk about ‘duretics’. What does this mean in the context of (pro) bodybuilding?
“A diuretic is any substance that promotes diuresis, that is, the increased production of urine.”
They pump water out of the body, making you lighter and looking leaner. Diuretics can be used to make weight in sports that have weight classes. In bodybuilding, they can make you appear to have less fat and look more ripped.
Oh.. ok thanks. And is this something typical for the ifbb pro’s? Or is this a technique that a lot of bodybuilders use (even when they don’t compete).
“3. Water Retention And The Use Diuretics
In order to achieve even better definition bodybuilders lose water weight prior to competitions. Of course, they do it with the use of dangerous substances known as diuretics which can cause sudden death as in the case of the legendary IFBB Pro Mohammed Benaziza.”
Truth Seeker has made more comments about this on his site. I have no personal knowledge, just general. Maybe others here will have further information.
Bodybuilders (pros and amateurs) and fitness models typically use diuretics only for competition and for their photography sessions.
Diuretics can be dangerous, since, while dehydrating the body can result in a leaner appearance, it adversely affects body functions, since the body depends upon hydration for most of its processes. So, bodybuilders try to achieve a water-depleted condition only for contests and photo-sessions.
The deaths of a couple of pro bodybuilders during their competitive years in the past two decades may well have been caused, not by the AAS or other growth drugs they used, by because of the severe dehydration caused by diuretics.
Right, and keep in mind, MB, that one big use of diuretics is to lower blood pressure. Ever feel faint when you got dehydrated? So imagine messing with your blood pressure to look good. Not a great idea in my book…
Thanks for the explanation.
I was posting today about the sham of the supplement industry. Of course, my opinions on the matter are not popular. That brought me back to your page. Some years ago, you were the one who enlightened me to the fact that I was throwing my money away on nothing. This article touches on so much more than just steroid use and the lie. It touches on the human condition and addiction in general. I would like to share this if you do not mind. I haven’t been here in a while. I am glad you are still doing what you are.
Thank you for the support!
Hey Truth Seeker, you fallen off a cliff dude?
I know you’re committed to putting together “quality” vs. “quantity” pieces, but you need to get back on that horse and get some material up. You are losing your audience!
I have an idea.
There’s an event named Arnold sport or something like that. And many similar like that. Events where suplement providers show their products and pro-athlete’s interview other pro-athlete’s where they tell how great the products are and what they have to do to get their physique.
What if someone with knowledge of the dark side of the fitness industry and knowledge of the human body would interview these athlete’s and confront them with the truth? The real reason why they are so big.
I think this will lead to very vivid and entertaining video’s.
It also would open the eyes of many people who are still influenced by the fitness-reality-disorder-field.
Why don’t you never see this kind of interviews?
This kind of thing *has* happened: Christian Boeving admitted that he used PEDs:
Punishment for this admission was swift:
“Boeving was featured in the highly acclaimed documentary Bigger, Stronger, Faster, in which he revealed that he has used anabolic steroids since the age of 16. Shortly after the film’s premiere at the Sundance Film Festival, MuscleTech, a bodybuilding supplement company, dropped its sponsorship of Boeving for breaching the company’s rules by discussing his steroid use.”
Kudos to him for admitting the truth. But other guys will not, since it will lose them sponsorship gigs, etc.
I think even when they lie, it still would be entertaining 🙂
Thanks for the link.
Thank u very much.Exposed lives of so called celebrities.
More articles please, where have you gone?
One thing that I wondered.
How do the pro’s (or at least the pro’s who use drugs) start with their drugs?
Apparently it’s taboo to talk about PED.
When an athlete starts with the intention to compete in a pro contest and he or she asks to someone who already is pro “Hey, can you teach me about PED, because I want to become a pro and want to become bigger” Then that pro will deny that he/she use PED.
But how does this potential athlete starts then with their drug-journey to the top when it’s not allowed to talk about it?
Only rarely will currently-competing pros discuss their use publicly.
However, some retired pros will discuss it — since they’re not using “now”, they have little fear of criminal charges nor loss of sponsorships.
Potential athletes usually begin their drug-journey 1) in local gyms, where they learn about drug-use from other aspiring bodybuilders; and/or 2) by researching on the many steroid info sites and discussion forums of the internet.
Ok. Thanks.
As an addendum…people (such as gym owners, other pro bodybuilders, trainers, and contest promoters) who’ve been in bodybuilding for many years often recognize when a guy has good genetic potential for bodybuilding success. So, if they observe someone training who achieves better-than-average progress within a year or two, they might initiate discussions with that person about his/her future in bodybuilding, and those discussions may include advice about steroids and other PEDS.
Three books you may find informative about steroid use among bodybuilders are “Muscle: Confessions of An Unlikely Bodybuilder”, by Sam Fussell (copyright 1991)…
” Muscle: A Writer’s Trip Through A Sport With No Boundaries” by Jon Hotten (2004)…
and “Bodybuilders Never Die:They Simply Lose Their Pump” by Jim Moore (2013). None of these books are primarily about steroids, but all three explicitly describe aspects about steroid use.
Ok. Thank you.
I want to remind u to please review ‘ Tiger Shroff ‘ indian actor
I’m searching for a while for an answer to the question why so much competitive bodybuilders and pro’s have a harsh skin with a yellow tint.
The harsh skin is probably because it’s very thin (correct me if I’m wrong), but why the yellow tint?
Is this a kind of jaundice? Has it something to do with the liver?
I’m not talking about the oil they use before the contests, but the skin itself.
I asked the question on a bodybuilding forum and apparently nobody notice this yellow tint.
Some say it’s the light, other makes jokes about it, but I have no clear answer.
It’s like nobody there is aware of it or else they want to avoid the reason.
I hope someone here can help me to find an answer or maybe a link to a good article about it.
Physique competitors apply chemical skin-tanning products when competing in contests (since darker skin color creates a visual effect of more muscle definition due to contrasts of light). Almost any photo you’ll see of a competitive bodybuilder will have been taken when he’s contest-ready, therefore has been applying tanning agents onto his skin.
So, the yellow tint your eyes are apparently able to discern might be caused by those skin-darkening chemicals.
But why don’t they just use a tanning bed and tanning oil?
The chemical skin-darkeners are quicker to apply (many current top world-class pros have it applied by someone with sprayer equipment — if you watch the 2013 documentary “Generation Iron”, you’ll see scenes of that occurring ) than taking time to obtain a tan under tanning bulbs; and the chemicals are able to be applied precisely for a more uniform darkening than can be easily obtained under tanning bulbs.
Chemical skin darkeners have been available and commonly used by bodybuilders (even by bodybuilders who’d already obtained a base tan from suntanning) since at least the early 1960s.
O, ok then the harsh skin structure is from fast muscle growth (or side effect from drugs) while the yellow tint is from chemical skin darkners?
Paper-thin skin is definitely cited as a result of roid use. There is also a lot of vascularity that develops that would also affect skin appearance. That in combination with the tanning agents could lead to a distinctive appearance.
And you may well be right that there are some metabolic issues that arise that also affect the color, but these things are seldom studied in a scientific way, so I don’t know if a clear answer on that is out there. Someone may know.
Thanks for the explanation.
Sorry for my English, but I’m not native speaker.
I had never understood Americans. Always smiling,
always in hurry, always chasing for success. I like the nation, but I don’t understand this need to be a winner. When I was young, I remember the word “looser” from TV cartoons, shows, and TV. I live in Poland, but after communism has fallen, American film and cartoon industry flooded polish mass media. It was fun, I enjoyed it as kid, American cinema is on very high level, but It started to be monotonous. Always superheroes, always kids saving the word, always kids chasing for success (woman, championship, attention). And these superheroes. I love Spider-man, I love Batman, Iron-Man, X-men. But are they really “-man”? It’s just fantasy, but there weren’t alternative! There weren’t movies about normal people or REALISTIC heroes. What do i go for? In polish cinema there were no any superheroes. There were heroes. PEOPLE who have been the EMBODIMENT of certain VAULES.
For example screenplay of the Sienkiewicz’s novels.
Fire and sword, Swedish Deluge, Pan Volodyovski, In the desert and in the wilderness, Quo Vadis. Example of hero full of values: Jan Skrzetuski. Yes, there is also violence in these movies, but It tells the story of real times and of realistic heroes. Even old Disney tales tell about realistic heroes. There were VALUES. In modern cinema there is no place for values, there is only action, fight, substitute of love, extraordinary superhuman warriors, gadgets. I miss ordinary heroes with extraordinary values.. I think that chase for success is chase for loss of life. Chase for ordinary life is chase for calmness, true friends, lovely people and… opportunities that can be used.. for EVERYONE, not only “extraordinary super-heroes with superduperpowers!”. I believe that there are still American movies about Values, but for obvious reasons, they are not on the top of the ranking list of new bestsellers. Cheers and thank you for this article.
@Hadrian These superhero movies are based on American comics. Superheroes are typical for american comics. If you want to read more ‘regular life’, family, etc… Then take a look at European comics. Every place has it’s own culture and habits,…
There is more in Holywood movies than action or superheroes, but it’s normal that they produce so much of them. They become blockbusters.