Tag Archives: bodybuilding

Hollywood/Movie Celebs Who Had Good Natty Physiques Before The Steroid Boom (the time for epic articles has returned) writing what others won't

| by Truth Seeker |

The movie industry is focused on building fake worlds. Every single advancement in technology is gradually deployed to enhance the fakery. The goal has always been to attract the attention of the visitor by showing something that is either extremely rare or doesn’t even exist in the real, common world. Then, that attention is monetized […]

A Comparison Between Men’s Physique Competitors and Bodybuilders From the 1970s

| by Truth Seeker |

The goal of this post is to compare the muscular development of men’s physique competitors to that of bodybuilders from the Golden Era of Bodybuilding [the 1970s]. The evaluation is based on statistical data taking into account bodyweight, height, body fat estimates and FFMIs [Fat Free Mass Index]. All bodybuilders and men’s physique models are […]

Did Don Howorth Build His Cannonball Shoulders Naturally or Not?

| by Truth Seeker |

Don Howorth (b.1935) is a popular bodybuilder from the 1960s whose otherworldly deltoid development earned him the title “the Duke of Delts”. There are many photos of him in which he showcases incredible width that immediately steals the attention of the spectators. Don Howorth initiated his muscular ascension in the summer of 1955 and peaked […]

Does Mr. Olympia Drug Test?

| by Truth Seeker |

On the surface, this may bе a silly question, but once a man delves into it, a new layer of the human world reveals itself. But first, let me drop the politically correct answer to this inquiry: Mr. Olympia has been a drug tested event since the 90s. The International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness […]

How Do Professional Bodybuilders Get Anabolic Steroids?

| by Truth Seeker |

[Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only.] Steroids have been a part of bodybuilding since its inception because they have a direct and highly positive effect on the main objective of the sport/activity/beauty contest – stimulation of muscular growth beyond the conceivable. Every advancement made by the steroid chemistry has triggered […]

5 Reasons to Keep Lifting after a Breakup (Even if you are natural)

| by Truth Seeker |

Romantic movies often depict men as evil creatures who always find a way to hurt the feelings of their partner. Generations of boys have been raised with the idea that women are constantly oppressed by evil males too numb and sexually-oriented to understand the sorrow inhabiting the loving female heart begging for commitment and emotional […]

5 Reasons Why Bodybuilding is a Form of Pyramid Scheme

| by Truth Seeker |

1. It Fits the Definition of a Pyramid Scheme A pyramid scheme is a structure that allows few to benefit at the expense of others. The members make money by selling a dream to new recruits who are expected to do the same to receive a higher rank. The earlier you join a pyramid scheme, […]