Tag Archives: fake natties

Top 9 Bodybuilding Transformations as Natural as a Shark in a Bottle

| by Truth Seeker |

The world is a scary place, my friend. You are born in a body you didn’t choose and answer to laws and urges you can neither change nor understand completely. As a bonus, you are getting old in the process and every living creature on this earth is a potential antagonist. To survive this cycle […]

Jeff Nippard – Natty Or Steroids?

| by Truth Seeker |

It’s time for another classic natty or not review. Our focus is on Jeff Nippard – a powerlifter and bodybuilder known for his mass and strength. What are Jeff Nippard’s stats? On October 10, 2016, Nippard uploaded a video entitled: “What’s My Bodyfat Percentage? | POSING Update | Training Cues to Target Lats”. The video […]

8 Things WRONG With Youtube Fitness and Bodybuilding Channels

| by Truth Seeker |

Online videos dedicated to muscle construction play an integral part in the formation of one’s ideas about lifting. Many muscle apprentices do not have the desire and the attention span required to read books or long posts online. Consequently, clips that you can watch or listen to while playing games become more attractive and popular. […]

9 Things That Connor Murphy’s Video Experiments Reveal About the Female Mind Is Connor Murphy natural or on steroids? Review included

| by Truth Seeker |

Connor Murphy, a fitness model and an online muscle ”personality”, has been producing video clips showcasing the impulsive behavior of women in the presence of a male physique completely equipped to answer the aesthetic requirements of the capricious Instagram age. The reactions, submerged in involuntary and yet clearly expressed ”I just can’t help it.” type […]

Alpha Destiny – Is He Natural or On Steroids?

| by Truth Seeker |

Powered by hope with an unfathomable and yet intense source, natural knights from all walks of life have been pursuing the quest for growth with a peculiar intensity that starts strong, then gradually diminishes, and right when the warrior is about to relinquish the operation, a new source of faith appears, dives into the abyss […]

Is Greg O’Gallagher a.k.a. Kinobody a Natural Bodybuilder Or a Steroid User?

| by Truth Seeker |

Note: Readers have informed me that Greg O’Gallagher weighs only 165lbs now. I do not see how this is relevant. People can lose weight. Doesn’t change the fact that he was 185lbs as stated in his interview for muscleforlife.com. After all, Ronnie Coleman was 290lbs in his prime but is only around 200lbs now. This review makes sense only if […]

Fouseytube’s 90-Day Transformation: Natty Or Not? Roids? Juice?

| by Truth Seeker |

A reader sent me a message regarding a 90-day transformation of a YouTube superstar known as fouseyTUBE. I did some research and found out that fouseyTUBE is one of the individuals on top of YouTube’s food chain. The man is currently sitting at about 6.7 million subscribers. I have never been a YouTuber, but I […]