FAQ: Do Bad Boys Attract Only Damaged Women?

| by Truth Seeker |

via: pixabay.com

Men are often fed the following lies/clichés upon displaying frustration in the dating world:

“Just be yourself.”

“Be confident”

“Be a gentleman”

“Buy her flowers”

“Listen to her.”


Despite this “profound advice”, Mr. Nice Guy fails a million times. He experiences ghosting, insults, disrespect, money losses…etc. His entire dating experience is a massive net negative.

Naturally, Mr. Nice guy jumps to another popular philosophy – women like bad boys. 

It’s a natural conclusion. If plan A doesn’t work at all, then the opposite of plan A could be effective.

Mr. Nice Guy successfully starts to identify couples in which the woman is tolerating a bad boy. With time, the evidence becomes impossible to ignore – bad boys have no problem getting women; nice guys lose.

But when Mr. Nice guy discusses this philosophy with other people, everyone immediately tries to dilute this principle with some of the following statements:

  • Women like bad boys because those men are confident and masculine.
  • Only damaged women who’ve suffered trauma like bad boys. A stable, cute, angelic girl would never go for a bad boy.

I disagree.

I strongly believe (or should I say I know) that women like bad boys for their MEAN qualities and the emotions that those mean qualities trigger.

By extracting the potentially good qualities that bad boys could have and saying that those are the actual magnets, women regain their innocence and men get a logical answer.

Here’s how things REALLY work: 

The two fundamental aspects of attraction are:

  • Looks
  • Money

If you have lots of those, you can be anyone you want to be. Nice, bad, semi-nice…etc. It doesn’t matter. You will always gather attention because biological attraction is first and foremost based on your height and your face.

Naturally, most men aren’t 10/10. By definition, аttractive people are a tiny minority (e.g., less than 10% of the male population is over 6’2″).

Since most men do not satisfy the criteria of the open dating market, we have to jump through more fires.

We have to generate certain types of emotions within the woman so that we can be “accepted”.

Being nice does not generate those.

Being nice is the equivalent of plain food – even if it is nutritious, people don’t eat a lot of it.

Meanwhile, bad boys are junk food – it’s bad for you but feels nice.

If two identical twins who are average-looking start dating simultaneously and one of them is nice while the other one is bad, I’m putting my money on the bad guy for generating a greater degree of attraction.

All of this can be expressed in simple formulas:

A 6/10 guy + bad boy mannerism > A 6/10 guy + niceness.

I would even go a step further:

A 6/10 guy + bad boy mannerism – confidence > A 6/10 guy + niceness + confidence

This is serious.

You can be a confident nice guy or a non-confident bad boy. Most women would still go for the bad boy because he is bad. 

Do you really think that all the bad boys are mega masculine and confident? 

Do you really think that all nice guys are some pussies who can’t deadlift 135lbs or throw a punch?

Get serious.

So, why are women attracted to the bad in bad boys?

It’s simple even though people want to make it complex:

The bad boy is selfish and breaks the woman’s self-esteem. 

E.g., She is dressed perfectly. Nice dress. Perfect colors…mega hot. The bad boy, however, comes to the date late. Never compliments her. Doesn’t pay for her stuff. Doesn’t listen to her…etc.

In other words, the bad boy is signaling that he isn’t valuing her as much as other guys do. As a result, the woman concludes subconsciously that the bad boy is actually more than her even if he isn’t.

And this is what women want ultimately. A man who is above them physically and in all other aspects.

Bad boy mannerism creates that feeling by destroying the woman’s self-esteem.

Only then, women feel “not bored”. A nice guy, on the other hand, signals that he is less than her because he is overvaluing her. He may actually be more attractive than her, richer and more educated, and yet she wouldn’t care.

It’s a tragic comedy when you think about it.

Bad boys instantly make the woman next to them look GOOD.

A nice guy who is doing everything that women allegedly like would make the woman appear “evil” when she inevitably tries to perform her tactics.

If the guy is nice, it’s only natural to expect the woman to show some appreciation for his kindness. But since she isn’t attracted to him maximally, she either doesn’t or does so unenthusiastically.

If the guy is bad, the contrast between him and her makes the woman a victim. By becoming the victim, the woman diminishes the tension on her to perform well. In a sense, she is adding a villain in her life with whom she explains her failures or inactions. (e.g., I would enroll in college but Mr. Bad Boy needs this and that.)

The other statement (bad boys attract only damaged women) is equally wrong.

Here are some hard facts:

  1. Bad boys attract all women – good and bad, damaged and undamaged.
  2. Good luck finding a woman that isn’t somewhat damaged.

Yes, there is a miniscule group of women that don’t have an interest in the bad boy stuff, but it all works on the vast majority of females.

As a man, your best strategy is to maximize your appeal to the majority than to look for the exceptions.

But Bad Boys Are Real Men

Many naïve souls spread the idea that bad boys are attractive because “insert 50 qualities of a warrior” here.

Sure, some bad boys are indeed manly, strong…etc.

But I can’t ignore what I’ve seen. I really can’t. I would take my observations and experience over the politically correct drivel of random people.

I’ve talked to a woman that was writing the PhD of her boyfriend who was a dedicated alcoholic with two suicide attempts.

I knew a woman with a 9/10 face engaged to a skinny little bastard in the same league as Christian Bale in the Machinist. His Instagram indicated strong mental illness too (e.g., lying in the middle of the road to see if the cars will stop.)

I wish this wasn’t true but it is.

I can assure you that those two men are not “alpha”, “masculine”…etc. They are simply bad. I would even say pathetic.

The reality is this: women are attracted to bad boys for the bad in them, not for the peripheral qualities that may accompany the badness.

Of course, there are bad bad boys and good bad boys, but that’s a topic for another day.

The reason why people make bad boys better than they are is to make sense of it all and return women their innocence (i.e. she likes him because he is manly, not because he is bad.)

Ironically, you can be a nice guy and very manly simultaneously. Those men are either in the best relationship possible (rare these days) or completely alone their entire lives (common these days.)

Rewards Don’t Lie 

If women were actually rewarding gentlemanly behavior, more men would be gentlemen. Men always shapeshift to satisfy the image that women want.

But the fact is that women DO NOT reward good boy/nice guy/honest/gentleman behavior unless the specimen in question is part of the 5%.

The same woman who rejects the nice guy bringing her flowers would suffer from insomnia when Mr. Bad Boy is ignoring her.

In conclusion

If you’re attractive anything works, but even then being bad amplifies attraction even more.

If you’re average and nice, you will have a very hard time dating unless you get lucky and find some angel. You have a higher chance to win the lottery.

Women like bad boys for their mean qualities, but a sane brain can’t find the logic behind this principle and shortcuts it with incorrect conclusions. (e.g., He is manly…etc.)

You can be a bad boy without being masculine. You could be a nice guy that’s ultra-manly too.

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  1. Mor

    How do I act like a bad guy, literally how do I fake it I still haven’t figured it out yet?

    1. Truth Seeker Post author

      I can’t tell you exactly because I can’t do it either.

      But I’ve found out that if you learn how to “neg”/insult her without insulting her (through subcommunication), you are immediately in bad boy territory.

      You also have to be emotionally unavailable (e.g., never tell her that you like her directly or indirectly).

      But before all, you have to be selfish to a very high level.

      1. BillyBob

        I think you are getting wayyy over your head. Only 2 types of woman in my book. One for Money and one for Love. I had sex with many Escorts for money and also had real love before with a single woman. The issue is in Western Society you cannot just slap a woman to put her in place when she acts crazy. Hell even arguing with a woman in Western society is considered Domestic Violence!!! Judicially you have to SUE Woman with Claims using Courts to discipline them in America, that’s just the truth. I also use Private Investigators to get even more on the Woman. Whatever woman you fancy in America must be dealt this way unfortunately if she is crazy, a necessary evil. Otherwise go fuck Escort Whores or get a Pocket Pussy Blow-Up Doll..

        The men who do “Hookups” in Western Society are basically committing “Arrange Marriage Western Style” and end up with an unwanted kid and child support. If he fights back without Court Interference he will get dealt with Domestic Violence Charges. Modern Man MUST SUE woman with Claims in Courts otherwise he will lose every time to Pig Coward Cops.. Only look at all the Losers in Jail / Prison who argue with their crazy woman alone..

    2. purple possum

      Start by always putting your needs/wants/desires first.

    3. David_E

      Be selfish, sarcastic, never lose your sense of humor, don’t take life seriously and don’t value her above yourself.

      It’s easy. Change the way you are and become a bit of an asshole.

    4. Rich edwards

      You are not good at interpreting reality and do not understand human psychology. Yes, women are attracted to looks, wealth and status. Women love men that dress dapper, not men in ripped jeans, T-shirt’s and leather jackets. The bad boy uniform. Women prefer men that are not as good looking as them because it challenges a woman’s self esteem and power in a relationship. Women naturally have low self esteem due to their high estrogen and very low testosterone production. The overwhelming majority of women date men based on the woman’s low self esteem, women do not feel like they can do better, same as most men. It goes against a woman’s survival instinct to date a bad boy. Women are very selfish and put themselves first. They will not date a man they believe challenges their survival, will not protect them or provide security for the woman and her children.
      This is where psychology comes in. Nobody knows humans better than mainstream content creatures, I.e. Hollywood, Maddison ave., music video creators. Those people study people to mentally control as many people as possible with their soul crushing “entertainment”. Hollywood portrays bad boys as misunderstood good guys that are brave, handsome, and dress well. The film Dirty dancing is an excellent example of this. Patrick Swayze was a stand up guy but from the wrong neighborhood while the Stanford student was a slime ball that abandoned one of the characters he impregnated to almost die from an abortion. Spoiler, dirty dancing was pro abortion propaganda disguised as entertainment.
      Women love confidence. They love men that look them in the eye and speak to them. The number one quality all people are attracted to is strength. Both men and women are attracted to strong people. Women are obsessed with confidence, muscles, wealth because it’s synonymous with strength, signaling to her that you will protect her and provide security. Women are screwed up today because our mainstream entertainment industry confuse YOUNGER WOMEN teaching them that bad boys will protect and provide for them. If you want to conquer a strong nation from with in you do so through subliminal messaging or marketing the wrong men to women in order to destroy the family unit sense of community

  2. Agent Blackpill

    I disagree that money is a fundamental aspect of attraction. Only looks is. A woman might be attracted to your money, but not to you. Money cant buy passion or love. It can only buy time with her. She tolerates you because you elevate her lifestyle with your money. Thinking youre attractive because you attract women to your money is delusional.

    Looks is the only fundamental aspect of (initial) attraction. “Love at first sight” is a saying for a reason. A Ferrari isnt going to give her the butterflies in her tummy the same way a 8/10 or better face does. You cant buy that feeling for her.

    1. Truth Seeker Post author

      Obviously. But there’s also “financial attraction”. Money can buy love to a degree, but it can’t buy the deepest love. But then again, most people don’t get to experience deep love with or without money.

    2. Dan

      Even looks isn’t the first attraction , which makes me think this article must be years old (why are no articles here dated ??) . STATUS is the primary attractiveness in a man . Not looks , not money , STATUS . Which is why stunning women go for famous unattractive men . Case in point , look at the famous footballer Peter Crouch . Married to one of the hottest women in Britain , Abbey Clancy . His famous quip when asked what he’d be if he wasn’t a footballer sums up female hypergamy in two words : “A virgin”

  3. cavalino

    Most women who like bad boys think that they will be bored with a nice guy.
    That’s why they are attracted to bad boys.
    The transgressive side, the wild side, the adventurous side, “he knows what he wants” BS:
    They think that a bad boy is Mr Badass.
    Women think that with a nice guy, the routine will settle, everything is predictable.
    They like to be shaken up and get out of the clichés.
    They deeply want to prove to themselves that they are not their mother’s little daughter anymore.
    If you are beautiful and you have money, you can have (almost) any woman.
    The same is true if you are mounted like a bull.
    I have a friend who is not Brad Pitt’s twin but he is very well equipped sexually: he has never worked a day in his life.
    He always date rich women (and chases aside any good looking women)
    He told me one day: “once a woman gets some of this thing, everything else is all over”.

  4. Ahmed Mostafa Salem

    See that’s the problem “men always shapeshifting to satisfy a woman”. This reminded me of my uni experiences with dating women I did my approaches and I realized that my competition aka other men were showering women with expensive gifts, restaurants, simping, and sex. I didn’t want either of these so at the end of the day men should be the ones taking a stand but then again most men were raised by Hollywood and had eunuch fathers. Honestly, once I understood female nature it made me uninterested. My goal is to buy a villa in Lake Como Italy have 10 million dollars in the bank and retire at peace.

  5. Edward

    Well written article and simply explained! Wouldn’t add a single word to it or disagree with it!

  6. El Bigotes

    The key truth about the issue you are almost grasping is that women are biologically programmed to look for violent, aggresive and/or dominant behaviour in men. It’s not the fun they are attracted to, fun is nature’s way to reward and encourage it, but the attraction was there first.

    The positive feelings those men create in women are a biological rewarding system to encourage such behaviour, like eating sugar or fat creates a positive feeling of being satiated, or the pleasure of an orgasm to encourage reproduction, or procrastinating a hard and unrewarding (in the short term) task in favour of a more enjoyable task etc…

    That’s it, current female genes want, among other things, violent, aggresive and dominant men because those skills and lack of integrity are more useful to survive in the most rugged conditions (i.e. a bad boy will do better in a criminal gang, a rough prison or surviving in the wilderness than a nice guy). A bad boy was more successful in the early stages of mankind because he’s better adapted for basic survival, and a nice guy is better suited for a more advanced civilization like the current one. The only bad boys which can be successful now are the ones able to mask their dominance with some degree of nice guyness and to refrain from physical violence, because physical violence (unlike other kinds of violence) originated from individuals is very punished. If you are a full blown bad boy right now and you aren’t rich or very well connected (i.e. you will use your money to get away with your behaviour), you will soon end up in jail for good.

    Even though a nice guy is better suited for the current civilization, those female genes are stuck the basic survival which was prevalent in early civilizations or prehistoric times. So they feel the need to get a bad boy, even though their very own life would be in danger or it would be much more rugged and unpleasant than with a nice guy.

    The only other female priority I’ve seen which is frequently able to override the desire to keep a bad boy is their children’s wellbeing, because in many cases even the most bad boys’ loving woman will act against abuse, even for the first time, when he starts abusing her children (she feels the abuse is tolerable as long as she can keep a bad boy, but she prioritizes the future of her progeny).

    This is because women want the same things in men and in life, but in different proportions and different priority order. This is why you will see women who don’t care about money, or who reject outright bad boys in favour of more well behaved men, or who are able to get hooked on unattractive men, but the absolute trend is there, except for a few outliners they all want those.

    Women aren’t aware of this biological mechanism, they just feel good when they see a bad boy and feel bad with a nice guy, and instinctively engage in lots of emotional responses to accept and embrace the bad boy and reward the positive feelings about them; and to reject and regurgitate the nice guy and deny good feelings about them.

    This is the most refined, precise, concise, evidence based and experimentally tested, battle tested, objectively truthful theory about why women are attracted to bad boys and why they reject nice guys that I’ve known.

    I can provide more evidence of this than anyone with the skill of falsifiabilty would require and any man would be able to reach this conclusion by himself if not for the emotional roadblocks and obstacles emotional people suffer from.

    When I started dating I already noticed they want bad boys and how it was most probably because bad boys were better suited for early survival, but it took me 10 more years of thinking and experience to fully untangle all their contradictory shit and the way each woman values each male attribute (different from each other, but always the very same attributes). And outliner women are just crazy, they are different because they are crazy, not because they value other attributes outside the holy trinity of money/looks/dominance.

  7. Álvaro Pérez

    The key truth about the issue you are almost grasping is that women are biologically programmed to look for violent, aggresive and/or dominant behaviour in men. It’s not the fun they are attracted to, fun is nature’s way to reward and encourage it, but the attraction was there first.

    The positive feelings those men create in women are a biological rewarding system to encourage such behaviour, like eating sugar or fat creates a positive feeling of being satiated, or the pleasure of an orgasm to encourage reproduction, or procrastinating a hard and unrewarding (in the short term) task in favour of a more enjoyable task etc…

    That’s it, current female genes want, among other things, violent, aggresive and dominant men because those skills and lack of integrity are more useful to survive in the most rugged conditions (i.e. a bad boy will do better in a criminal gang, a rough prison or surviving in the wilderness than a nice guy). A bad boy was more successful in the early stages of mankind because he’s better adapted for basic survival, and a nice guy is better suited for a more advanced civilization like the current one. The only bad boys which can be successful now are the ones able to mask their dominance with some degree of nice guyness and to refrain from physical violence, because physical violence (unlike other kinds of violence) originated from individuals is very punished. If you are a full blown bad boy right now and you aren’t rich or very well connected (i.e. you will use your money to get away with your behaviour), you will soon end up in jail for good.

    Even though a nice guy is better suited for the current civilization, those female genes are stuck the basic survival which was prevalent in early civilizations or prehistoric times. So they feel the need to get a bad boy, even though their very own life would be in danger or it would be much more rugged and unpleasant than with a nice guy.

    The only other female priority I’ve seen which is frequently able to override the desire to keep a bad boy is their children’s wellbeing, because in many cases even the most bad boys’ loving woman will act against abuse, even for the first time, when he starts abusing her children (she feels the abuse is tolerable as long as she can keep a bad boy, but she prioritizes the future of her progeny).

    This is because women want the same things in men and in life, but in different proportions and different priority order. This is why you will see women who don’t care about money, or who reject outright bad boys in favour of more well behaved men, or who are able to get hooked on unattractive men, but the absolute trend is there, except for a few outliners they all want those.

    Women aren’t aware of this biological mechanism, they just feel good when they see a bad boy and feel bad with a nice guy, and instinctively engage in lots of emotional responses to accept and embrace the bad boy and reward the positive feelings about them; and to reject and regurgitate the nice guy and deny good feelings about them.

    This is the most refined, precise, concise, evidence based and experimentally tested, battle tested, objectively truthful theory about why women are attracted to bad boys and why they reject nice guys that I’ve known.

    I can provide more evidence of this than anyone with the skill of falsifiabilty would require and any man would be able to reach this conclusion by himself if not for the emotional roadblocks and obstacles emotional people suffer from.

    When I started dating I already noticed they want bad boys and how it was most probably because bad boys were better suited for early survival, but it took me 10 more years of thinking and experience to fully untangle all their contradictory shit and the way each woman values each male attribute (different from each other, but always the very same attributes). And outliner women are just crazy, they are different because they are crazy, not because they value other attributes outside the holy trinity of money/looks/dominance.

    1. Shane Mercer

      Bad behavior does not automatically equate to biological dominance . A navy seal commander is obviously a better individual aka a well adjusted civilized fellow than a violent Taliban suicide bomber or an ISIS militant . And looking at the current scenario I dont see Victorias secret supermodels running off to Afghanistan to join Taliban’s harem .
      Ultimately it comes down to whether said bad boy behavior / good boy behavior generates the socio-economic resources the woman needs . now what kind of resources are we talking about ? It can be social clout , economic resource , psycho-sexual excitement (add others) . different women prioritose these resources differently .
      and finally this is the foundational issue … If getting a girl is about meeting her resource criteria , then automatocally we have a power imbalance in the woman’s favor .

      1. Álvaro Pérez

        Victoria’s Secret supermodels don’t because they are after money and fame, not after bad boys. You don’t get money and fame by being restricted to an Afghan harem, wearing only a burkha. But you get money and fame by being with famous actors, singers, athletes and the like, so they go after those instead.

        But many women did run off to join ISIS harems due to drinking all the western media propaganda portraying ISIS as being the ultimate bad boys. I don’t know if you are aware of this but if you aren’t you can look up for the news about those women, the fact that middle class western women can go out of their way to cross half the world to be sex slaves of the most violent, aggresive and dominant men they were aware of is one of the most conclusive evidence proving female real preferences.

        But supermodels and the like, since they are women, are also into bad boys as it’s proved again and again with cases like prime Scarlett Johanson being totally submissive to a man (Sean Penn) who was double her age and being him who ended the relationship. Or Kate Moss, one of the most famous supermodels in history, with also one of the most famous list of bad boys as boyfriends. In those case it was money+fame+bad boy so it ticks all the boxes.

        So the western girl joining an ISIS harem isn’t exactly on the same page than a girl into the local lightly cocky boy, but both are attracted to the same trait, extreme or not.

        Women’s interest in bad boys usually declines with age, it’s much more prevalent in young ones and decreases after they fucked a few and it loses the novelty for them.

        But beware because money interest is the lesser of the three, they might be with a man because of his money but they won’t truly love him like they would love a bad boy or a very pretty man.

        1. Shane Mercer

          Thanks for the reply . I am aware of the ISIS story . Now if we are going by raw demographic numbers , Europe has almost 150 million women of the age 15-40 . What percentage of that actually took the initiative to actually do something extremey self-destructive by walking into the arms of criminal psychpaths ? A very negligible number . Now does that mean there is no possibility of pathological behavior by women ? Not really . But what I wanna point out is the survival instinct of a woman is gonna be in the favor of the smart rational guy . Always . Not the good guy/bad guy per se . If a man is able to manipulate an average woman’s acute need for socio-economic resources he is in control. Difficult in west . Easy in middle east and conservative countries . So what is the choice ? Be a muslim in Saudi Arabia ? you bet lol

          1. Álvaro Pérez

            You are welcome, what keeps women at bay in those countries is social pressure, they can’t slut around because their society still reject slutiness so they will be forever marked as unworthy. Also those aren’t feminist countries at the State level like western countries are, women don’t get State welfare (direct in actual welfare or indirect through good jobs reserved only for women …) over there when they are single so they do need to keep a man and they can’t slut around or constantly trade up because they will be marked as sluts.

            Yes, you would need to emigrate to a place where society still rejects slutiness, it’s the only way to keep a woman if you aren’t extremely dominant and willing to play shitty mental games all day. If she knows she isn’t able to constantly trade up, she will stop looking for excuses to dump you for someone else.

            I remember reading the case of Mistery, one of the early PUAs, he started as an introverted magician (card tricks and the like) and ended up banging lots of women while cold approaching, which was possible because we are talking about the Before Tinder era or even the Before Smartphone era, when it was possible without being an internationally famous millionaire. He married a woman but she ended up divorcing him, most probably because he carefully crafted a front as an alpha male, but you can’t 100% 24/7 forever fake something you aren’t so she was the winner in the mental games.

            The only long lasting couples, without money/fame/power being a factor which I see in western countries, are those where he is clearly dominant or at least he is extremely emotional and irrational (i.e. he speaks to her in her native language, which is irrationality). The others end up in divorce, sooner or later, she will trade up or find other man speaking her irrational language.

  8. Ani

    Hi truth seeker. I agree with pretty much everything that you said. I remeber the Cristian Bale skinny guy that ended up with the 9/10 chick. You mentioned in one of your posts.

    Do you think is there a way for us to ascend financially? I mean, I know crypto is a scam, but theres has to be an escape for the office slavery. Right?

    Also, is there a way we can ascend facially, from a blackpill perspective? Surgery for instance?

    I would also like to ask you, do you think there is a code in life? Like an universal formula we need to find to succeed? Personally, I always find hierarchies whatever I watch. Is like a Darwin law.

    And finally, what do you think I should train for both hyperthrophy and martial arts? I train at home, and I know progressive overload is the key to muscle growth, but I would like to know a way to combine that with stamina training, and punching and kicking power, as well as abs strength.

    What do you think is the optimal diet? Is coffee bad?

    Thank you for your time,

    1. Truth Seeker Post author

      Money can of course be earned, but it’s very difficult to reach beyond middle class. There is money in everything if you are high enough on the food chain. I advise you to treat everything as a scam until it’s proven otherwise.

      I don’t know much about plastic surgery. Personally, I’m not a fan of it, unless it’s needed for medical reasons.

      There’s nothing wrong with training for size and doing martial arts too. Just do pump workouts with progressive overload 2-3 times a week. During the off days, do martial arts 2-3 times a week.

      The optimal diet is the low carb diet. (The way people ate for centuries.)

      Coffee is ok as long as you don’t abuse it.

      1. Ani

        Thank you very much truth seeker. Your respond means a lot to me. I feel alone all the time. I was raised by a single mom. I still live with her, and what you say about women It’s absolutley right. From my experience, even mothers don’t love their sons unconditionally. Mine at least, don’t. My father left us the day she was pregnant. She hated me for that. The fact that I’m very similar to my dad facially was a course all my life because it reminded of him. I suffered, a lot, all my childhood and still do. When I was 19 I was diagnosed with autism. It never crossed my mind because I seemed very normal. Never had any problems in the verbal area. However, what you say It’s true. When I showed moments of weakness, my mom got even more repulsed to me. It’s sad, because we don’t choose all these things. To me life itself is a scam. We think, we feel, we imagine, we remember, we dream, to die at the end. The fact that humans created the economy, politics, laws and all that stuff, doesn’t change the fact that deep down, we still obey biological laws. I even wonder if biology can be reducted to the laws of physics. I don’t know if free will is real, or just another illusion like hope. I don’t believe in karma, since the most powerful people on the world are completly evil and ruthless.
        Thank you truth seeker.

        1. Truth Seeker Post author

          I doubt you have actual autism. More than likely, you are just an introvert.

  9. Pedro

    Hello misterious truth seeker, i never forgot of you, and always kept reading, i salute you.

    Maybe one just cannot fake being the bad guy, but what cannot be faked and actually delivers tangible results in your life in general is to develop your spiritual side: to accept ourselves, to feel complete by ourselves *without accesories*. We tend to seek women because taking aside the undeniable physical interaction aspect, we enjoy the way they inflate our ego and the more atractive or younger she is, the higher and “cooler” we regard ourselves. In other words, we allow them to be the gatekeepers on how we perceive ourselves, our self-worth etc etc.

    This is by no means a remark that is supposed to increase atraction from the oposite gender, instead what i’d like to bring light to the fact that our relationship with ourselves is more important. It’s something that we can at least control and change the way we see life in general.

  10. Segun

    A nice guy trait I had apart from the normal ones that I never thought was wrong was that I treated girls like a Mother which was a terrible mistake; that meant becoming emotionally vulnerable with them quickly like telling them about your challenges, bad experiences and trauma while she does the same.
    In my mind I assume I am bonding with them but unknowingly, I was making myself look weak, nice, feminine and below them. I saw females as people you could like become soft with but that is not the case.

    1. Truth Seeker Post author

      The truth is that both men and women will eat you when you show weakness/softness. Men will “kill you” and steal your material possessions and your wife. Women will be turned off because “you’re not a real man” and use it as excuse to abandon you instead of helping you thrive.

      Modern women come in a relationship with the idea “WHAT CAN I TAKE?” rather than “WHAT CAN I GIVE?”.

      Modern women are 100% takers.

  11. Shane Mercer

    Weakness / Strength/ nice/ bad are all relative terms . Ultimately it boils down to ” is the power dynamic in her favor ” ? Does said bad boy/ nice boy trait damage her loyalty and commitment ? I have seen ultra nice religious Muslim men in Qatar , Kuwait , Dubai have extremely loyal committed religious decent wives . And not just once . Several times . Now why does this not happen in the West ? This means that the Western government/elites are actively engaged in harming young men and elevating women . Women are simply following the rewards . Thats it .

    1. Truth Seeker Post author

      It’s not happening in the West because the religion of the West is “I am my own God.” Everybody has a narcissistic disorder. In other words, there isn’t a spiritual base for “an elevated” relationship to occur.

      The Muslim world is totally different.

  12. Andy

    Truthseeker I agree with most of your work and have concluded the same over many years. You are wrong about looks, 100%. I am 6ft5 230lb muscle and handsome. I have never had an issue in attracting random women in a nightclub. The issue I have is that my personality is a carbon copy of yours (as is my fatherless upbringing). Also I’m pretty sure that we are both high intelligence Asperger’s. My success in converting opportunities into sex is awful, because when i talk, I don’t elicit the right/any emotions in women. I, like you, am a decent guy and am logical. I like to talk about things with meaning – women hate this, it shuts down their emotional brains and turns on their logical brains. Thinking for women is the biggest turn off. Unfortunately for guys like us, modern society is designed to encourage people, especially women, not to think. The western world is not designed for men like you and me! Looking forward to your thoughts.

    1. Truth Seeker Post author

      Well, technically, you are admitting that women are attracted to you visually. Hence why you “never had an issue in attracting random women in a nightclub”. Thus, looks are attracting women for you.

      However, you’re saying that looks don’t keep them. I 100% understand what you’re saying.

      My explanation is this:

      1. Your looks are amazing (e.g., 7/10), but in this spoiled era, you need to be 8/10+ to completely fall on your looks. It’s insane when you think about it. Many men who are in the middle zone actually receive the harshest treatment, but that’s a topic for another da.

      2. Women are put off because you’re bringing very large issues in this world.

      Women hate this, even those who bring the same issues hate it. Hence why they may be labeling you as “negative”…etc. Women want to be fed lies about the world (e.g., the law of attraction) and other illusions that allow you to feel good by telling yourself to feel good.

      As you said it, they hate logic.

      3. You’re too nice to them. (very likely for men brought in a fatherless home) without even realizing it. Men raised by single mothers, naturally believe that all women are nice and caring like their mom. Well, women are insanely mean in reality.

      4. Who knows

      There are exceptions at both ends of the spectrum – ugly men with hot women and hot men who have very bad luck with women.

      Without knowing 100% your situation, I’d experiment with being meaner/more egoistical in your interactions. E.g., Try to schedule a date at a location that’s very convenient for you…etc. Put yourself first for the next few dates and see how things go for you.

  13. El_Vasquito

    Right on the spot as usual . Early generation PUAs argued that women liked bad boys because they’re confident, manly, etc. Truth is many of them can be extremely coward when confronted with a badder/stronger man or bad situation.

    1. Jose

      Everything seems to come down to a primal fascination with “bad” behavior ingrained in human psyche.

      I’ve noted that not only women, but also a lot of men idolize and mystify beyond the ironical point people who are clearly mentally ill at best or consciously evil at worst. There is a good reason why villains and deranged characters from fiction are massively popular and beloved in comparison to the sane and nice heroes.

  14. Sergio

    Cuanto debería progresar de sesión a sesión si lo hago por repeticiones?

  15. Muhlin

    Hi drug seeker! I think women like other women.

  16. MB

    Do nice guys attract more women when they behave like a bad boy?

  17. Sakalor Zarak

    Hi TruthSeeker! I read a lot of your posts, and I agree with you. It is better to see things as they are. It helps a lot to build up self-confidence. If everything is big bullshit, then you won’t overthink situations. You won’t expect things which is unrealistic. You can focus on your goals. The truth makes you free. Keep up the good work!

  18. Niceguy

    It’s over!!! We can go home now!!!

  19. Niceynice

    I.e. there is a little 17 yr old beauty neighbour of mine with a boyfriend that is smaller than her for an inch or two.. skinny short and ugly, poor, and dumb, but what you would call mamas boy, little selfish prick with zero qualities..
    Had a friend somewhat like that when 14-15…

    The guy is like 5foot 6… a little faker.. she will ditch him eventually of course for a guy with a car, but he will have gotten the best of her… 😁
    I remember when I was 20 or so.. the same little prick type with some little slut with big tits at the seaside following him around like a dog 😁.. I can not describe how I felt, like what is wrong with me 🤔🤣
    Then again, recently I saw a real beauty blonde in the league of Pamela Anderson with a little rich fattish pig resembling german at the seaside .. they were 20-ish..

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