Big Arms Naturally?

| by Truth Seeker |

Out of excitement, many beginners can’t sleep the night before their “arm day”. Insecure teenagers watch video after video of CT Fletcher on their iPhones and get goose bumps from what’s about to follow the next day.

Big Arms naturally?

Sorry, you can’t have those arms naturally.

Similar behavior is the norm – not the exception. The upper arms have become the main symbol of strength. Flexing your big guns is considered the ultimate answer to the question: “Do you even lift, bro?”. But how big can your arms get naturally?

Short answer – less than you want.

The bodybuilding fans have been conditioned to see large 20-inch arms in videos, gyms, bodybuilding expos…etc. What many don’t know is that the bodybuilders who display such marvelous arm development are on steroids, growth hormone (GH), insulin and more. Naturals don’t have 20-inch arms. In fact, most naturals won’t even have 18-inch arms.

As a natural bodybuilder in a lean condition, you can’t have more than 16-17 inch arms. That’s it. And keep in mind that those measurements are for gifted athletes who have a great potential for growth. Truth be told, most natty bodybuilders will have a hard time reaching 15-inch arms at a low body fat percentage.

Of course, many of you are going to scream at the monitor after seeing those numbers, but it is what it is. The good news is that a lean 15-inch arm still looks great in the eyes of the general public.

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  1. Whatsittoya

    This post made me laugh hard as hell! I cut down to 5% last year (18y/o) and I was 15 inches. That’s with only 3 years of serious bodybuilding. Finishing up this bulk I’m around 17″ and I store little to no fat in my arms. If you think I’ve reached my limit on three years naturally?! You must be a fool LOL this site is a joke. Your dumb ass probably thinks vegan no gains is on juice.

    1. tim

      This dude’s probably just one of those guys who thinks everyone bigger than him has to be on steroids.

    2. Joe Lauricella

      I think the natural limit is 18 in arms in contest shape it’s rare but it happens especially on taller guys over 6 feet tall.

    3. Troy

      6’1″ 215lbs pretty lean. 17.5″ arms cold & all natural. After years of surgeries and set backs just started working out again. Oh, & I’m 44. I don’t believe this is an accurate article…I plan on adding at least an inch to my arms over the next few years.

    4. Francis Morin

      Dude how tall are you? If you are above 6 feet tall you can reach 18 inch arms. Don’t laught so much he was pretty on the spot. But he made some errors. The natural limit is about 19 inch. That is the limit of Reg Parks a natural and of Arnold when natural (not on roids). Both were 6’1” and extremely gifted. So unless you are 6’5” don’t ever count on getter 20 inch arms. If you are a full natural. If you are below 6 feet you most probably almost reached your natural limit. This is the problem with natural bodybuilding, you grow fast the first 2 or 4 years, then you slowly get an equilibrium between size and performance. Your body simply doesn’t want to be so big for economy of energy. So you will not grow anymore. One of the most handsome natural was Steve Reeves at 6’1” inch tall and 18.3 inch arms for 213 pounds at about 8 percent body fat.

    5. ZeroQ

      Hahahah this is funny. How small are you. I’m naturally lifting for 14months now and I reached my biceps from 35cm to 45cm. When I started I was 93kg 25% body fat, I reached to 102kg and 10% body fat in 14months and still growing. Everyone have different genetics some are gifted some not.

      1. Frank

        We should all follow the chart Steve Reeves made. He was pretty much on the spot for natural arm, legs, chest size.

  2. tim flood

    I’m all natural. I’m 43 yrs old and have been training off and on since about 25 yrs old but consistently for the last 3 yrs. My body fat is about 9% and I don’t carry any fat in my arms any way. But yes my arms are a solid 18 inches cold. I can actually swell em up to about 19 in on arm day. My growth came when I finally stuck with heavy ass iron, 4-6 reps per set. Fk that 8-12 rep per set bs! Train like a power lifter but eat clean. Don’t expect overnight success and then when it doesn’t happen just give up like most guys do. Stick with it and be patient. I’m not genetically gifted at all. I just busted my ass. And yes I can take a current photo to prove it. You’ll have to take my word when I say that I am all natural.

  3. Robert

    I am 62 years old . Worked out off and on since age 15. Naturally 19″ SOLID not flabby upper arms. 210 lbs. 5-10. 44″ chest 34″ waist

  4. Adnan

    34 inch waist is pretty high BF%. What’s not factored in here is that there is visceral fat on your arms not just subcutaneous. So they will shrink when you cut but not as much as the post says. I was 15.8 inches at 49 years old 7% BF. Lost 3 quarter of an inch.

    1. bob

      How could you possibly know a 34″ waist equates to high body fat? You’d have to assume both his bone structure and his level of musculature both lower back and abdominal development. That’s a lot of assumptions to come to such a conclusion

  5. Trombone Hiawatha

    I am 229 years old. Been working out since Napoleon. My arms are 39 inches at 5% bodyfat, you goddamn phony, weak, lazy excuse for a human being.

    1. Jonathan

      Visceral fat is in the abdominal cavity….

  6. George Ashkar

    LOL! I’m a natural pushing 19 inches, and I know many of you are going to laugh and think i’m lying, but 15 and 16 inches? Come on man… HAHAHA… I’m at 10% body fat and leaned out to 6% and my arms were still more than 18.5 inches, in fact it was closer to 18.8. I’m a member on, name is George0311, I have a couple of pics there. Guys, train hard, eat right and stay consistent on your protein and creatine…
    Don’t listen to these clowns.

  7. vince

    Who ever wrote this article is a total bullshitter fucking ectomorth cunt thinking nothings achievable. This motherfucker probably looks like shit himself and puts down the others who are doing good in their life. Now steroids do increase muscle size and speed up recovery because of the increased testosterone and other androgenic hormones but they dont turn guys like this article’s author (who probably is a teenager and sits in his mamas home all day and is insecure) into champions. Champions are made from deep inside and believe in themselves. If all u needed was steroids to get big i would have spent thousands on steroids and gh and insulin and won mr olympia and mr universe and then retired by now. How many people buy steroids from online and take huge dosages and go gym and still look natty like this motherfucker (looool). Now larry scott admitted taking 20 mg of dianabol (type of steroid) 6 weeks out from his 2 mr olympia victories and his mr universe and mr america victories but for the other 46 weeks he didnt take any steroids as they were very harmful if taken for long periods. Now larry scott died at 75 same age as muhamad ali. Its very obvious Ali never touched steroids. (Now this teenage natty motherfucking author might even say muhammad ali took steroids). Its funny how a guy can be 600 pounds of fat naturally but he cant be 180 pounds of lean muscle according to this bullshitter. This guy probable doesnt go gym and probably does pushups and chin ups in his mamas basement. Me personally even though im not a competitive bodybuilder yet, i started out with 16 inch arms (17inch in reality but i would take 1 inch off because i had a bit of fat). This sissy author would probable say i was taking steroids before i even started training. So i recommend this author to stop fucking writing natty or not articles on everyone (just proves u have no life and ur a hater because people are bigger and better than u) and start workin out so u can see for ur self if you can or cant get bigger than 18 inch pythons naturally .This authors probably smaller than my scrawny brother and look at how hes taking down CT flecter in 1 second. Right now im probably about 220 lb and my right arm is 19.5 inches and my left is 19 inches. Ive also got 55 inch chest and 28 inch thighs and 18 inch calves. Now these measurement would definately be slightly higher if i start taking steroids but why should i take them if im getting this big without them. So here u go u natty author and even when ur old ull still be writing these shitty articles hating everyone

  8. Brett

    People talk crap. I just read a post where a dude claims he has 19 inch arms. Arnold only hade 19 – 20 inch arms, Zane had 17 – 18, Mike Menzer said his arms only ever measured 18, 5 cold. Both arnold and Zane have admitted to steroid use. It seems weird that with natural testosterone levels one can attain the same level of muscle mass of guys who are taking steroids. One would ask then whats the point if you can achieve the same results naturally. Truthseeker is 100 percent correct. Yo bitches are phony. How do i know? Because im 6’1 and have good genetics and have been busting my balls for the last 8 years in the gym. Yet my arms only measure 40 cm. But guess what, thats fine because 8 out of 10 people i pass are smaller than me, and the ones that are bigger are either fat fucks, or pussies on juice. Doint believe the crap that people say, some of these comments sound like they come from delusional people. Truthseeker may be a skinny dude but atleast he aint talkin shit to ur face. Bitches on juice train like pussies. I hope ive pissed some people off.

    1. Matt

      Dude listen to yourself. “But guess what, thats fine because 8 out of 10 people i pass are smaller than me, and the ones that are bigger are either fat fucks, or pussies on juice”. It’s obvious you can’t except that anyone is better than you. And you rationalize the ones that are. Keep living in Your fantasy world dude. Btw I’m 32, have 17 inch arms pumped, I’ve been traing for 4 years. And oh yeah i must be on roids… or wait i must be a fat ass, cause that’s the only way it’s possible.

  9. Chase

    I’m 18 at 10%bf and I have 19 inch arms natural at 5’10 lol this article chats shit

  10. NattyBigGuy

    You’re all a bunch of low testosterone lazy fucks, I’m 5’10 and I’ve been working out for 3 and a half years. My arms are 20.5 inches cold when I cut to 8 % bodyfat. With hard work and dedication anything is possible but I’m sure none of you can reach the work ethic of a champion. You think come and brag about having 18-19″, you make me laugh.

    1. nick

      So many delusional people in this comment section. 20+ inch arms at <10%bf all natty?? Yeh right bro, and pigs can fly and shit rainbows. Most professional bodybuilders don't even break past 22" guns and they've been training for decades with elite genetics and tons of gear, and you expect us to believe your arms are almost the same size with just hard work for 3-4 years? gtfo

      1. Steven Richards

        Fuck this post is full of bullshitting bastards lol. Get that tape and learn how to measure your arms. If you are truely natural and claiming you have over 18 inch arms you either, double wrapped the tape over your arms, weigh over 25st or some kind of giant. Perhaps you have some mutant genes or just not human at all. Perhaps you are telling the truth and eat tren and Clen for breakfast lmao. 15-16 inches average to good genetics. 17-18 exceptional genetics. Any more than that and you ain’t a natural just another steriod taker.

    2. F. Morin

      You chat shit! Either your arms are not 19 inch or you are on roids or the craziest mother fucker with natty arms the world eer had. Come n who are you kidding. Anybody that is below 5’11” arms over here and claims to have bigger than 18 inch and a half arms are bullshitting either US or themselves. Good luck with your impression.

  11. ShawnW

    I have to agree that people really limit themselves. I don’t blame them. Personally I have been training off and on since I was 12. Joined the army for 7 years. Left and became a DOD contractor for 4 where I deployed to combat zones. All you do is lift over there. With all that training I never reached what I thought was a truly impressive physique. I mean co-workers were impressed but I was not. I did not have magazine look…until now. I work in the states and now 32 and I would say that when I turned 30 my body really started changing for the better. I mean I was in shape befor but now I look like a true athlete. I now realize that if you start young and push hard, you will see real pay off after 30 if not before. Guess it just took a while for it to kick in. Then again this the first time I have trained consistently for more than year straight as hard as I could, 7 days a week, no major cardio except jumprope, and eating according to my blood type. In fact the blood type diet was my major missing key too. I no longer track calories. I just eat according to my blood type and that works fine. I never did that silly cutting and bulking stuff and still don’t. It is mostly diet. In fact for people trying to lose bodyfat and don’t know what is wrong, it is probably your diet. I am O+ and for me lean Beef is great. But if your A+ like my wife, Beef and most meats are the worst. She pushes hard in the gym and eats the “ideal” diet and always lost her results quickly. After eating according to her blood type, she trains only 3 days a week and eats whenever (according to her blood type) and loses fat and only gains muscle now. Its amazing. So train amazing if you want to look amazing but more importantly eat according to your blood type. You will quickly find that many things that considered “healthy” in general is not healthy for you based on blood type. A great example, as an O+ I can’t have most fruits. Only Figs and Prunes are beneficially, I have too much stomach acid for most others. It is simply in my blood.

    P.S. I’m 6’0 215lbs(most of the time), 18 1/2 arms pumped, almost always exactly 10% bodyfat (which is a great and easy number to maintain without trying), 49 inch Chest, 34 inch waist, 7 inch wrist, have a six pack (decent one at least most of the time if not chiseled), Bench press on average 315-330 as a normal workout weight I have no clue what my max is and really do not care. If I can’t move the weight at least 4 times a set, then it is probably to dangerous for me to lift on my own without worry. This all took a damn long time to get to and even if I am getting closer to my full potential, I don’t care. I will train to see how far I can go. Like everyone should 🙂

    1. F. Morin

      Shawn you enter the natural measurements for real bodybuilding.

  12. frank

    can someone please clarify statements of arm size in these posts? I understand ‘cold’ vs. ‘pumped’, but those who are stating their arm size, is it flexed or relaxed?

  13. bob

    Most measure their arms cold + flexed + round up an inch or two. What the author says about arm size I must agree at least on point that the condition of your arms is most important to looking impressive. I do believe it’s possible to have very lean arms at higher body fat if your predisposed to. When these guys go on a cut the problem with their arms shrinking does not relate to fat loss so much as it does muscle loss. It’s easier to have larger even very lean arms at a higher body fat. A bodybuilder at 5% bf doesn’t carry near as much muscle as at 10-12%. Anyone who’s cut down to low bf levels knows just how much strength you lose at sub 10% bf.

  14. Loki

    You are all closet rope suckers!

  15. Charles

    I’m 39,6’2 230 with 21″ arms,52″ chest,36″ waist and 19″ calves.Natural and 13%,bi veins show as well as top 4 abs.been training 25 years.

  16. AngieDucky

    Arms size doesn’t mean anything, as a man, you must be rich in morden society.

    Get over it boys, learn how to achieve financial freedom before your 40s rather than using steroids at teenage.


  17. Bob

    Maybe looks mean little where you come from but in much of western culture appearance still serves some importance be it of secondary or primary. Arm size (lean) has a pretty close correlation to ones overall development. Hard to have truly big muscular arms without the physique of a greek god with the exception of modern pro bbers.
    Ofcourse whether or not you have the body of a greek god or not doesn’t determine financial freedom either way BUT would you rather be a wealthy obese pig or a wealthy greek god. hmmm. Which sounds more attractive Choice is yours.

    I don’t condone teen steroid use either but there is some irony to be had when you consider arnold schwarzeneggers teen steroid use is what made him the youngest Mr Olympia and a millionaire…

  18. AngieDucky

    Hi Bob,

    Thank you for your comment. There is no doubt we all should put personal fitness at top priority. But it doesn’t mean we need to be obsessed about our arms size or abuse of drugs. It is actually a mental illness.

    Yes, Mr. Olympias are rich but are they really healthy inside out? 🙂 There are many other ways to achieve our financial freedom while maintaining good fitness level.

    1. bob

      Pro BBers of today’s era are not healthy inside. They do not support the grecian ideal. Who’s obsessing about arm size? Discussing arm size makes up a very small fraction of my time in life. I know you weren’t referring to me personally in your remarks but my point is I wouldn’t call an interest in arm size an obsession or suggest any of the posters here are obsessed with their arm size. They’ve come here to discuss a topic they’re interested in and you come along and contribute nothing positive to the topic. Wanting bigger arms does not necessarily detract from anyones achievements in other areas of their life. I’m sure there are many other avenues where you can happily discuss the value of wealth in modern society at your leisure without trivializing the topic of discussion here.

  19. Ryan

    17 and 1/2 arms 6’1 and 235lbs. I have abs. I’m 33 and I had shoulder surgery so I didn’t train for a year and now after 6 months I’m at 17 1/2. Most of u guys are lying about your arm size but that’s ok, I’m sure your mom still loves you.

  20. Grandpa Beefcake

    i’m 87 years old and have been benching raw iron for 80 years. totally natural, diet of raw eggs , liver tablets , dried bee stingers and ground horse hoofs. my arms are 28″ cold. also my penis is 48″ cold unpumped because i toss the turkey every day since WW2.

    these blogs think everyone who got 16″ arms is on roids. well its obvious everyone with big arms is simply a very old, senior citizen

  21. Holden

    19inch arms leaned out here. All natty

  22. fuckyou

    Phaggot soyboy you know nothing

  23. Garrett Deutenberg

    False. I’m 5’8, 215 pounds. And at flex without a pump going, I’m at 17.5”. I’m not done growing either. I have stretch marks that have continued to grow at the front of the bicep. I do not use steroids, or use any gainer supplements. I just eat. A shitload.

    1. Francois

      215 AT 5’8 INCH is impossible without a lot of body fat without using either some kind of testosterone supplement like anabolic steroids or some growth hormones. I am sorry dude. I am almost 5’9” and I am pretty much on the bulky side. I already went up to 203 pound but I was getting fat. I believe you can get 17 inch arm at 5’8 and maybe 17’5 max even for the best of genetics. Exception being for a person that have already took steroids, some studies tend to show that a natural barrier or limit i broken and if someone trains real hard they might keep some gains other wise impossible. Example. I never passed 16.5 inch arm naturally at about 11% body fat for 177 pounds weight. If I had taken steroids I might have been able to grow 19 inch arms. I than train my ass off natural and keep 18 inch arm because of muscle memory that remembers my arms can grow bigger than that of 17 inch. By the way 17 inch for a guy of 5’8” tall is starting to be pretty big naturally and it is only a size for those that have good arms genetics. My strength are my shoulders.

  24. john

    He’s fat, that’s okay though.

    You make a good point about ex steroid users having greater potential for large arms after they stop using. Permanent structural changes in musculature of the arms, that is stretching of the fascia and prolifieration of satellite cells can allow them to maintain larger arm size than they’d ever have achieved at their natural limit. This is why I always say you’re only natural once. If you’re an ex steroid user you have no business claimiing natural even years after you’ve stopped using.

  25. Zeroq

    I just started lifting, I’m in 4th month of training and my arms are 16inch,? You need to get out more.

    1. F. Morin

      Zeroq. What is you rheight and measurements, bodyfat etc. 16 inch is pretty natural depending on your constitution. Remember that you can gain an inch of bicep after four months training natural. The problem is that you will hit a plateau like any natural bodybuilder.

  26. bert

    One of the best examples of what a man of average height may achieve (5’9-6’2) in terms of arm size in lean condition (10% bf) is displayed in the measurements of the early Mr America winners. These guys didn’t have the luxury of steroids and had to have good genetics to place at the top tier.
    As you can see 17-18″ is about the limit for a fairly gifted individual unless you are extremely tall. Most people do not accurately measure bf %. It really is that simple. If you have 16″ arms after 4 months training you’re either very tall or have 15%+ bodyfat.

  27. Zeroq

    I’m 5.9 96kg 10% body fat. I measured my arms, waist and chest today it gets even better. Chest is 130cm, waist 95cm and arms 42cm. I’m naturally muscular even when I was a kid as little as 7year old. I could never get fat only my stomach was getting bigger before lifting and that’s why I desited to lift. But now I’m so in to it, can’t stop 🙂

  28. TheHardgainer

    A lot of kids with freaky genetics can break the 16inch barrier in one year of training, obviously these morons knows nothing about training, it’s only a matter of genetics. it’s pre-determined, you can bust your ass for years but if you have shitty genetics you will probably never go beyond 15,5 inches. So, if you find easy to grow is not due to your knowledge,or your training and nutrition, you are not a special snowflake,you’re not doing anything different form the other skinny guys, instead probaly you are not training so hard as you think.

  29. borat

    The comments are still rolling in. That’s amazing considering humans don’t have arms anymore.

  30. Pikeman Roo

    People are forgetting that American farm animals are pumped full of shit to make them grow bigger and the meat is banned in other countries because of it. If you eat that crap, youre not natural.

  31. NATHAN

    I’ve been lifting 2 years. I’m 6-3 and my arms are 15.7 inches. I’m around 14% fat. I feel like my arms are small but this made me feel bigger.

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