The supplement industry is growing rapidly even though most of the products have a highly questionable effectiveness. The fancy names and the shiny labels may attract the eyes, but the actual measurable results from the products are nowhere to be seen.
Yet natural bodybuilders have been convinced that they need supplementation to reach their maximum potential. Natties never skip a protein shake from fear that they’ll go ”catabolic”, and their hard earned muscle will evaporate into the nothingness. Therefore, a logical question arises:
What are the top supplements for natural bodybuilders? Creatine and protein?
It may surprise you, but if you are healthy, you don’t need any supplements as a natural bodybuilder. No protein powder, no creatine, no amino acids, no vitamins – nothing. Just a semi-clean diet. Why?
First off, protein powders are nothing more than processed food in powder form. They have no magic qualities regardless of what the fake natural bodybuilders living the ‘aesthetic lifestyle‘ try to tell you. Many of the studies concerning whey protein powders and their derivatives have been twisted by the supplements companies. However, protein powder can sometimes be useful. For example, if you have an injured jaw, a liquid intake of protein could be useful.
The same holds true for creatine. It’s a rather pointless supplement in the long run. You can read more about why it sucks here.
Once we have eliminated protein and creatine, we are left with pre-workouts, fish oil, vitamins, joint formulas…etc. The pre-workout supplements are nothing more than fast
The pre-workout supplements are nothing more than fast carbohydrates and vitamins. You can easily replace them by eating a banana, a chocolate bar, an orange or something else that will raise your energy levels. There’s nothing magical about pre-workouts.
Meanwhile, fish-oil, vitamins, and joint formulas seem to be the most useful supplements for a natural. Almost everyone has some sort of vitamin deficiency whereas fish oil has positive effects on the heart, skin, hair…etc. Out of the group, joint formulas are the highest suspect. They are usually loaded with all kinds of miracle ingredients taken from sharks, dinosaurs, aliens, crocodiles…Since many people suffer from joint pain and overuse injuries, the market for similar products is high which means that there’s always a place for deception and lies. There are many joint support formulas that do nothing other than start a placebo effect. Unless you truly know that a product is helping you, taking it makes little sense.
Additional note on vitamins:
Don’t trust the supplement companies making you take grams of vitamins. It’s a carefully elaborated scam meant to get you on the hook. The human body can only absorb so much in a day. Taking more will results solely in an expensive urine and that’s about it.
Conclusion: The top supplements for natural bodybuilders are fish oil, vitamins and joint support. However, there isn’t a supplement that’s obligatory to reach your natural potential.
If you feel the same way with or without a certain product – why are you taking it?
I use pea protein isolate that costs me 18p per 30g scoop – another good reason to use protein powder, in certain forms it can cost ALOT less. Sure id love to eat battery farmed eggs and cod all day but pea protein is cheap, plant based and no extra chemicals added, and its convenient. No more processed than powdered milk.