Kipping Dips Do Not Develop Your Chest And Triceps

| by Truth Seeker |


Doug Chapman teaching kipping dips

The kipping dip requires the lifter to use the entire body to get up. Since more muscles are involved in the movement, more reps can be done this way. But is this good?

The kipping dip is an inferior exercise for the following reasons:

– the stress is taken away from the triceps and chest
– the movement is ballistic and as a result there’s more stress on the joints
– less hypertrophy stimulation
– there are better ways to exercise your whole body

What are the benefits of kipping dips?

The benefit of kipping dips is that instead of sitting on the couch, you’re are exercising. However, even that’s a little questionable since this shaky exercise can injure you and force you to spend even more time on the couch.

Joking aside, kipping dips have no place in a bodybuilding routine. You won’t gain any muscle. Besides, the endurance and pain tolerance that you develop from kipping dips can be acquired through other movements – burpees, muscle-ups, explosive push-ups…etc.

In short, just like kipping pull-ups, the kipping dip is a gimmick.

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