The world, just like women, says one thing and then rewards the opposite. When you were a little kid, your teachers filled your head with fairy tales, fables and other literary creations putting various virtues on a pedestal. Yet when you grew up, you got stuck. You did what they told you, but it didn’t work. You were good, but the world wasn’t. What happened there? Why isn’t the formula working?
You have to understand that the world gains nothing from telling you the truth and everything from pushing a politically correct explanation. All the notions and ideas that you learn in the classroom are not wrong, but they manifest only in theory. In practice, things go sideways. People never do what they thought they would. We criticize the villains only to become like them later on without even realizing it.
“Money doesn’t matter.”, “Appearance isn’t everything.”, “It’s all about the soul,”, “The essential is invisible to the eyes.”
We have all heard it. But when you observe the results of those who don’t have money and the rest of the goodies, it becomes apparent that similar notions evaporate into the nothingness as soon as the bell rings.
Nobody cares about the soul, the spirit or whatever else the fables talk about. It’s all about finding the product that offers the most “satisfaction” and pleasure. Men who can provide better material comfort in the form of cash, status and superior genes enjoy more benefits than the rest regardless of their morals and principles. Girls will pretend that they are all about the virtues and write so in their essays, but those are nothing more than politically correct pamphlets.
You don’t have to believe me. Just look around. Where are the women dating homeless, broke men? They don’t exist.
I know a man who earned himself a divorce after his salary got sliced in half. I am also familiar with the son of another man who was replaced by a far better provider. The new father generated a lot of material comfort for his stepfamily in the form of cars, apartments and whatever else money can buy. I have no doubt that the mother did the swap in a Machiavellian fashion. The original father was not that bad. He simply wasn’t the money printer that it was expected of him to be. To this day, he is completely cut from the life of his son.
Why am I telling you all of this? This isn’t a financial outlet after all.
It’s really simple. The same unpopular logic applies to the male physique.
It’s always better to have a good looking body. Nobody except hardcore steroid users becomes less attractive in the eyes of a woman for having a muscular and lean physique.
Women may talk bad about guys who have male model bodies, but that does not mean that they are not attracted to the flesh. Most females are either too “distracted” to admit it or simply scared to do so because they don’t want to hold up to the same standards themselves. That’s why they claim that men with muscles are overcompensating as if the whole world isn’t doing the same thing one way or another.
Muscles and visible abs are welcome. A woman may be with a guy carrying a fat gut, but that does not happen because she is attracted to his bags of lards. She is simply tolerating them for some reason.
Just look at the videos of male models on Omegle or similar chatroulette sites. What are the women smiling at? They like the body. If you replace the physique of Connor Murphy with that of a sumo wrestler, nothing of the kind will happen. Biologically women are attracted to nice male physiques regardless of what they say.
When women go to the strip club what do they expect to see? Fat men? No. They go there to put dollars in the pants of ripped and muscular male specimens.
When a woman wants a one night stand for whatever reason who does she choose? The pretty boy with the abs, of course.
They say that size does not matter, money doesn’t matter, muscles don’t matter. It’s all about the person inside. I am laughing so hard now that the building is shaking. Those are the exact characteristics that matter the most.
You are a product which they evaluate. Every date feels like a job interview because it is one. They are trying to decode how much value you have to offer and the cost of extracting it from you. If the numbers are good, they give you the green lights.
The conclusion is very simple – physical traits are numero uno for creating prospects. Nobody cares about your good deeds. If you don’t attract her physically, she won’t be with you even if you feed a village of orphans right after donating a kidney. You may find yourself in a facebook post of hers, though.
What Constitutes a Fuck Me Now Physique?
Leanness and mass at the right places – the arms, shoulders, back and chest are a priority.
The keyword here is leanness. Shreds form the magic touch. There’s a reason why men fight so hard to earn a set of six-pack abs. If a physique is not lean, it is not a fuck-me-now-physique by default. A man who has a decent structure and mass can still have a massive effect on the opposite sex, but if he is not lean, he is missing a key ingredient.
Can a fuck-me-now physique overcome other shortcomings?
It can steer the wheel in a positive direction, but women have some preferences that they would never trade for muscles and abs. One of those would be height.
If you have ever been on a dating app such as Tinder, you are probably familiar with the most popular question on there – how tall are you?
A high altitude brah who does not posses a fuck-me-now physique has an advantage over a short male who has the body of a deity.
Ultimately, a nice lean body helps but is far from enough to negate traits absent from the female shopping list.
Can I build a fuck-me-now-physique naturally?
In theory, yes. The problem is that extreme leanness on a natural results in a malnourished and fragile appearance.
Good luck pulling the single digit body fat trick as pristine natty brah. If you have a good frame, however, you may be able to sculpt a very effective physique capable of triggering the desired delirium.
Having said that, the nasty looking brahs who get the most attention on Insta are usually injecting.
P.S. You can discuss this post in the comment section below or on the forum.
What if you are 15-25% bodyfat and not really lean? Can you still attract women as long as you have muscles?
Depends on how you look. 15% could be fine, but 25% is too much. 1/4 of your body is lard.
Truth seeker, I disagree with you on this one. There are tons of men out there that are the sons of starving immigrants, on parole, in prison, ugly, etc., who get all the beautiful women. How do you explain this?
That does not happen.
It does but they are tall
Height is indeed a winner. It is not #1 though. I am 6’4″ and an ectomorph too. Never been fat. Had a terrible time getting women, until- aged 26 – I found the magic ingredient:
Trust me, this is the #1 chick magnet. Without it you can be a tall, lean Greek god, but no luck.
Once I stopped giving a fuck I was getting models giving me their phone numbers with zero effort. Muscles come after #1confidence, #2 height #3 looks #4 dosh, in my book.
(*I was also a late developer, I had acne until I was 25 – that is a very serious woman deterent).
I have to disagree strongly on this one.
Well the ugly truth has been spoken. Looks and money(aka social status) are the two most important things that you need for attracting women. It sounds superficial and rarely any woman will admit it but that’s it. Nothing wrong with it though, just it isn’t ideal when you don’t have these.