Category Archives: quick posts

The True Secret To Productivity (The One Habit That Will Make You Rich…quickly)

| by Truth Seeker |

I am about to reveal the secret to productivity of the rich, powerful and successful. The information below normally costs billions but today it’s free. So, what is it? Waking up at 4:30 and starting work at 5 a.m. while the losers are still sleeping? Staying late and working while the losers are watching the newest reality show? Installing the […]

Starving Gets You More Girls Than Lifting Weights

| by Truth Seeker |

We’ve already determined that a man’s primary motivation to lift weights is the acquisition of extra attractiveness burdened with the task to trigger a very specific hormonal response within the female body. That applies to married [taken] men too regardless of what they say. A long time ago, when my sets were hard enough to […]

Is There Such a Thing as a Fuck-Me-Now Physique? (do muscles equal sex)

| by Truth Seeker |

The world, just like women, says one thing and then rewards the opposite. When you were a little kid, your teachers filled your head with fairy tales, fables and other literary creations putting various virtues on a pedestal. Yet when you grew up, you got stuck. You did what they told you, but it didn’t […]

8 Things WRONG With Youtube Fitness and Bodybuilding Channels

| by Truth Seeker |

Online videos dedicated to muscle construction play an integral part in the formation of one’s ideas about lifting. Many muscle apprentices do not have the desire and the attention span required to read books or long posts online. Consequently, clips that you can watch or listen to while playing games become more attractive and popular. […]

Interview With The Part Of Me Wanting Bigger Muscles

| by Truth Seeker |

This is an interview with a part of me that wanted to get bigger muscles. The interviewer is another part of me that works as a part-time shrink. Why do you want big muscles? Don’t know. I mean I know, but these days don’t know is a synonym for I don’t want to tell you, […]