Category Archives: Uncategorized

Police Propaganda In Modern TV Shows

| by Truth Seeker |

A long time ago I watched an episode of the TV series The Mentalist. There was a short dialogue between an FBI agent and a potential witness of a crime that got my attention. Here it is: Agent Kimball Cho, FBI: I understand you were working security here last night. You mind answering a few […]

Pain Free: How To Warm Up Properly For Maximum Strength

| by Truth Seeker |

The purpose of warming up is to prepare yourself for heavy lifting mentally and physically. To tell you the truth, the need for a warm-up is more mental than physical. This post explains how to warm-up properly for maximum strength. 1.Don’t over warm-up You don’t want to waste strength during your warm-up sets. After all, you didn’t […]

The Types Of “Brahs” That You Meet On

| by Truth Seeker |

The forum section of allows you to meet all kinds of fascinating people a.k.a. “cool brahs”. This post classifies the members of the message board into different groups based on behavior, beliefs and goals. 1. The “I Want to Build Muscles Like Brad Pitt from Fight Club” Brahs General characteristics  The “I Want to […]

The Evolution Of The Bodybuilding Thong

| by Truth Seeker |

Bodybuilding is one of the few competitive activities that require men to wear scanty underwear. The purpose of wearing male thongs a.k.a. posing trunks is to allow the judges to evaluate the muscular development and conditioning of your glutes. In this article, we are going to explore the evolution of the bodybuilding thong. The Beginning Eugen […]

Bodybuilding Magazines – Why People Just Don’t Read Them Anymore

| by Truth Seeker |

The popularity of bodybuilding magazines is dropping due to four main reasons: a. the Internet b. lack of new content c. tons of advertisement (spam) d. increased awareness The Internet. The Internet is now the primary source of information in the human world. It’s much cheaper than magazines and offers an ocean of data. As a […]

Frank Medrano – Can You Build His Physique Naturally?

| by Truth Seeker |

Frank Medrano is one of the most popular bar athletes a.k.a. bodyweight training specialists on the Internet. He resides it the U.S. and carries one of most shredded physiques you are likely to see. Frank Medrano made it happen, but can you follow his steps naturally without using anabolic steroids? Can you build a body […]

The Benefits Of Drug Free Bodybuilding Over Steroids

| by Truth Seeker |

Natural bodybuilders may be smaller, and yet true natural bodybuilding still has many benefits over the drugged version. 1. It’s cheaper. Professional bodybuilders have to spend an unreal amount of money on anabolic steroids, growth hormone, gynecomastia removal surgeries, frequent blood checks, food, viagra…etc. It’s not uncommon for a pro to invest USD 15, 000 […]

Is Bodybuilding a Real Sport Or a Beauty Contest?

| by Truth Seeker |

Bodybuilding is not a sport. It’s a beauty contest in which muscular men in their underwear pose in front of judges whose job is to determine who is the most aesthetic muscle constructor from the lineup. According to the original rules, the guy with the best body wins. The criteria are as follows: symmetry, mass, […]

Teenagers Spend All Their Money On Bodybuilding Supplements

| by Truth Seeker |

A downside of being a teenager is that you lack experience. You don’t know what works and what doesn’t. This makes you controllable. When you add the classic teenage crisis, you have a recipe for a disaster. One of the most frequently chosen ways to prove your manhood as a teenager is to acquire muscle mass to […]

Bodybuilding and Fitness Today Have Nothing To Do With Health

| by Truth Seeker |

Modern bodybuilders and fitness models showcase an exterior that makes them look like aliens compared to the average person married to a beer belly. Since the muscle heroes are so aesthetic, powerful and complete on the outside, many assume that the same party continues within the body. I am almost sorry to inform, but behind […]

The Keys To Building a Successful YouTube Fitness Channel

| by Truth Seeker |

In this post, I will show you how to create a successful YouTube fitness channel that prints money. The process is simple but requires a lot of hard work. Step 1. Build some upper body muscle A dominant upper musculature is a must when you are launching a YouTube fitness channel. People who have well-developed […]

Why are modern bodybuilders so much bigger than Arnold?

| by Truth Seeker |

Modern bodybuilders are about 50-80 lbs heavier than their ancestors from the era of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Many say that the advancements in the field of sports nutrition and training are behind the growth, but this is simply not true. The main reasons why today’s bodybuilders are bigger than Arnold and his friends are the larger […]

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