Category Archives: quick posts

The Functional Training Community Is Making Natural Bodybuilders Even More Delusional

| by Truth Seeker |

The functional training community is not nearly as innocent as many of you think. It has contributed greatly to the enormous amount of delusional beliefs found in the muscle building sector. Below I have listed a few major unrealistic ideas supported by the so-called functional training camp which includes the following branches: 5×5 zealots kettlebell […]

Don’t Wait For The Sunny Days. Embrace The Rain.

| by Truth Seeker |

The first 4 days of this week were windy, rainy and cold for the beginning of April. Every day I would go out, feel the cold and complain to myself how tired I am from the long winter. “Where’s my Sun,” I would say to myself like nature cares about my wishes. This left me […]

Lifting Weights: How To Write a Good Training Program

| by Truth Seeker |

The first step to writing a good lifting routine is setting concrete objectives. The more specific the goal, the higher your chances to achieve it. A good example would be a triple bodyweight deadlift or a one arm pull-up. Those are very specific missions that provide you with an opportunity to have a narrow focus – […]

Stories From The Gym: The First Time I Saw a Real Steroid User

| by Truth Seeker |

At the time of this story, I was a naive skinny boy serving a sentence in a dirty basement gym. My training facility was a trash bin, but it gave me the chance to witness some rather grotesque events that shaped my lifting ideology. This was the place where I saw an obvious steroid user for the first […]

The Role Of The Lats In The Deadlift

| by Truth Seeker |

Surprisingly, or not, the deadlift works the whole back from top to bottom. “But, what about the lats? Do they work during deadlifts,” asked the muscle nerds. Yes, brahs. The latissimus dorsi works incredibly hard when you deadlift. The lats are the biggest muscle in the upper body. When you deadlift, they have the following […]