What’s the aesthetic lifestyle?
Mainstream definition: A life dedicated to the development of an aesthetic appearance resulting in the pure expression of the human body. A person who lives the aesthetic lifestyle is constantly fighting to reach his/hers full physical potential through intense training and an implementation of a clean diet. The individuals who live that way are sponsored by big supplement companies and have a large number of fans who look up to them for advice.
Real definition: A life dedicated to the physical and the approval of others. The person who embraces this lifestyle usually has a very hard time understanding the inner self. He/She usually tries to hide insecurities behind a synthetic looking body, cheap talk, and cash. This individual has completely neglected the mental development for the sake of a muscular enlargement that depends entirely on steroids.
Why is the aesthetic lifestyle popular?
The aesthetic lifestyle is popular because physical appearance is extremely important in the human world. Animals may not care how they look, but humans do. People are attracted to muscle and leanness because the combination represents magnificence, strength, beauty and will power.
What’s actually happening behind the curtains?
The aesthetic lifestyle is dirtier than it looks. The athletes use drugs to gain muscle mass and lose body fat. They will never admit that to your face in order to protect their contracts with supplement companies. The so-called aesthetic brahs love selling you magic protein powders that don’t do much.
Additionally, the practitioners of the so-called aesthetic lifestyle are often involved in homosexual services. It’s not uncommon for physique competitors to works as male prostitutes and strippers. This is one of their secret income sources.
The members of the aesthetic crew don’t live the pure lifestyle presented to you. They usually suffer from testicular atrophy, insomnia, heart attacks, herpes, hair loss, acne, voice mutation, gynecomastia and other unpleasant diseases and conditions. On top of everything, a large amount of money from their income is lost on steroids and extra food.
i would say your view is extremely negative and bias
Good. I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Damn you are one Negative Nancy. Isn’t this true for ANY professional? Isn’t a lawyer miserable at some level? What about an overworked banker, isn’t he miserable? An accountant who is tired of sucking up to his boss? At the same time, all of these pursuits have some value and achievement as well. Any pursuit in life can be as negative or as positive you want it to be.
Attachment of knowledge of self to the production of consiousness could curb this self identity issue in the recessions and progressions of time… How are animals to know that we are not of them, therefore our bias’ reflect that which we dont know. Animals have not forgotten they are animals, but maybe you or i have. Ever feel the urge to do or not to do or wish to say something about the present or future or past then realize your not the only person whose present is mimicking eachothers past or some variation of?
Any method matter interacts with our matter subconsciously or known to us or our observers is karma. Plants do have karma as does thought, you are and I are both thoughts, of ourselves and of others. The view of time you allow your selves to be able to understand while within and out of time is the transitions of matter through another us’ dimentions. The arrival of matter in a dimentions awakening or big bang is the beginning of our dream where the awake us is coming from out of our past minds’ daydream through our awakened senses in the future along the way we preferred to label the consolidation of events the past us brought forth from the future as the now. Present time is not objective but subjective to its own awareness of it’s consiousness’ (observe a plant and its relation to surrounding nature all life is the dreams of what life wills itself to have and take the chance to become) and their relation to currently, formerly and precursory aware materials (matter) in space. Matter is not generated or destroyed but transitions between places among eachothers reality at different points, all at once or never at all. We hold these meetings be chance and design. Know that You are a dream inside the mind and of god (our intergalactic life bearing planetary neighbors and we are its temples). The now our realities sense the past to be is more than the sum of all future events future and past is more than our most awakened senses and cross over timelines.
I had to read that comment five times to understand it. Thank you for taking the time to write it.
@TruthSeeker You not only are negative but also very dumb 🙂
Some bodybuilders are deeply unhappy, and training to hide trauma or escape, some are very healthy and training to show it off – this goes for anyone, doing anything, always.
And btw escape isn’t always wrong, you’d have to be living their life to know what was best for them.
Good grief, can’t any of you write anything either coherent or grammatically worthy of anyone with an I.Q. in numbers higher than room temperature?
The bottom line is:
All image is a construct on two levels, one the image of the observer, who builds their own model from observed information and the assumed image of the participant, body builder, whatever.
None of it is real, none of it matters.
We, humans are as Agent Smith states, no more than a version of a pathogenic virus that infects, spreads and destroys all it contacts . The arrogance of humans is staggering. We, just like the 98% of all species that have ever lived will become extinct and the universe will not notice.
None of it matters? Any one thing can be important to someone, maybe not you. Most people who look amazing don’t do it so they can pull more broads or get looks by you or feel insecure. Guys who consistently look amazing year round do it because its a habit. They want to be as great as they can in all areas of their life. I stay big and shredded year round because I always want to push myself harder. Get your mindset right and good things might start to happen. If you think we area all humans as agent sith and we will become extinct? LOL the average person mindset
you are the only single guy who tells truth but even after knowing truth people want to live in humpty dumpty muscle whore dreams.
yes by proper training you can achieve a good physique normally 15 -16 inch bicep 44 chest and 4 pack abs because maintaing six pack abs takes your fav.food.but you can’t become hulk no matter how you train or eat .yes you can use magic pills and gamma radiation for getting big he he.
and a big thank you from heart for 3 books the books providing them for free.
Thank you sssoooooo much Brother.
and those 16 inch biceps are the limit for mostly 3levery natural lifter.u want more muscle try blah blah booster for overnight hulk gains
Lol, the Real definition you state is literally a bias defiention based on you lmfao. If you believe that is what the aesthetic lifestyle is than my friend you are purely jealous and therefore post a blog like this shooting down the guys who actually achieve it. Aesthetic Lifestyle is exactly opposite of what you said. Its being shredded( which is a must) but living life on your own terms, doing what makes you happy, chill with friends, party, learn and not caring what others think or say about you. Take a look at jeff seid or jon skywalker, if they were insecure they sure would have changed what they were doing years back, but they don’t. Its the fact that you see people living that life and you tell yourself these lies to make yourself feel better. Aesthetic lifestyle is exteremy hard to acheive because it requires constant work into all areas of your life. Health, wealth, social and happiness. Aesthetic lifestyle is also positive, so your definition is defining you.
We don’t want to know what others do, When they are calling themselves aesthetic crew and using steroids and living bad lifestyle. That’s not aesthetic. This is a bad fucking article for who are really working hard and doing something great in their life. So don’t give the wrong impression to the people who know nothing about aesthetic.