Most ”Natural” Bodybuilders and Fitness Models On YouTube Are Not Natural

| by Truth Seeker |



At the risk of breaking the fragile souls of muscle fanboys who spend a lot of time following YouTube celebrities, I will say the following – the popular fitness channels managed by true natural lifters are probably less than 5 (five).

The sector has become a cartel controlled by fake natties and their friends. As a result, people form their beliefs on false information. The new guys who join the community are not helping either. Every day another fitness YouTuber morphs and starts repeating the old material.

On the outside, the segment looks like a big circle of good people trying to help others in their quest to build muscle mass, but is this really the case? Why are the alleged naturals making collaborations with steroid users? Why are they all selling supplements?

Eventually, everything turns into a mixture of truth and lies (mostly lies) which the online muscle cartel uses to control the audience while people who tell the truth (haters) are silenced.

There are “natural” guys smiling in videos while hugging obvious fake naturals. What’s stopping those guys from pinning each other’s glutes behind the scenes with the finest pharma made synthetic hormones if their love is so strong?

By the way, the fact that a guy is small does not mean that he is natural by default. There are lower leagues occupied by people who take less stuff. That does not make them clean, just smaller. Honestly, one could argue that natural bodybuilding should change its name to low doses bodybuilding. It’s more accurate.

Individuals who are truly natural cannot gain as much popularity because the audience has been hypnotized by the Trenbolone brahs and the test twins who are larger and leaner than life. The brainwashing has been successful since the fans are constantly repeating the catch phrases of their idols (e.g., “do you even lift, brah”, “all kinds of gains”, “mushroom tip”).

In addition, the fans don’t want to see natural guys anyway because they remind them of real life, and we all know that there is nothing more depressive than reality. We all want the fairy tale, the drug. It just happens that that fake natties can provide it. Do you think that a guy like Zyzz would have had as many followers if he was 100% natural? I don’t think so. People want to live the Tren&Bitches life, not the water, rice, and pull-ups version.

I remember when CT Fletcher launched his “there is no overtaining” nonsense campaign. His videos were promoted by virtually all fitness channels and muscle sites. I guess people love listening to a “natural” bodybuilder screaming about fucking their mothers during marathon biceps curl sets.

“It’s still your motherfucking set.”

Give me a break and eat a sandwich. You can’t deceive me with an HD video and a rap vocabulary anymore. I am not 17.

Where is the integrity in similar attitude? Why are naturals constantly interviewing professional powerlifters and bodybuilders on steroids? Why aren’t the video makers putting a disclaimer saying that the guys in the clips may not be 100% natural? Because at the end of the day, it’s all about the video views, and like I said already – natties can’t break YouTube’s meters.

The fake natties represent the “push-up bras”.

If you have two individuals in the room presenting the same idea, the more sexually attractive version will get more attention from the audience. Moreover, the hotter person has a lot more room for error during the presentation.

Are fake natties the ultimate terrorists?

I don’t hate fake natties as much as you might think. In fact, they have taught me a lot about life because the same schemes apply to all other areas.

When I was a newly produced robot straight out of high school, I used to believe most of the mainstream nonsense found in a glossy magazine. Little by little that changed. The fake natties played a great role in my “evolution”. Fighting them was a lesson that I consider extremely useful. Today, I am less prone to manipulation and brainwashing. I hope the same is true for you.

P.S. The post revealing the natty potential has been updated.

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