The HodgeTwins are the owners of the super popular YouTube Fitness channel Twin Muscle Workout. They upload videos every day and share their opinion on training and bodybuilding with millions of people. There’s nothing bad about this except the fact that most videos are full of inarticulate speech and broscience.
The HodgeTwins’ uploads lost their informative content and value a long time ago. Now the vlogs have long intros and are full of base consciousness fights between the brothers. It takes them about 2-3 minutes to start talking about the actual topic, and the “advice” can usually be summarized in one sentence.
On top of everything, the HodgeTwins are afraid to take responsibility for anything and usually end their broscience dialogue with – “Do whatever the fuck you wanna do!”.
Similar attitude promotes immature behavior. It may be fun in the beginning, but unless it evolves into something more it has no value.
The worst thing about the HodgeTwins is that they give false hopes to ignorant natural bodybuilders. They’ve said in the past that the physical development of Lazar Angelov and Zyzz can be achieved without the usage of illegal substances.
Nothing could be further from the truth, but keeping the pipe dream alive attracts more viewers and supporters. People want to be lied to because knowing the truth equals responsibility – nobody has time for it, there’s money to be made.
Conclusion: The HodgeTwins have solid physiques and entertaining talent, but their “hood'” behavior and broscience advice are doing more harm than people want to admit.