Tag Archives: natural bodubuilding

Example Physiques Achievable Naturally (without steroids)

| by Truth Seeker |

Hello, fellas Today, I present to you physiques achievable naturally. Obviously, you can never know whether a man or a woman is 100% natural based on looks and muscle mass alone. You can be small and still on PEDs. However, the keyword here is achievable. 1. John Long /rockclimbers/ Rock climbers do not have a […]

What I Learned From Drinking Beer In The Gym While Leg Pressing

| by Truth Seeker |

On my way to the gym today, I decided to double fuck the industry and bought a large beer can to drink from during my sinful yet epic leg press session. Normally, I prefer pirate rum, but it’s expensive and comes in large bottles. Besides, I didn’t want to get kicked out of the gym […]

Generation Tank Top: Gym Selfies, Posing and Village Muscles

| by Truth Seeker |

I went to the gym before most people finish slavery, excuse me, work. The barbell den was empty but not for long. At six o’clock a horde of tank top samurais entered the premises. One of them was a metrosexual captain upper body – shaved, big arms, skinny legs, hysterical tattoos, a funny haircut. He […]

The REAL Reasons Why You’re Not Gaining Muscle

| by Truth Seeker |

So, why aren’t you gaining muscle mass? Well, it’s really simple. You are not taking the right supplements and doing the perfect rep range. To build huge and scary muscles you have to take {this}, {this} and {that} while working the muscles with a proper rep scheme. No! I am kidding. Let’s get serious now. […]

Fitness and Bodybuilding Motivational Quotes: Lies Exposed Reality is stranger than fiction. You need vision to see.

| by Truth Seeker |

I’ve spent the last 10 minutes looking at motivational posters on a popular bodybuilding website. It’s safe to say that the fitness motivation fiasco is a series of illusions manipulating the individual. Motivation is fine but not in the form of propaganda geared towards the benefit of a minority. Below are a few motivational quotes that […]

Are The Olympic Lifts Muscle Builders? Can you gain slabs of muscles by doing the clean & jerk?

| by Truth Seeker |

Some Olympic weightlifters have thick physiques that make the muscle worshipers envious. As a result, many muscle constructors begin to incorporate the Olympic lifts in an attempt to gain some of that “Oly” mass. However, are the Olympic lifts efficient muscle builders? Olympic Weightlifting Is A Hip Dominant Sport Both Olympic lifts are hip and back dominant. That’s why most Oly […]

Eating Six Meals a Day To Get Ripped: SCAM or Not? The conventional bodybuilding wisdom is often wrong.

| by Truth Seeker |

The bodybuilding encyclopedia of bro-science says that by eating more frequently you are avoiding the so-called starvation mode. As a result, the body feels “secured” like a Swiss bank account and heats up the engine (metabolism). The more money/food you have, the more you spend/burn. Conversely, when you are eating less frequently, the body feels […]

Can Bodybuilding Slow Down the Aging Process? Forever young, forever young...We want to be forever young.

| by Truth Seeker |

The predetermined and yet never-ending battle with time is a fundamental factor behind the popularity of working out. Resistance training is supposed to slow down time and keep you younger, but is the barbell powerful enough to accomplish this task? Genetics & Stress Some people age slower than others thanks to their favorable genes. The genetic element remains […]

Hamstrings Training For Natural Bodybuilders

| by Truth Seeker |

Unlike the arm biceps, the leg biceps (hamstrings) are not very popular among muscle worshipers. The bros just don’t care that much about the lower body. On top of everything, the hamstrings’ location at the back of the leg assigns them a stealthy role for the most part. This diminishes the incentive to work the […]