The fitness model Daniel Blackwell is a member of the aesthetic crew. He has a ripped physique and is featured on many bodybuilding and fitness sites.
According to his profile on, he has the following body stats:
Height: 6’1” – 185 cm
Weight: 200 lbs – 91 kg
Bodyfat: 5-7%;
The data above gives us a strong reason to believe that Daniel Blackwell is not natural and is relying on anabolic steroids to maintain his physique.
Weighing 200 lbs/91kg at such a low body fat equals some serious physical development. Daniel Blackwell is basically as big as the bodybuilding icon Serge Nubret, who weighed about 200lbs at 6′ throughout most of his career. And by the way, it’s a well-known fact that every bodybuilder with an IFBB status was/is on steroids. If you are truly natural, you simply cannot compete with the rest.
“Natural” bodybuilders like to brag about their genetics for the sport, but the truth is that often their genetics are average at best, and the athletes rely on gear to maintain their supposedly natural bodies.
If you are a drug-free bodybuilder who is as big as former IFBB pros, you should, in theory, shock the world after taking steroids and competing with the big boys. Rarely, if ever, we have the chance to see a famous natural athlete become a full blown steroid abuser and Mr. Olympia contender.
What’s the secret?
Daniel Blackwell, as well as the rest of the aesthetic lifestyle supporters, are deceiving the unaware public. You see them pumping, flexing, screaming, and you think to yourself “If I do, as they say, I will be huge.” You do everything, but you never get to that level regardless of your efforts. You are either too fat, too small or in most cases both. You desperately measure your arms every week, only to find out that they’re either the same or that you’ve added some millimeters along with 2 inches to your gut. Once you’ve reached that level you ask yourself what’s the secret? Why isn’t it happening for me? I work so hard.
Well, now you know.