Category Archives: powerlifting

Bodybuilding Basics: Noob Gains Explained

| by Truth Seeker |

The so-called “noob gains” represent the 5-10lbs of muscle gained during the first 6-12 months of serious training. Those will be easiest and fastest gains that you will acquire as a lifter. Past that point, the progress will slow down tremendously. Noob gains differ from person to person. If you are really skinny, I mean […]

The Best Levers For Squatting Squatting facts that the "experts" seem to ignore.

| by Truth Seeker |

  What makes a good squatter? The length of your torso and femurs has a significant impact on your squatting style. The best squatters are lifters with short femurs and long torsos. The illustration below makes a comparison between squatters with short (left) and long (right) femurs. Remember: The bar always forms a straight line through […]

Gymnasts vs. Powerlifters: Who’s stronger?

| by Truth Seeker |

Who’s stronger? Gymnasts or powerlifters. Undoubtedly, powerlifters win this battle. They are much stronger than gymnasts regardless of what the online legends say. Just compare elite gymnasts to elite powerlifters – the biggest gymnasts look like children next to the biggest powerlifters. I am sorry, bar stars, but powerlifters are simply stronger and bigger than you. How much […]

Programming: The Difference Between Strength and Endurance

| by Truth Seeker |

What is strength? The ability to apply force against a high level of resistance. What is endurance? The ability to perform an activity for prolonged periods of time. Does strength training carry over to endurance? Yes. If you take your squat from 200lbs for 1 rep to 300lbs for 1 rep, you will be able […]

Do Calisthenics Make You Ripped?

| by Truth Seeker |

It’s close to impossible to see a calisthenics master with a big gut and massive love handles. As a result, many wrongfully assume that bodyweight exercises have a secret property that leads to ultra-leanness. The lighter you are, the easier it is to do lift yourself. Extra body fat does not help at all. Therefore, most […]

Why Olympic Weightlifters Don’t Do Low Bar Squats

| by Truth Seeker |

The popularity of the low bar squat has reached epic proportions. In many commercial gyms, Starting Strength zealots occupy the squat rack for 45 minutes in order to do weird bar bends with the back almost horizontal to the ground. I am very familiar with similar training because once upon a time, I was one […]

Real Life Stories from the Gym | Genetic Potential and Steroids

| by Truth Seeker |

About a year ago, I wrote the guide How Big Can You Get Naturally. It reveals how much growth lifters can expect without steroids. I am sorry, but nothing has changed. Actually, I think that the numbers are even lower for the average person. Many people ask me how I came up with the numbers […]