Category Archives: powerlifting

Silent Mike – Natty Or Not?

| by Truth Seeker |

SIlent Mike is a popular YouTuber in the fitness segment and a strong powerlifter who has produced many educational videos in collaboration with other legends of the online muscle game such as Omar Isuf and Allan Thrall. This classic natty or not review focuses on him. What are Silent Mike’s stats? In an interview, Mike […]

Powerlifting Is a Waste of Time If You’re Natural

| by Truth Seeker |

Every now and then a kid with a serious look on the face enters the gym and captures the squat rack. He is ready to “kill it” like real men do. A hardcore beat is pumping through the headphones; the adrenaline factories are working overtime; the feeling that it’s a life or death situations infects […]

The Art of Training as Little as Possible – Solid Gains, Minimal Effort

| by Truth Seeker |

HarryTheBicepsFlexKilla overheard two bros talking while packing his gym bag: “When did you arrive, brah?” “1 hour ago.” “Pfff. Been here since 5 p.m.” Harry looked at his watch – it was almost 8 in the evening. Maybe this is why JohnnyTheTrenInjector is so big? Maybe the secret to extraterrestrial gains is prolonged servitude in […]

How Strong Can You Get With and Without Steroids?

| by Truth Seeker |

There are many self-protecting mechanisms wired deeply into the human nature. One of them is the ability to rationalize and exercise self-justification. When a reality is too hard to accept, the mind produces a theory that softens the hit and allows the individual to continue dwelling on the previous concept even if the truth is […]

How To Make The Program Starting Strength Work For Aesthetics (Don’t get FAT)

| by Truth Seeker |

Harry The BicepsFlexKilla woke up with that gnawing, almost corrosive feeling of imperfection that now and then captures the blood pump of every human, shakes the homeostasis and installs a pernicious grimace mixed with bewilderment on the face of the victim. Harry had been fighting against the inadequacy and incompleteness in his heart for a […]

Do You Need a Belt To Deadlift Safely?

| by Truth Seeker |

Back in the day, many noobs started using weightlifting belts during squats and deadlifts under the influence of Mark Rippetoe and his puppies that later on branched out and developed the 70sbig fetish. According to those individuals, the weightlifting belt gives you ”an anchor to push against with your abs”. Those men believe that this technique […]

Can You Build a Big Back Without Deadlifts and Pull-ups?

| by Truth Seeker |

Some things in life may be mandatory, but deadlifts and pull-ups aren’t part of the group. Yet the muscle industry has convinced many people that there are irreplaceable exercises. This is not true. Almost every article on deadlifts uses the same catchphrases: “The deadlift is the best exercise to build ‘real’ world strength. ” “The deadlift increases your testosterone levels.” “If you are […]

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