Category Archives: powerlifting

7 Reasons NOT To Barbell Back Squat Caution: This post may cause meltdowns among die-hard Rippetoe fans.

| by Truth Seeker |

The squat is a solid exercise with a well-deserved place in the muscle churches a.k.a. “gyms”. Unfortunately, malicious software spreading misconceptions among the muscle worshipers has infiltrated the lifting doctrine. On that occasion, I present you an anti-virus – 7 reasons NOT to barbell back squat. 1.The Spine Takes A Lot Of Beating During back squats, […]

Deadlifts Are Not Needed Even If You’re A Powerlifter

| by Truth Seeker |

Very few realize that many of our ideas and beliefs are hollow concepts based on mind control and fear. That’s what you get for investing your faith in human beings. Humans can never be the ultimate authority. Our self-righteousness and minds susceptible to programming will never allow it. The bodybuilding niche is also full of infatuated individuals who think that […]

Deadlifts vs. Squats: What’s Better For Mass?

| by Truth Seeker |

Deadlifts & Squats have a mythical status. Many muscle scholars attribute magical properties to both movements. According to the rumors, squats and deads build muscle thickness and size that the “curl and bench bros” can only dream of. Occasionally, there are furious discussions between the fans of each movement. Which one is better for mass – deadlifts or squats? Well, let’s look […]

Layne Norton’s P.H.A.T. Routine – Is It Good For True Natties? Can you handle the high volume...naturally?

| by Truth Seeker |

Over the last year, Dr. Norton’s lifting routine P.H.A.T. (Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training) has gained a tremendous popularity in the natural lifting community. However, can a natural actually handle the amount of work that comes with a similar routine? Combining Powerlifting and Bodybuilding Since Dr. Layne Norton is a powerlifter/bodybuilder, his routine reflects the goals […]

Is a 225lbs Bench Press Good For a Natural?

| by Truth Seeker |

After publishing the post ”Realistic Squat, Bench and Deadlift For Naturals: How much?”, many people have been asking whether a 225lbs bench press is a respectable accomplishment for a natural lifter. The answer is yes. A 225lbs bench press is a very good number for a true natural bodybuilder. However, the lift has to meet […]

What’s wrong with CURLS in the SQUAT rack?

| by Truth Seeker |

The squat rack is a sacred piece of equipment. You are not allowed to touch it or even look at it without giving a sacrifice a.k.a. doing h-e-a-v-y barbell exercises such as squats and rack pulls. Legend has it that every time you lift light weights in the squat rack, an angel of strength dies. The […]

Realistic Squat, Bench and Deadlift for Naturals: How much?

| by Truth Seeker |

Every day natty lifters are bombarded with videos of professional bodybuilders and powerlifters pushing and pulling extraterrestrial weights. Few realize that the numbers of the pros are unattainable by individuals who don’t use steroids. That’s a fact of life, and yet many are still suffering from a severe delusion that needs to be destroyed. Today, I present you […]

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