The DiCaprio Delusion (the male wall is realer than they tell you)

| by Truth Seeker |

They are selling you a fake dream….again. 

One of the consistent narratives in the manospherific community is that males become more valuable as they age….and therefore you can still win the game as an older man. I’ve heard some of the gurus say that even 60+ men in their “private cold approach group” are “killing it”.

They want to sell you the idea that there isn’t a “male wall” except there is one…and it’s as real as the Sun.

Let’s start at the beginning.

It’s 100% true that women hit the wall first…quite hard.

There are 2 things that women must do to preserve their stock value on the dating market:

A/ Don’t get fat

B/ Don’t get old

The first is in their control; the second isn’t. Once a woman hits 30, her value starts dropping MASSIVELY. Even a woman who is 29.5 years old has significantly higher perceivable value than her 30-year-old future self.

A woman needs to cash in before 30. Period. Many don’t realize it and suffer tremendously.

I’ve seen it in my own life. A former colleague of mine dropped her boyfriend of 3 years at 33, thinking that she would be able to find someone better…thinking that she had the same leverage as before.

She was wrong. She is still single 4 years later and things aren’t looking good for her at all.

This is a clear example that women simply can’t afford to play the game as long as they think/want.

Why is 30 such a strong drop for women?

The main reason is reproduction.

The ideal age for a woman to become a mother is between 18 and 26. After that, it becomes harder, and the chances of complications increase, especially if it’s her first child (the organism isn’t used to the massive stress).

At 30, a woman’s potential to conceive is simply a lot lower than it was at 25. It may even be zero.

Yes. I do realize that youth isn’t a guarantee of fertility. I know a woman who had to climb mountains to become a mother at 23, but similar exceptions only prove the rule – if a woman has a hard time conceiving at 23, she won’t have it easier at 33.

As men, however, we don’t have a reproductive wall. Yes, the sperm count decreases as we age, but overall, it’s not at all unheard of to become a father at 30, 40, 50, 60, and even 70. Why? Because the kid isn’t growing inside of you and your organism doesn’t have to be as young.

The significantly smaller male reproduction wall is one of the reasons why the manosphere professors are pushing what I call the DiCaprio delusion.

They try to sell the average man the idea that he can have the DiCaprio lifestyle or in other words spin young women (around 25) while being twice as old himself. This was quite common for the MGTOW community (btw where did MGTOWERs go?).

It’s partially true, but there is a lot of fine-print text that they are purposefully missing. 

Yes, the 20-year-old “loser” that women his age reject could indeed improve and become a 30-year-old winner with a nice body and decent income – a position significantly better than that of a 30-year-old woman living with cats and having a wine problem.

But there are many issues with that concept that have to be addressed.


One of the main arguments for “old power” is that you accumulate more resources as you age and can seduce women more easily than a 20-year-old with nothing to his name

Sure. It’s possible. But here’s the problem – age DOES NOT guarantee money. The idea that you only get richer as you age is foolish.

Money comes and goes. Imagine that you are 35 with a booming restaurant and then COVID hits and voila – it’s game over. Your business is closed for 4 years.

Or maybe you’ve spent 20 years working up the corporate ladder, and one day your company decides to do some downsizing, and you are first on the line due to your high salary (congrats).

The whole idea that older men always have money is simply ridiculous. By that logic, every 35+ man that you meet should be significantly richer than the average person and that just isn’t and won’t be the case.

But the bald 50-year-old “alpha” dudes selling you this notion don’t want you to think that way. Because if you do, you may start to question the effectiveness of their teachings and phone call consultations sold at absurd prices.

This is why I am against the idea that you should spend the best years of your life working all the time so that you can potentially be richer in your 30s and 40s.

By all means – build your business, hustles, and whatever, but don’t invest everything in them because you never know when the rug will be pulled. It happened to me 2 times. I’d build up my income to something decent and lose it 18 months later. Life is unpredictable.

And the only thing certain about money is that it changes hands. One day you have it, 5 years later, you don’t.

And don’t forget that the older you get THE MORE MONEY you need to compensate for your age if you want to date younger women.

Good luck securing a 25-year-old woman as a 50-year-old man making average coins.

Emotional Health 

The fact that men have a super low reproductive wall does not exclude us from emotional suffering. Imagine spending your whole life racking rejection after rejection for decades.

Regardless of who you are, it will hurt your psyche. Even if you are not feeling the change it’s there – like a million micro punches causing head trauma.

And by the time you are in old man territory, you will be off at the end of some spectrum. And when that happens, you may create some sort of defense mechanism resulting in a “shut-in life”.

Age doesn’t fix that. It only increases the effect.

Your Looks Fade – And That Hurts More Than Money Losses

Who would you rather be – an 8/10 25y.o. man with no money or a 3/10 45y.o. guy with lots of cash?

I know my choice.

The reality of the situation is that women don’t care about AVERAGE money and money in general.

Because women make their own. It’s not 1940 anymore. She doesn’t depend on a man to put milk in the refrigerator. In other words – mediocre (or even somewhat high) income doesn’t produce a lot of leverage.

But LOOKS and STATUS do.

There’s a reason why people use ONLY attractive OLD men to negate the idea of a male wall.

The go-to choices are Brad Pitt, DiCaprio, Gerard Butler…etc.

But guess, what?

You ain’t Brad Pitt…or DiCaprio.

And even they showcase looks degradation despite their genetics – especially DiCaprio primarily because he doesn’t care. Check how he looked in his youth and now. It’s a night and day difference.

One can argue that nowadays he isn’t all that attractive when you add the skinny-fat body. To a large extent, DiCaprio is carried by his fame now. It’s doubtful whether he would be securing his young dates with so little effort if he wasn’t ultra-giga-mega-famous.

Pitt looks amazing for being in his 60s, but are you him? And let’s not forget that he has celebrity money allowing him to live a less stressful life and do the necessary “youth-inducing” interventions.

Now think how the average dude will look at 50 or 60 (references – dads, grandfathers…etc.)

And never forget that genetic issues (e.g., balding, bad eyesight, predisposition to achy joints), only get worse as you age. That’s just how nature works.

Even if you secure a 25y.o. hot chick as a 60y.o. dude, you will feel a bit weird when she sees you running with two busted knees and an artificial hip.

And let’s not forget the illnesses that affect the brain. In some cases, they start fairly early (late 50s). And I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. I’ve seen family members lose their minds. It was excruciating pain.

Time destroys all of us, and as men, we aren’t immune to its effect by any means.

You Aren’t In a Vacuum

Another important factor to keep in mind is that you don’t exist in a vacuum.

Sure, you can secure a young woman as an old dude, but that creates the following issues:

  • Your parents will be old (you have to take care of them) or dead – no one to help you with potential children…etc.
  • Her family will be a lot younger. Imagine being older than her dad or mom. It makes for weird situations.
  • Your energy is gone, and you simply can’t keep up with all of it. You are just exhausted from building your “majestic businesses” and dealing with life in general.
  • She has more leverage than you. Why? Because a 25-year-old woman can secure a new dude in a day. Literally. Sure, he may be poorer, but who cares? You are still replaceable unless you are ultra-rich and that leads me to my next point.

In most cases, those women won’t love you at all – only the things that you are buying them. One can argue that this is always the case. Fine. Let’s say it is. But when the age gap is massive –it becomes the case tenfold.

Why are they doing it?

Because hope sells very well. By pushing the dream that ascension is always possible, they increase their clientele. It works best when the dream is 90% truth and 10% lies.

Young men who are struggling are told that as they get older, their situation will improve (that’s obviously possible but never guaranteed). Older men are also won over as they are inspired to keep pushing hard in the pursuit of an illusion.

Ultimately, the monospecific gurus want to increase their outreach. They want every man to be their potential client. And they will always hide the fine print for as long as possible.

– Natty

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  1. Simple dude

    incredible, you really have fantastic critical thinking, congratulations bro, great article.
    Honestly, I had already fallen into this deception thinking that I would find a partner at 35 years old, but reading your article I really realized that they have placed me in a labyrinth again.
    Thank you for your posts, they always put a clear perspective among so much meaningless noise nowadays.

    1. Truth Seeker Post author

      You can definitely find a partner. But saying that age doesn’t affect men and that we all age like “fine wine” while using some celebrities as an example is a lie.

      I don’t want this post to discourage you. You will find a partner. Just be real and hope destiny will be on your side.

  2. Treil

    I think you misunderstand, most men don’t want 20 years old partner, wife, mother for his children. They just want bang womens in her 20’s. The cheapest way is a hooker, but it is also the lowest quality option (the qualitiy of sex act or the women), but it’s accessible for everyone.

    1. Jose

      “There’s a reason why people use ONLY attractive OLD men to negate the idea of ​​a male wall.

      The go-to choices are Brad Pitt, DiCaprio, Gerard Butler, etc”

      Actually a lot also use physically unattractive but extremely high status/ultra rich men to sell the misleading dream of aging like wine.

      The best examples are IT CEOs such as Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, which we can all agree they rank very poorly in the looks department. Like you explain here, what most of those people miss is that, even if they are as smart and cunning as these tech tycoons, their chances to become as rich and successful as them are extremely slim because they depend on a lot of other factors beyond their control (luck, timing, connections, etc) besides intelligence and hard work. Besides, as you also tell, basing your identity on money and status is a very shaky foundation; you can be in a great financial and professional situation and then lose it hard overnight if you run into such misfortune.

      The dating “wall” for men is indeed not as brutal and unforgiving as the female one, but the DiCaprio delusion is very real.

    2. Jose

      Sorry, my comment was directed at the entire article but I accidentally posted it as a reply to yours.

      1. Craig

        Or they were born into wealth; Bill Gates in particular was born mega wealthy, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, especially anyone in the media.

        1. Simple Simon

          “Bill Gates … was born mega wealthy”

          I’ve never heard that.

  3. Pat

    Totally agree with what you are saying because These redpillers want men to believe they will be high value men in their 50’s . Even if an older guy in his 40s and 50s have money and resources but is lacking in LOOKS, he will just be seen as a walking wallet by these modern females .

  4. Leonardo

    And by the time you are in old man territory, you will be off at the end of some spectrum. And when that happens, you may create some sort of defense mechanism resulting in a “shut-in life”

    This is specially true given the huge generational culture gap. It is amazing how frivolous, vulgar and ignorant woman have become (a product of digital technolog) compared to 20 years back;. Picture the common 20 to 30 year-old today: clad in their athleisure wear (tight yoga pants and sports bra), Tattoos on her arm. Starbucks coffee in one hand, staring at her cell phone in the other (swiping on Tinder), yoga mat under her arm, speaking with the same valley speak and vocal fry as her celebrity heroes. The cellphone is never put away. It seems like a fixed appendage to her hand. Shamelessly taking selfies anywhere.

    To date these woman, holding frame becomes extremely difficult: How much do you have to dumb down the conversation to even be at their level? How much do you have to lower yourself and sacrifice your dignity?

    1. Jose


      I’m not that old yet (30 years) but I find myself unable to relate or connect with most women younger than me out there in my country (Spain).

      At best there is some primal physical attraction towards a few, but that’s pretty much it. You reach a point where you realize that the effort, time and money required just to have “free” casual sex with women you really don’t admire (and viceversa) is simply not worth it. I can understand why many men in their 30s or 40s enter into sort of a MGTOW mode, especially after a nasty breakup/divorce.

      1. Leonardo


        I live in the US but my grand parents are from Spain so I consider Spain my home country more than the US. You’d be surprised at my opinion of Spanish girls: Compared to American girls (pure Anglo) and Latinas, I consider Spanish girls a lot classier and less vulgar and promiscuous than American girls. I find they dress better, speak better, and are overall more refined. Of course, they are also much harder to meet and date. Maybe, I’m a bit biased because I hate American and Latina girls and the best girlfriend I ever had was from Madrid. That was 12 years ago.

        However, I have noticed how much things have changed in Spain over the last 15 years. Hardcore feminism has taken over society like a cancer. This has greatly affected the attitude of women (specially young ones). My recent trips to Madrid have been disappointing for the most part.

        A year or two ago I watched an episode of Comando Actualidad on TVE called Mejor Solos. Very depressing.

        1. Jose

          Can’t have an informed opinion about average American women because I haven’t traveled to the USA since more than 10 years ago, but based on what I can see online, I wouldn’t be surprised if they are as awful as you put them.

          My comment wasn’t trying to imply that Spanish girls are like them though. I agree that overall they have good aesthetics and manners/education, but like you point out, sadly a big part of them is ideologically possessed by hardcore feminism and progressism. As a result, most are not an option for serious dating and their standards for a relationship are also often delusional. It seems the same thing has happened in the rest of Western Europe.

    2. SamS

      A few days ago, I wanted to support a local old-time cinema, so I went to see the new Alien movie. I parked the car quite far away from the cinema to get some exercise (although I ended up buying ice cream on the way there, so much for the exercise). While I was walking there, I saw a young woman who was pretty much exactly what you have described here on the second paragraph of your comment. Yes, I know your description is generic but still, it’s uncanny how much of it matches.

      It must have been one the best asses I’ve ever seen in my long life. And there’s no denying it, I felt like I could squeeze that ass, hard. But then again, even though that primal urge or whatever it is was there, I still very strongly felt that at all circumstances and at any levels, I should stay as far as I could from that woman. It’s strange. Maybe it is indeed dignity.

  5. Jose

    “There’s a reason why people use ONLY attractive OLD men to negate the idea of ​​a male wall.

    The go-to choices are Brad Pitt, DiCaprio, Gerard Butler, etc”

    Actually a lot also use physically unattractive but extremely high status/ultra rich men to sell the misleading dream of aging like wine.

    The best examples are IT CEOs such as Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, which we can all agree they rank very poorly in the looks department. Like you explain here, what most of those people miss is that, even if they are as smart and cunning as these tech tycoons, their chances to become as rich and successful as them are extremely slim because they depend on a lot of other factors beyond their control (luck, timing, connections, etc) besides intelligence and hard work. Besides, as you also tell, basing your identity on money and status is a very shaky foundation; you can be in a great financial and professional situation and then lose it hard overnight if you run into such misfortune.

    The dating “wall” for men is indeed not as brutal and unforgiving as the female one, but the DiCaprio delusion is very real.

  6. Lemmings

    What is your view on the whole face rating/looksmaxxing culture? I think this aligns with a few of your recent articles

    1. Truth Seeker Post author

      The imortance of looks has always been hight, but now it’s higher because women don’t need men to split their wood (metaphorically and literally).

      I wouldn’t do aggressive “looksmaxxing”. I’d rather be healthy and alone than unhealthy and alone.

      1. SamS

        “I’d rather be healthy and alone than unhealthy and alone.”. I could print that on a T-shirt. Powerful statement, I’ve witnessed many times in my life how much easier it is to be fit and healthy when you’re alone, compared to being unhealthy. The difficult thing is when a person realizes that he / she is unhealthy, and when the realization comes very late, maybe too late. Being alone is already a burden in the long run.

        1. Jose

          More than being fit (which virtually anyone can achieve by training and following a healthy diet consistently), I think that by aggressive
          looksmaxxing TruthSeeker was referring to interventions such as hair transplants and cosmetic face/height surgeries, which are extremely expensive and/or high risk (especially the height enhancement ones. You can literally get crippled if the surgeon blows it).

          Like he says in A Hater Synthesis 2, looksmaxxing just for the sake of appealing more to women is foolish and dehumanizing. Even if you improve your looks, you still can be rejected for other reasons, and besides, women who outright reject men just for not fulfilling ridiculous physical requirements are bad matches you should avoid for a serious relationship even if they are attracted to you.

  7. Frank

    MGTOT is still around. Go

  8. Edward

    The idea of a male wall isn’t there for getting women, but for success! A tall alpha dude will catch women nonetheless! DiCaprio or Brad or Arnold didn’t have problems catching women or having sex with them. Men hit the wall later much later in life say at the age of 50 or longer…….however if you’re an ugly and short dude there is no wall to hit since you’ve already hit it pretty hard! It’s all about looks…..if a male has the looks that’s when the wall talk starts to take place because an ugly guy will simply become an old ugly guy!

  9. Deb

    Hello truth seeker
    Since you post lots of other topics other than bodybuilding I’m requesting you to make a post on death grip syndrome i.e excessive masturbation and the inability to cum during intercourse
    I beleive it’s a serious male problem, and provided the nature of your content it will be valuable addition to this awesome site.

  10. SamS

    Man, what’s so great about this site is the variety of the articles / topics. In the beginning I came here to read about natty or not topics, and as I’ve said before, I’ve stayed for over a decade because of the other topics. It’s funny how many of the subjects don’t seem interesting to me, but they end up being quite the opposite.

  11. SamS

    This is once again going to be a long comment, but I feel the need to get this out of my system, so apologies beforehand. Hopefully this is at least somewhat relevant to the topic.

    When it comes to men and aging, I have a kind of a “difficult” friend. He’s a little younger than me, in his late thirties (I’m a little over 40). This guy is a challenge to compete with. For starters, he’s an engineer, and well, he’s rich. I don’t know how rich he is, but he has a house which he has pretty much already paid for, and when I’m trying to figure out if I can buy a new T-shirt, he buys things like musical instruments, golf sets, consoles etc. on a regular basis.

    What else? Well, he started playing an instrument in his adulthood, and he now plays in a band which has performed live a couple of times. I’m not a musician per se, but I have an ok pitch ear (if that’s the right term in English), and I know that often he’s not in tune with his stuff, he also messes up the tempo etc. But it doesn’t matter, he still pulls it off. He’s able to perform in front of a live audience, which is impossible for me, or was when I tried to play music in the past, because I’m terrified of performing in front of a public. But yeah, he just does it, the way an engineer does, like my other friends say jokingly about him.

    Looks? He is average height, so that’s his biggest shortcoming. But the face is right up there, he has somewhat a legendary ageless look, he always looks good. I had an old school actor in my mind earlier who kind of reminds his look, but I can’t remember the name now. Anyway, my friend seems to just look great at any age. He now has a bit of gut, dad body, but he pulls that off well too. He always has that great alpha beard. He has a bit of a thinning hairline now, but it’s not that bad yet, it also seems to happen stylishly to him too. He now has started to grow gray hairs too, but those look great on him. Everything just seems to work on his side always. He knows how to dress too for all the situations.

    He has a great looking wife, and they have a kid. He is a very good father. All the kids always want to spend time with him, usually more than with their own parents when he’s around 😊 I know a kid who wants to write letters to him on a regular basis. And he really has the nerves with kids, and he seems to instinctively always do exactly the right things with kids.

    I’ve also seen him in tons of social situations, and he always comes up as a great guy. Everybody seems to like him; he just always has the right ways and words in every situation. And like I said, in different situations, I’ve seen him excel in these situations at work, during holidays, and in random encounters. He’s just the kind of a guy who’s able to make everybody feel good. For example, for me, he’s a gift because as an introvert, I’m super awkward in many social situations, but he always eases them up for me.

    Genetics? I met his father a few months ago after a long break. He must be in his early seventies now, but he also looks great, not that tall of a man, but lean, and he has that great old school actor look. And he’s very good at social situations too.

    I’m a bit childish and jealous about the dudes’ qualities. Sometimes I kind of hope some skeletons will be revealed from his past etc. because he’s just too perfect. Of course, In reality I’m glad to know someone like that, you can’t even be angry at him. The crazy thing is that he too has some flaws in his character (haven’t we all), and those are things that only go to showcase the fact that he doesn’t probably even understand what kind of man he is.

    As said, he has a very good-looking wife. When I got to know them, I felt that he had scored someone who was out of his league. Nowadays I see it completely the other way around, I think the guy is the catch in that relationship. I don’t know if it’s because I’m older, or because they are older. Probably both, it may really be that the woman is now going down, but this guy, he just seems to get better. Honestly, I think that 50+ year old version of him could very much compete with a 25-year version of me when it comes to women.

    His only shortcomings are very minimal. Yes, he’s not that tall, average height. He has some strange tendencies with his thinking, one of them is that he’s a bit jealous type, although there’s no reason. But health is the worst, he has had some bad back problems which seem to escalate now that he gets older. Sometimes I think I can compete at least in that area with him. I’m quite fit and lean, healthy too. I can do some pullups and dips and I can bench some and probably lift more in any lift than him. HAHAHAHA, it doesn’t matter shit. I’m a lifelong natty, so most of the time, there’s no difference in how we look with a shirt on. And if it did matter, he could always pull his pants down. Why? Well, I’ll tell you why.

    So here comes the last but not the least part of this true story, and I warn you, this is the most childish and stupid of all the things I’ve mentioned. But it’s sad but true, the dude has a gigantic dick. On a cold winter morning and after an ice bath, his flaccid cock is probably still bigger than an average cock is when erect. So, my somewhat visible abs etc. don’t mean a fuck. Dude could probably make a million a year by just wanking in front of cam twice a month. I’ve recently come to think that his back problems may well be because of that huge dick.

    Yeah, sorry for the rambling long-ass comment. As said, I just had to get this out of my system. There’s just no way to compete against a guy like that. Period.

    1. SmaS

      sounds like you want to take his wife place..
      relax dude and dont compare yourself to others

  12. Intu

    As always, accurate and truthful, some data to consider to better assimilate:

    -Modern young women are not quality wives, whether they are Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Greenland, Australian, Argentine, Brazilian, Mexican, etc. It gets worse if they know you are from another country, it is like monetary lust for them.

    -Pastportbros are simply wrong, the mistake is in considering women from the countries they will visit as: virgins, cultured, feminine, innocent, inexperienced and even without technology (All Latin America or third world countries lack infrastructure, yes, but not technology, it’s like cyberpunk2077 or readyplayerone, a low quality of life, but cutting-edge internet), this is information bias, really a Latina who emigrates due to poverty to a country like the US, awakens her hypergamy, even if she NEVER developed in an environment as misandric and contaminated as the big modern cities.(I’ve seen it too many times)

    -No, having sexual adventures with an older man does not mean that she likes them, it is her excessive lust influenced by social networks, TIKTOK, shitty Netflix series (Euphoria is a perfect example of female modernity), and the precarious social life they have with their female friends and drug addict friends.

    -The quality of couples is not the same as 50, 40, 30, 20, 15, 10, 5 years ago, onlyfans, tiktok and other increasingly synthetic modernities have ruined any decent prospect left to choose from, literally all of them are getting fat (one really surprised me, she gained more than 15 kg, despite not even being 25 years old, tattooed, a nightlife, drugs, and even onlyfans and tiktok), several acquaintances from 10 years ago are fucking changed, you can’t see innocence on their faces, I’m not saying they’re contaminated, but modernity affects them in different ways.

    -The fact that it looks decent does not affirm anything that is conserved: the higher the economic quality of life, the more refined is their hypergamy and narcissism, the materialism is so evident by the quality of “life” that they promote and show in their RRSS, however, many of these old redpillers do not suspect anything, they only think that this “shipwrecked soul” is defenseless and needs “wisdom and care”, hypergamy has no age, narcissism even less.

    -The male sexual desires of these “wise old men” do not know that they are actually being devoured by modernity (influenced by pornographic modernity and the motivational erotic shorts of the “redpill” and other “life” coaches), trying to pretend a successful life, with a young woman, there is nothing more pathetic than a man who is easy prey to a system that can leave him defenseless, poor and abandoned (lawsuits, judicial system, separation of assets), lawyers even drool when they see a young woman who can sue her “old millionaire” for any imaginable stupidity.

    -While many are deceived with the conventional fantasy of “aging like wine”, they are losing valuable time to really dedicate to what is really important: Spiritual life, Values, Technical skills, Critical sense, Cumulative reading, Own criteria.

    1. Jose

      Spot on observations according to my experience in both a 3rd World and a 1st World western country. I was actually born in Latin America and moved to Spain in my early 20s.

      Honestly, I kind of understand why most modern women embrace hypergamy and narcissism the way they do: we live in a system that fuels and pampers it exponentially. If men enjoyed the same level of entitlement nowadays, most would likely blindly cling to it like Gollum.with the One Ring.

      When traditional slavery was a still a thing during most of human story, how many members of the master class stood up for the slaves and advocated for their right to be free and receive just treatment? Probably very few, and they were often frowned upon by their conformist peers who refused to relinquish their “right” to keep other humans as property to use as they see fit.

      Something similar happens with modern women. It requires a very rare level of morals, introspection and courage to reject an order where you are given disproportionate amounts of power and leverage over others considered below you in the hierarchy.

      I’m afraid that, like slavery itself, it is here to stay for a pretty long time.

      1. Intu

        That’s terrifying to know, if you didn’t know, plus, most of them claim that wrongly (as is to be expected in a “contemporary wisdom” podcast), for the sole and simple fact that some simple-millionaire pays attention to the cries. of help from that siren in trouble (HVW, or I would say “Buy dearly, pay even more dearly”), modernity capitalizes on this in various formats in order to upset the already decadent current society of relationships, the results are:
        -Hellish marriages
        -More pharmaceuticals for anxiety (in the future the business will be recipes for fictitious existential problems)
        -More overload of the minds of both
        -Paternal abandonment of children by parents
        and I could continue….

  13. Simple Simon

    I don’t follow any men’s type outlets, so I actually didn’t know that men were being told this.

    But funnily, I do follow some women’s outlets; and the thing is, women say this. You will often come across claims from women that age doesn’t mater to men, look at George Clooney and Brad Pitt. Yeah, because if older men who are attractive, rich and famous can still attract women, then all older men can.

    1. Intu

      It’s very easy to explain: they only go for the money, it doesn’t matter if they take it from a millionaire’s corpse, they would even make songs for a scrawny old man, or even a morbid old man, or even a disgusting old man, the modern woman has the “power” to remove your feminine sensitivity to money (No matter what philosophical articles say otherwise, be it widows, women with wealth BUT SINGLE, elderly women, influencers, blog writers, podcasters, influencers, etc. )

      1. Jose

        The sad truth is that most people won’t be interested in who you are as a person and your values, but in what you have and can give to them (money, status, pleasure, etc). The moment you lose those superficial assets due to some misfortune, they will be more than glad to ditch you and move to someone else who have them.

        This also applies to some extent to men, but in my experience women are often more hypocritical, narcissistic and cynical about it.

  14. TT

    I’m 40 but I date mostly girls in their 20’s. It’s only possible bc I look like a guy in his mid 20’s with good genetic( face, good bone structure, full hair, nearly zero aging signs, perfect clothing) .Money wise I‘m not wealthy btw, I‘m earning average as it best. I don’t even drive a car! And still I pull some young girls time by time. For me it’s a proof why youth and genetic is mandatory for successful dating life/ ltr, even for men.
    With money and status you CAN‘T build genuine attraction, especially young girls in their prime years. Most 16- 24 yo chicks still live at home and they get money from their parents. They don’t need some old dudes to take care of them. Only gold diggers and toxic single moms crave for money. When a young attractive woman goes with a guy who has money and status but weak looks( aka weak genetic), she just use him as a betabux or/and ladder for better opportunities. But genuine love? ZERO. Good examples are sub5 online content creators who got gfs after they became famous.

    No women( especially the younger ones) feel GENUINE( again GENUINE!) attraction to a balding, aging guy with a gut in and some health issues(= damaged genes) even he is rich with tons of money. This is a huge delulu about „aging like fine wine“. The real aging like „ fine wine“ means you look(way) younger than your age WITH Chad genetic. That’s it and not less.

    Good genetic( face, height, frame/ bones)+ youth( fertility, zero health issues, physically and non physically strength)= genuine attraction.

    1. Truth Seeker Post author

      what did he fail?

      1. dr Deka

        People comment on him as decrepit with a lot of pity. Women are now comparing him to their average husbands in the way that husbands are much better (or in other words more beautiful). I’m not sure that’s correct. His look is still above average, but his ability to get women without paying is far less than when he was a broke student. Even college girls wouldn’t give it to him today. It is probably the most drastic example of how appearance has a dominant influence. He is still around 190 cm. Piercing blue eyes. He has a strong beard with slightly less hair. And again, no one says how much he has progressed professionally. Everyone is focused on his physical appearance, which deteriorates as his career progresses.

  15. reading

    You’ve been bad-mouthing redpillers and such, and rightfully so. But you spout the same nonsense. Nice theories, brother. Keep theorizing=)

    1. Simple Simon

      Isn’t it bluepillers?

      1. reading

        No. In various previous articles he was bashing redpillers. Redpillers are net (with an ‘e’) negative for the world

        1. Simple Simon

          From Wiki.
          “learning an unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the “red pill” or remaining in the contented experience of ordinary reality with the “blue pill””

          It’s the blue pillers that are the one’s feeding you a fantasy.

          1. reading

            Read your wiki as much as you like. When you move in the world as a grown adult and a man with honor, you realize that redpill is a bunch of theories and DOA strategies for nerds and geeky overthinking losers.

  16. John

    4 Billion females, only 7 million are millionaires. They are still asking a man wearing a dress for birth control.

    1. Intu

      I don’t understand perfectly, 7 million men? give details

  17. penefattore

    > btw where did MGTOWERs go?

    Here I am! 39 years old, proudly single, and I always pay the standard fare for sex, which is around 100 bucks where I live. No dinners, no free rides, no texts, no “game”, no pretending I admire her interests, no bullshit: I walk the door, hand over the money, and she’s already bare-breasted!

    1. Truth Seeker Post author

      I meant that the movement is not as strongly present online primarily due to censorship.

    2. SamS

      I’m an old fart so this reminds (in a good way) of that old Jon Lajoie parody song’s, Show me you genitals, lyrics:

      “You’re talkin’ to me about stuff, why?
      I’d rather see your titties
      Now you’re talkin’ about other stuff, why?
      I’d much rather see your titties
      I can’t have sex with your personality
      And I can’t put my penis in your college degree
      And I can’t shove my fist in your childhood dreams
      So why you sharing all this information with me?
      It’s not sexist ’cause I’m saying it in a song
      That’s right, bitch, now take off your thong and
      Show me your genitals, your genitals”

      And this opens memories to another Lajoie song, Everyday normal guy:

      “Last time I had sex was in 2003
      And I am ashamed to admit, but it wasn’t free”

      Seriously talking, I feel that not that long ago the consensus (at least in my country) and my own opinion too, was that paying for sex was a bit strange or whatever. But as Dylan said, the times are A-changing. If I fucked up my current relationship, and as said, I’m an old fart nowadays (few years older than you), I would probably pay for sex, and at least as a thought, it doesn’t even feel bad or wrong or whatever it used to feel like.

      1. Jose

        Personally nowadays I would rather jerk off than pay for sex for the same reasons TruthSeeker explained once in an article months ago.

        I can’t find it right now, but basically his rationale to avoid it was that, besides being immoral from his personal religious/philosophical point of view, prostitution is a highly shady (and actually outright illegal in most countries) activity where you can put yourself at unnecessary risk.

        Even in countries where there is a legal framework for it like the Netherlands, the business is still largely controlled by extremely evil and ruthless mafias.

        Years ago I actually went to a licensed strip/sex club out of morbid curiosity (and depression) in Amsterdam and still you could feel that something was off in the air. I remember that there was this manager or whatever he was who had kind of a peculiar foreign accent (it wasn’t Dutch for sure). While the guy was not particularly imposing physically (lean and about average height, maybe 6 ft at best), he had this “fuck with me and die” aura that let you know this was not any other entertainment venue. After investigating about the topic, I suspect the guy and the entire club itself might be owned by some of those infamous Eastern European mafias, so maybe I was lucky to lose only cash there lol.

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