How Do Bodybuilders On Steroids Pass Drug Tests? There is a big difference between passing a drug test and being clean. Wait! What?

| by Truth Seeker |

Many fake natural bodybuilders try to prove their “clean” status by passing a drug test. This approach would be fine if drug testing wasn’t so easy to manipulate, especially in the world of bodybuilding. The fact that a bodybuilder has passed a drug test does not always mean that he is natural.


Bodybuilders rely on various methods to pass a drug test. Most of them are listed below.

1.Halt Usage Prior To a Competition

This method is self-explanatory – the user stops taking detectable drugs a few weeks prior to a competition. Unfortunately, or not, there are steroids that need more than 12 months to leave the organism. A popular example would be Deca, which can technically be detected years after the lifter has stopped using. Similar testing, however, costs a lot, and we all know that most bodybuilding federations are not willing to spend big money on doping control.

Another problem that makes this method ineffective for bodybuilders is that prior to a show the competitors actually up the dose to preserve their precious muscle mass during the final dieting phase.

2.Powdered Urine Kits


There are different urine kits that allow you to prepare a clean sample. This only works if you are not supervised when providing the sample – a common scenario in the bodybuilding world. That’s why powdered urine kits are used by bodybuilders as well as regular people who are tested at work for marijuana.

Alternatively, you could just ask a buddy for a sample of his precious and clean urine. However, not everybody has such trusty and loving friends. Furthermore, bodybuilders want to hide the fact that they’re not natural from everybody.

3.Buy a Fake Plastic Penis

One of the most extreme ways to pass a drug test is to use a fake plastic penis. There are specialized penis kits that come with a plastic body, a syringe and other elements that you need to attach the fake penis to you. This strategy could only work if the supervisor is not paying attention. A fake penis is extremely easy to spot.

4.Placing Clean Urine in Your Bladder Using a Catheter

This is a dangerous method that requires you to insert a catheter into your bladder to load clean urine. This plan has two major downsides – it is extremely painful and can cause an injection. Even people who are under constant medical supervision can suffer from infections caused by a catheter. As they say: “Don’t try this at home!”

5.Using a Turkey Blaster and a Saline Solution To Pass a Marijuana Test

People have relied on this extremely painful method to clean their urine from THC metabolites (ingredient common in marijuana). The procedure got even more popular when it was presented in the movie Harsh Times. In the clip above, Jim (Christian Bale) is inserting saline solution into his bladder.

6.Properly Timed Blood Transfusion (self-donation)

This method works as follows – the athlete ”donates” blood, which is cleaned from all the drugs and transfused back to him/her prior to a contest. This increases the chance of passing a drug test.

7.Drug Masking Agents

There are drug masking agents that can prevent some banned substances from showing during tests. Diuretics are a common example. They work by enhancing water loss and dilute the urine. However, sometimes the doping control also tests for masking agents.

8. Using Beta Blockers To Pass a Polygraph Test

Some federations require the competitors to pass through a polygraph a.k.a. a lie detector. The idea is to double check the honesty of the lifter. Most of the time the polygraph test is a complete farce and is rarely done professionally since it’s expensive and takes a lot of time.

To pass the polygraph, some bodybuilders take beta blockers, which are essentially drugs that calm you down. Musicians use them prior to big live events too.

Ironically, you can actually fail a polygraph even if you are telling the truth and nothing but the truth.

9.Tests For Growth Hormone, Insulin and IGF-1 Are Almost Non-existent

Catching someone abusing human growth hormone (HGH) was close to impossible before. Over the last few years, this has changed, although HGH is still one of the easiest drugs to hide from an anti-doping crew – especially in the world of bodybuilding.

HGH remains undetectable through urine testing. Blood tests for HGH have been done since 2004, but similar testing is only performed at the highest level (the Olympics). Consequently, people rarely get busted for HGH. It’s not unheard of but it’s rare.

At the same time, drugs like insulin are impossible to detect. Insulin disappears very fast after administration.

Besides, if bodybuilders were to get caught abusing insulin, they can always claim that they’re diabetics {This may even be true – some bodybuilders suffer from diabetes due to insulin abuse}.

Who is going to pay for all that testing?

As you probably know, bodybuilders don’t make extreme amounts of money. Even the top guys who compete in Mr. Olympia are not going home with noticeable checks when you account for the expenses (drugs, food..etc.). Smaller bodybuilding shows have even smaller budgets. This makes effective testing super hard.

A complete test costs a couple hundred dollars or even more. Testing all competitors throughout the year will require thousands if not millions. As a result, it’s very hard to organize bodybuilding shows that offer both – high profits and effective drug testing.

The IFBB Doesn’t Test For Steroids

It should not be a surprise to you that at the highest level the IFBB is not doing any testing. Everybody knows that all bodybuilders who compete in Mr. Olympia are loaded with steroids. That’s why they carry musculatures exceeding the natural potential.  If there was effective testing, bodybuilding would have to go back 100 years when steroids were not used.

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  1. Jeremiah Herron

    Thanks for the info! I hope to one day soon compete in IFBB Pro! I am a young 20 years old and have been lifting for some years now because of my prior participation in sports (about 8). Now my eyes are set on bodybuilding and I have already got my first anabolic cycle organized (just going to be 10 weeks of Test C 500mg/week with an anti-e and then PCT for 4 weeks! ) only downfall is that right now I’m dealing with some pain in my right pectoral tendon so I’m about to start rehab for that and can’t train until this is taken care of. Do you know of any anabolic steroids that heal tendon, muscle, and/or joint pain?


      I think they used to need to need drugs in the sport to have bodybuilders who are freaky looking – that is what generates profits. Also they previously didn’t have the technology to do the proper testing. But today there are a few guys on the planet who can get freaky without drugs and proper testing can now be done. Now is the time to start testing like crazy. The winners will become super famous and make a lot of money. People will lose interest in the steroid freaks and focus on the few natural freaks on the planet.

      1. James Marshall

        Don’t take any gear its for cheats. Be healthy be natural be proud of yourself and be a true product of the health and fitness industry be natural. Steroids for loser cheats

  2. ihor kwit

    tendons and ligaments are relatively avascular and can not keep up with the strength gains muscles make from drug use.they will always be the weak link and prone to injury.

  3. ihor kwit

    as a former bodybuilder it pains me to hear how casual drug abuse has become and how excited you are to wreak havoc on the only body that you have.choose health over well

  4. ihor kwit

    ben and joe weider can stop the drug insanity in their organization in a heartbeat but they chose to betray all their early teachings for the almighty dollar that is earned by these freak one wants to watch a freak such bodybuilding will never be in the is not a sport. steve reeves of the fifties wrote an open letter to arnold stating that arnold could reverse the trend by making the arnold classic a natural contest. reeves passed away and there is no evidence that arnold responded.i wish you well

  5. oz

    ^ there would be no such activity as bodybuilding, if there weren’t drugs.

    1. Joe weider

      It’s obvious you were never big enough to compete. So let’s get butt hurt and bash the real pro.s

  6. Dexter

    Guys in the Olympia don’t go home with noticeable checks? 400k for winning a single competition isn’t noticeable?

    1. Truth Seeker Post author

      Not when you need 200k to prepare for the show.

  7. Roy R Ennenga

    Anyone know if ur on probation if their u urine tests test for AAS?

  8. Robery

    So you can compete in ifbb if youre on test??

  9. Jay Hazlewood

    Stack Deca, Testosterone Cypoinate, and Trenbolone. You will look like Arnold in 3 months. No bullshit

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