Pavel Rudometkin a.k.a. The Fortress is a popular bodyweight training guru on YouTube. He stands firmly behind training with basic gymnastic drills such as push-ups, dips, muscle-ups and many variations of those movements. He has a large following on the Internet, and many people admire his physique. A commonly asked question is whether Pavel Rudometkin is natural. It looks like he is.
1.Pavel Rudometkin weighs 145lbs/66 kg at 5’8″ 173 cm.
As you can see by the stats, The Fortress isn’t as huge as you may think. According to our guide outlined here, a natural bodybuilder with good genetics for the sport will be around 156lbs/71 kg at 5’8″ in a lean state. Pavel fits perfectly into that category since he is 145lbs and has a little overpowering upper body due to the fact that bodyweight, while effective, is not enough to develop good legs. In other words, if he was to gain a little mass in his legs, he would be about 155 lbs.
2.Pavel Rudometkin does not look composed in Photoshop.
Pavel does not appear composed in a digital photo editor such as Photoshop. He is lean but not super dry. He does not have the paper thin skin common for shredded bodybuilders on steroids either.
3.Pavel Rudometkin’s mass disappears without a pump.
Another sign of a true natural bodybuilder is that he looks like a completely normal person with a shirt on and without a pump. While Pavel Rudometkin obviously looks like he lifts, his muscular development loses a lot of its glamor when the pump is gone.
Conclusion: The chances of Pavel Rudometkin being currently natural are high.