Does Lifting Weights Make You a Real Man?

| by Truth Seeker |


Many equate lifting weights with being a real man, but is this really the case? Does pumping iron really make you manly?


The number one reason why people believe that lifting weights turns you into a real man is that muscle mass is often associated with manhood. Men are supposed to be bigger and stronger than women and children.

But to be a real man, you don’t have to be huge. Courage is not proportionate to the muscle mass you carry. The biggest guys are rarely the bravest. Many cowards hide behind a shield of muscle mass. The true real men are those willing to fight for justice and freedom. Do you need big muscle to do that? In most cases, muscles don’t even matter.

A real man is made of principles, not big muscles. It does not matter how strong or big you are when your actions are dictated by fear from the oppressors. Besides, what would happen if you get sick, and your “real man” muscle disappears? Will you transform into an alien? No. If you fight against the problems despite fear and intimidation, you are still a real man.

Truth be told, most men who have pushed humanity forward did not even lift. At 6’2″@142lbs, the great inventor Nikola Tesla would be considered a pigeon, and yet he is the man responsible for many modern inventions that we take for granted today. To comprehend how important Tesla’s work is to your life, imagine living without light bulbs and electricity.

Nonetheless, the fact that Tesla was a really good scientist does not technically make him a real man either. There are plenty of evil and crazy professors who have mad skills and yet lack bravery. According to the information that we have on Tesla, he wasn’t one of those guys.  He stayed true to his principles and dedicated his life to science.

At the end of the day, being big or small is not the deciding factor. Sure, having some muscle mass and strength will make it easier to hold your ground, and we encourage everybody to train but don’t expect to become a real man by adding an inch to your arms. It’s not that easy.

The skinny doctor saving lives, the firefighters, the ordinary man unafraid to fight the system and die for it are the real men of our society and no amount of muscle mass will change that ever.

Ironically, you don’t even have to be a man to act manly. You can be a dog and behave like a real man. Your actions, not birth, earn you that title.

P.S. In the video you see a dog without much muscle mass act like a real man.

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