Are Biceps Peaks Genetic?

| by Truth Seeker |

Many people believe in the existence of special exercises that can create amazing biceps peaks. However, is this too good to be true? Can exercises really have such a profound effect on your biceps peaks or is everything predetermined by your genes?


Short Biceps = Epic Peaks?

Very often the bodybuilders with prominent biceps peaks have very short muscle bellies and long tendons. A good example would be Albert Beckles who is famous for his outstanding genetics and phenomenal biceps peaks.

The length of your muscle bellies and tendons is 100% genetic. Therefore, if you don’t have the right proportions, you won’t have huge bicep peaks regardless of the exercises you do.

Long Biceps = No Peaks?


In 99% of the cases, the bodybuilders with long biceps don’t have exceptional peaks because the shape of the muscle is different when the belly is longer. On a positive note, when you have long biceps, your arms look much fuller.

A good example would be the legendary Sergio Oliva who had really big and full biceps but not much of a peak compared to Albert Beckles.

The Exception


While the above principles hold true most of the time, there are exceptions.

The first Mr. Olympia Larry Scott was obsessed with arms and had the best of both worlds – big biceps peaks and full muscle bellies. Having said that, Larry Scott’s arms still don’t have pronounced biceps peak in comparison to bodybuilders with shorter muscle bellies.


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One comment

  1. Bruce

    I have been training for 28 years. I have foot ball shaped arm biceps, that’s ok, but wanting to work the outer part. Anyway, even though genetics are a basic part of the bodybuilding life, I still have that fire to train and train safe. At 65, I’m still going.

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