Do you know what’s missing from most men’s CVs?
> Professional fapper since 12 y.o.
Don’t worry. Your mom knows, she is just pretending she doesn’t.
The brutal reality is that fapping is the invisible “magic ingredient” that keeps this world from collapsing. And I am not joking or trying to construct some metaphor. It’s the damn reality. Just as real as the Sun, the Moon, and the roids circulating in the blood of fake natties.
Why? Because after hunger, the strongest motivator in a man’s life is the desire for sexual activities a.k.a. the actions that lead to procreation…although in modern life they often result in alimony and perpetual slavery.
Once your belly is fed, the next line of code in a man’s DNA is to f***.
When that line results in а perpetual syntax error – the code base causes non-stop blue screens of death.
I didn’t invent that. Send your complaints to the architect.
And since the average modern man is suffering from what appears to be permanent sexual deprivation, as even studies show, fapping comes to prevent a revolution.
Without those magical strokes, not even a nuke would stop the army of men going to the tall, clean buildings asking for an explanation.
When you are horny, your genitalia takes 50%+ control over your thought process. The brain is put in a corner, tight cuffs on the hands, and hit with a wet towel continuously until a release, artificial or real, occurs. Only then the brain/reason is free and you experience the so-called “post-fap clarity”.
Without that clarity? Error.exe is activated a little too often.
You’ve probably heard the saying “Behind every big mistake of a man, there’s a missed fap session.”
Ok. You haven’t. I just made that up. But the point stands. Strongly.
NoFap = The Big Lie
NoFap is not a new idea. It’s been here since the fap of times. I remember Victor Pride‘s articles and podcasts like yesterday. One of his pillar teachings was to stop fapping and:
- Go get the real thing.
- Channel your sexual energy into your business.
Then eventually, V.P. quit blogging, and in one of his final podcasts (you may still be able to find it on YT) he admitted that he’d been fapping the whole time. Sometimes doing it on Aderral (the attention drug) for hours and to top it all off while watching pornography.
That didn’t surprise me because I knew it the whole time. No. I didn’t hack his camera. But I just know what it is to have a male body. I wasn’t personally disappointed to find out that he was going against his words. In a sense, I knew he was a “fake natty” already.
But let’s get back on track and explain why 1) and 2) above don’t work well.
1. Go Get The Real Thing
Every man has been an incel (involuntarily celibate) at least at one point in his life if we go by the definition.
There’s a reason why the term “getting lucky” exists in some form across nations and cultures. It’s a series of words indicating that a male Homo sapiens has received permission from a female representative of the same species to engage in coitus.
And those terms were coined way before (think decades) one had even heard of “incels”.
So, what does that tell you, fellas?
That women are the gatekeepers of this activity in practice. Your “luck” depends on her will and desire. Therefore, you are dependent on another person to “get the real thing”. For that very reason, women often use the word “virgin” to insult men here and there.
It’s a short way of saying “We denied you access. You suck. We are more important than you. End of story.”
Or in simpler terms – a man is highly limited in getting the real thing on demand unless he is one of those mythical shapeshifting “Chads”. But would you believe me if I told you that even Chads don’t always get lucky? That’s for another article.
If this wasn’t the case, there wouldn’t be 3,450 Volumes of the book “How to Get Laid” available in digital, print, audio, and other formats.
Therefore, to an extent, and in more scenarios than most men want to admit, “Go get the real thing!” is a soft alteration of the classic 300IQ adage – “If you are homeless, just buy a house”.
Another piece of advice that often comes with the “just get the real thing” wisdom is that by going nofap, you will “lower your expectations” and increase your hunger – a virgin-ending combo according to the experts.
It’s true. But…also dangerous and goes against another time-tested advice that even Voltaire would confirm – “Before promising anything to a girl, fap”.
Those are clashing ideas. And the second one is the healthier one. Why?
Simple. When you are hungry, you are willing to eat anything – even poison. When you are not hungry, you are more selective and protective of your body.
Imagine the following situation. A dude says “I’m done. I am going no fap. I will harness my sexual energy and finally have sex.” Then, he gets so “hungry” that he has sex with a woman whose legs are thicker than his waist, has pink hair, and STDs that science is still learning about. The dude ends his virgin career but at what cost?
A different scenario. Imagine a coder who’s watched a little too many interviews with Mark Rippetoe, can low-bar squat 3 plates, and now thinks he is one spank away from becoming Batman.
The problem? He’s not Chad. He is ugly. But there is one woman who is down for it: Becky. He met her on Tinder. Selfies from 2015, but otherwise fine-looking. The problem? Becky has been married since 2006, has 3 kids, and her husband is a retired marine with bipolar syndrome and a collection of Bowie knives (think Crocodile Dundee) at home.
But Mr. Javascript is in nofap mode. Hungry. Hard. Ready-to-become-a-real man.
So he books a motel. Becky isn’t there. But Johny is. And for some peculiar reason, he’d picked his favorite Bowie knife. 94 seconds later Mr. JavaScript is no longer a virgin. He’s wasted.
Humor aside, this isn’t a joke.
There is a reason why the term “post-nut clarity exists”. It’s a short moment when a man is free of that oppressive sexual desire and can finally see beyond it. There is 1TB of wisdom in those 5 minutes of freedom. Only then can you truly decode what you are getting yourself into.
And if you still want to go – the situation is much better for you. You truly like the girl.
That moment, you cannot have without fapping. Impossible. When you are “hungry”, it’s like someone drugged you and lowered your IQ to that of a telephone post.
“Post-nut clarity” shields you. If you are talking to multiple women, wondering where to direct your effort, entering that state will immediately erase those that aren’t all that suitable for you. And I am not talking just sexually but also socially.
In short, it’s a moment of revelation and reason without which you can make mistakes ranging from bad to deadly.
2. Channel your sexual energy into your business = nonsense
Victor Pride and other no-fap promoters are known to say that fapping costs you expensive energy that can be channeled into a business. They are implying that if you are a no-fapper, you could be ultra-rich.
This is somewhat of a misunderstanding. First, unless you are some chronic fapper who spends hours a day doing it, then the time investment is pretty low. Second, channeling “fap energy” into non-sexual activities is akin to using your computer as a toaster. The two types of energies don’t mix well.
The Overhyped Power of “NoFap”
Many no-fappers will tell you that you will acquire some magical powers like growing wings or developing the pulling effect of Henry Cavill or some other man that could make the random woman kill her husband for a night of pleasure.
Well, you won’t. The output of fapping a.k.a sperm is meant to leave your body sooner or later (as most men know). Your body produces it precisely with export in mind. Keeping it within yourself won’t turn you into Spiderman despite what many experts say.
Chad doesn’t retain anything and yet remains attractive. Retention cannot compensate for structural and financial flaws that make you unattractive to the average modern woman.
The Biological Side
I am not a doctor or a scientist, but you don’t have to be one to know that lack of use = atrophy. And that applies to everything, not just muscle. You know the saying – “The brain is a muscle. If you don’t use it, you will lose it.”
Your penis is not a muscle but falls under the same rule. The entire “pew pew” system needs occasional “drive tests” to remain healthy.
So, extreme abstinence could result in atrophy and negative effects. I will leave it at that as this post already feels like a fap commercial a little too much.
Porn Is Always Bad For You
There is one undeniable fact related to no-fap, namely that porn is EvIL.
Porn must be avoided AT all costs. It will destroy your mind and turn you into a pervert of the highest order. The law should treat porn like hard drugs. It does irreversible damage to your mind, psyche, neurons…etc. Once you see something, you cannot unsee it. So it’s better to never see it.
Besides, modern social media is essentially soft porn itself. No joke. On many occasions, I’d open Instagram and have the butt of a random woman (one that I don’t even follow or know) pop up in my feed. And don’t even make me start on reels.
Back in the day, erotic magazines were more conservative than social media. Real talk.
So, you don’t need porn at all.
Here’s the natural porn regression:
1) switch from porn to social media
2) switch from social media to your imagination
3) done
Chronic Addiction and Lengthy Sessions Are The Real Issue
Responsible fapping is useful for controlling a man’s sexual hunger and avoiding bad trajectories. Without it, the world would collapse as we know it. Irresponsible fapping, however, is at the very least a time waster and a source of low self-esteem.
As I’ve said in other posts, the true nature of an activity reveals itself after the fact. Long fapping sessions make you feel like a loser in the end. You don’t want to smack it until you get a swollen nut. Get it done and leave. Or else, you risk hating your image in the mirror.
Treat fapping strategically, and it will not hurt your life. Treat it like the end goal, and you will piss on your soul.
Happy New Year.
I think the best is to leave some “margin of error” for the no fap streak.
Happy New Year, truth Seeker and Thanks for blessing us with your articles. You have no idea how much you’ve helped me through tough times. Seriously, your article about breakups saved my life. No joke.
Pornography addiction is far more common than you might imagine. NoFap primarily serves as a tool to quit porn addiction. Once you’ve fallen into the habit of pornography, learning to masturbate “healthily” is as difficult as an alcoholic committing to just one drink a day. Things aren’t as simple as “just use your imagination.”
Nice essay about this topic you (and some followers in certain comment threads) have discussed on occasions.
I was a nofap practitioner back in the years of the late pandemic (as part of a large self-improvement “combo”), so I can relate a lot to what you’ve pointed out here. While fortunately I’ve always kept porn out of my life for multiple reasons (never really needed it to get sexual stimulation anyway), there were times when I felt I was masturbating too often and getting close to an addiction.
To be fair, my nofap experience at least helped me to get rid of that bad habit, but eventually the “hunger” TruthSeeker talks about took a toll on my mind and made me make a reckless decision I regret. I know for sure I wouldn’t have done it in a really lucid state.
Nowadays I only masturbate a few times per month. As long as you are not addicted to it (like jerking off every single day), it is a perfectly fine and safe way of draining distracting biological urges away from your mind and body.
Every day doesn’t necessarily mean excessive for everyone. If anything, “a few times per month” is low and indicative of shame over natural biological urges, likely driven by residual nofap ideologies made up by scammers. Different people have differing sex drives. No reason to put a fixed number on it. If it’s causing you problems, it’s too much. Otherwise, it’s fine.
Keep in mind that when I say a “few times per month” I don’t mean it as a limit set in stone. Depending on my “mood” sometimes that number can increase. I might have more sexual activity than average during some weeks, for example.
My point is that you should avoid turning masturbation into a mechanical habit. In my experience, the calculated delayed gratification turns it into a more satisfying and enjoyable activity.
Instead of using sexual energy for building bussiness use it for spiritual goals, like meditation, prayer etc.
Not possible, in the same way. You can’t repurpose sexual desire. Sexual desire is hard coded into human DNA and it serves purely to drive sexual activity. “Channeling” it to achieve something else is nonsense. Try channeling other biological urges, like urination, for spiritual/business/other purposes and you’ll quickly see why it’s absolute nonsense.
I succeeded in 90 day NoFapNoPorn during the army bootcamp. The reason for that was I had been so tired every single day there was no time to even think about shooting your load. Luckily, the women there were also much lower on the attractiveness scale than the average; the temptation was thus never too high although there were some days when I would s c r e w anything biologically female I saw in the barracks.
I don’t know how it was with the other boyos, but for me, this was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. I rewired my brain back to (semi-)normal and finally made peace with myself. The youngsters of the modern era underestimate the power of serving for a few months to pass the voluntary basic training.
The idea of staying away from anything like this is more based on dependence and stimulation, sorta like preserving coffee’s benefits vs giving you headaches by drinking too much, or getting them when you go without. The point is to try to give your dopamine system a rest.
I agree with Truth Seeker that social media is a step away from porn, and what the society and women also need to know, and be told, is that social media is porn for them, VERY dangerous as attention for girls is like a man looking at the hottest T and A.
Great article of an evergreen subject! Mike Tyson may not be the greatest thinker of our times, but he said very well about the sexual urge / desire. He said that if it bothers you, then deal with it. This was when he was asked about what he thinks about whether prize-fighters should live in a celibacy during training camp leading to a fight. I think that sums it about pretty much, it doesn’t have to be that complicated. It’s true that at least in boxing I think that the idea of celibacy before fight still lives strong. And the idea is that you perform better without cumming before the weeks / months before the fight, you became on animal or whatever. If I recall right, the same idea was in the strength training world in the past. To make a PR lift, it was thought that you would perform better if you didn’t have sex or fap for x number of days before the lift.
I don’t really know how it is, but at some level I do believe this to be true. But weeks and months of celibacy and no fap is nonsense. At least for me, if I tried to break my personal best in pullups and I fapped the same day, I think I wouldn’t perform that well. But if I keep without fapping or having sex for a few days, I think I would perform better. Of course, considering that all other things are good, sleep, rest nutrition etc. Too long sex / fap break doesn’t help me with the afore mentioned either, because if it bothers me, I can’t really rest and / or sleep.
Tyson could have taken steroids and other drugs. He talked about nofap as those fakenatties ussually do. Steroids and other drugs i dont know at all, not only make people bigger, also gives quick recovery, some endurance and somtimes aggresive behavior. I wasnt there so i cant tell if tyson took or not some drugs
I did nofap quest, and, sadly, didnt see any significative result. As much, dont have urge to fap in a long time could mean someone is under a lot of stress or low energy due lack nutrient.
Nevertheless, its always convenient self-control. Both fapping and nofap.
And since the average modern man is suffering from what appears to be permanent sexual deprivation, as even studies show, fapping comes to prevent a revolution.
And this applies across the board. Most notably among married man. I have a couple of good friends that are married and have confided in me that they hardly ever have sex with their wives. They have sex on average about once a month. They both admit to wanking on a daily basis. So jokingly we came to the conclusion that married men wank more than single men.
I can think back to a couple depictions of this in popular culture:
In the movie American Beauty there is a scene where Kevin Spacey (a married father living a mediocre American suburban lifestyle) is heard talking to himself in the shower: “Look at me jerking off in the shower, This is the high point of my day. It is all downhill from here.”
In the TV series Two and a Half Men, Alan another married man living a mediocre American life comments to a group of friends that not only does his wife Judith deny him sex but she does not even let him masturbate.
You just made me recall a media example I watched a few years ago. It is from a a not so iconic Netflix show called “Beef”, but it is still remarkable (and hilarious).
In that series there is this character who is the husband of one of the protagonists. He is a fairly good looking man (probably Chad tier) and comes from a wealthy background, but has kind of a Nice Guy and self-absorbed personality that works against him and is straining his marriage. At some point he develops a secret crush on a hot and young employee of his wife and masturbates hard with Instagram pictures of her when he is alone in his house lol.
So I read your post and got that social media downgrade from porn idea stuck and I said: social media instead of porn? Naaah.
I just opened Instagram to get an instant hot ass picture on the screen.
Tits and ass. So, yeah, you’re right.
Like, are these bitches millionaires or what?
Maybe this could be a subject for another time, but have you noticed that all the women on Instagram have pictures from all the beaches from around the world?
pew pew??
It may be a little late for the article, but one way to move from porn to social media, and avoid the porn spam of digital prostitutes, is precisely to alter the algorithm at will:
save non-sexual posts (whatever they are, none that are of women in them).
Subscribe to everything interesting that is not about sex, gossip, anecdotes, drawing, also follow groups, channels of different types of topics, spiritual and stoicism (no, it is not because I am pursuing stoicism), this way the algorithm is altered at will so that it only shows you what you want to see from your topics of interest, and without a doubt, save and subscribe to more topics and groups.
There are companies that literally exist to spam (copywriters they call them now), and porn is the most profitable in the modern era:
self-improvement books,
everything revolves around THE VAGINA because it generates profits and oversaturates the IC of the average man.
It applies to every social network, although that doesn’t prevent you from always seeing a whore or even something criminal (hard porn) as spam, the ones to avoid are clearly the ones that are especially for women: tiktok, threads, Instagram, pinterest, tumblr, Snapchat, YouTube, and for the love of all that is good, don’t follow women, it’s not a strategy but, the algorithm slowly leads to feminine topics, even checking a feminine post or clicking on the Instagram or Twitter feed, alters your feed again and starts over.
The most annoying ones to avoid are Twitter and telegram, these 2 store the sewer of porn, it’s a place for mental degenerates, they may be used for other general reasons but there is a not inconsiderable percentage that is for these purposes.
Some might think you are exaggerating, but your points about the social media algorithms are spot-on. It is possible to train them to consistently show you not mainstream and meaningful content.
However, and as you warn, you are still exposed to occasional spam. Due to the still dumb nature of the social media AI algorithms, some seemingly harmless topics and content creators can lead to far from ideal recommendations, so you have to be careful with what you choose to click on. As a rule of thumb, if something could potentially break your feed, it is better to open it with some incognito browser window if possible.
Yes, I prefer to use incognito, in fact I do it to avoid saving history, although cookies are still there, but it is simply a matter of getting used to forcing the algorithm to your non-sexual tastes.
In my opinion, if you are a male over a certain age (let’s day 30 years old), instagram has very little to offer.
With the very few exceptions where it is used as a marketing tool, in the best case instagram is a distraction that keeps you glued to your smart phone and a source of mediocre information that can easily be obtained through other methods. Some say it is better than tinder as a form of online dating. From what I have seen, I find this hard to believe.
In the worst case, it can be a source of severe psychological perturbation: I see men and in many cases older men constantly creeping on girls’ instagram profiles (or digital altars as Truthseeker has dubbed them) salivating and fawning over their pictures (many of which bare no resemblance to reality after all the filters and photoshopping), even commenting on them or worse sending DMs in a futile attempt to get their attention. How can this behavior be healthy to any man’s self-esteem? And not too far in the future you will not even known if that is the profile of a real person or an IA creation.
The only use I have ever made of instagram (with a fake profile) has been of an investigative nature as a form of due diligence on women I have met through other methods.usually hoping not to find a profile of if they do have one (is this possible?) that it is at least private with few followers.
I don’t think it is as bad as, for example, Tik Tok, but I mostly agree with you.
I created an account there around two years ago as an online repository of amateur landscape photos I’ve taken in some travels. I quit after more and less one year because I didn’t find it to be worth the time investment. Besides the bland and unappealing content, one of my major gripes with it in comparison to other platforms is that its “pay 2 win” business model is too glaring. It is almost impossible to gather a following and get views there without paying for ads and visibility boosts (I know plenty of people who had no luck until doing this, but they have actual marketing accounts).
The social media site I still visit fairly often is YouTube. It’s also full of garbage, but you can find a few channels here and there with quality content. The only bad thing is that its moderation AI is dumb (or woke) as hell and you can get shadowbanned (or totally banned) by the most ridiculous things.
Good point in youtube even though I don’t consider it to be social media (at least it is the least superficial, vain, and vulgar of them). I also use youtube quite a lot. It can be good source of information if used properly. When I had a meniscus tear not long ago, I was able to find a lot of information on non-surgical treatment that was very useful (I was able to recover without using the medical system). Plus, the library of music is extremely extensive. Even arcane and old music that I couldn’t find anywhere else, I have found on youtube.
BTW, whille I think even TruthSeeker claimed once that Instagram is better than Tinder for dating, I’m as skeptical as you.
Instagram suffers from the same issues as Tinder, such as its excessive reliance on visuals (which are often altered as you point out). That makes it far from ideal IMO as a site to find authentic and meaningful connections. You are probably better off trying other alternatives if you are looking for something more than just sex.
In my particular case I have Instagram, but of the social networks that I have (I don’t have tiktok, no need to lie, I downloaded it a year and a half ago, its interface is simply stupid, it doesn’t have anything advanced, just videos and that’s it but a more restricted format, scroll, honestly I find it masochistic and sick to be seeing shocking content of various forms and styles every 30 seconds, it’s a variation of heroin I think) the one I use the least is Instagram,
I save things of interest as I mentioned before, and I also follow them, I NEVER EXPLORE THE FEED, the algorithm is lustful, even if you keep everything at bay, a digital prostitute always appears, it’s not temptation in my case but they’re like annoying mosquitoes.
Furthermore, human beings process images more than letters, but a beastly variety like Instagram and Pinterest is unbearable for the brain (especially the rational male brain), it’s like a child entering a shopping center only full of candy, sweets, games, toys, colors, etc.
We simply can’t stand so much bombardment that it causes us Fomo + Paralysis by analysis.
I prefer to read a book or articles that interest me, but those types of social networks are feminine for OBVIOUS REASONS.
That is the modern business, nothing else, without a doubt everything is becoming centralized.
Fappy new year 😋
A friend of mine didn’t fap for 3 years. He loves to workout and he has a very natural good physique! No Steroids!
When I ask him if there was any difference in anything, some importing changing in his life, guess what he said: “NONE! Nothing significant! No-fap is a lie!”
Well, there are several factors to consider, if he had relationships in that time, since NoFap considers masturbation but not sex, in fact this is the real way to control the desire, that is, USE IT, or if he masturbated very few times, also nocturnal emissions are releases of the pressure exerted by semen and that may have happened because of so much stress, including from the gym, I know because on one occasion I had nocturnal emissions in the same night: stress, gym, work, studying, obviously the body released pressure in my case.
The only option that occurs to me is that he had a fucking tight schedule or a demanding job, I recently experienced that and I can confirm that desire and stress are a breeding ground for resting comfortably (this is how sexual fantasies are avoided).
That or your friend didn’t really try.
Definitely a lie and a scam.
I just discovered your blog. Wonderful content. I concur that nofap is largely not appropriate for most men with these caveats: Everything in moderation (except for excellence). Consider a Lent. A no-fap month may make sense if only to give the opportunity to gain some control. I do the same for alcohol and porn. I’ll engage in a cleanse and it feels great: only soup broth and juice for 2 weeks and I feel great but then I’m happy to go back to my routine. If you can stop drinking, fapping, or looking at porn for 2 weeks and not cheat, then you’re ok. I don’t drink during the week. When I’m traveling, I’m not fapping (to avoid embarrassment).
I’ll look at your other content but I’ll share a similar concept: prostitutes. Travel to a country where they’re legal and pop your cherry. It’s simply mind-blowing to have sex with a woman where you do NOT have to impress her or dance on eggshells.