Every day 100 new people join the YouTube Fitness parade. Whenever you search for something training related on the Internet, the results are always the same – tons of videos made by popular fitness YouTubers. Over the last few years, the spam has reached epic proportions.
The most annoying part about the fitness YouTubers is not the fact that most of them are fake natties. That’s already a given. Repeating it in every article is getting old. The most irritating characteristic of this YouTube genre would be the extremely self-centered videos.
“Look at what I had for lunch after my leg workout.” is a popular title.
It’s all about me, myself and I. Look at me, look at my cool stuff. Look at the cool things I can do. The ego overload is sometimes hard to take.
Truth be told, there isn’t a lot of value in similar videos. So, you did a set of squats and then you ate a cheese burger at the local restaurant. Why should I care?
Clips like that are essentially cheap entertainment. The fact that the masses are finding amusement in watching buff dudes eat egg whites is worrisome. Yet the number of videos and the views keep on climbing.
Still, I have to admit that similar behavior is not a trademark of the muscle community. Self-worship is virtually everywhere you look. Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are giving us an opportunity to believe that we are deities.
I am not saying that it’s bad to love yourself. It’s not. If you don’t love yourself, nobody will, except maybe your mother. But at the end of the day, we are all humans after all.
Nobody is that special.