The Eagle Lats Routine: Natty Lat Maximization
Maximize Lat Growth At Home With Two Exercises
by TruthSeeker
The Importance of Lat Development
The lats are part of the “visual impact muscles” even though they are covered most of the time, and you can’t see them yourself without a mirror.
But if the lats aren’t developed the entire torso looks fragile. They are also critical (much more important than the deltoids) for developing the so-called V-taper.
If you are slim and train your lats hard, you will look much wider than if you were to do a million lateral raises.
There are four obstacles in front of “lat maximization”:
- Inability to activate the lats (very common for noobs and somewhat easy to fix as long as you don’t overthink)
- Low volume (the lats love volume and are close to impossible to overtrain)
- Low frequency (you can’t maximize a muscle group by training it once a week)
- Too many pull-ups done with bad form leading to elbow pain
This article presents a lat maximization routine that will help you overcome all the obstacles above by focusing on two exercises done with weights (pull-ups aren’t part of the program for reasons that I will explain later).
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Hey Truthseeker!
Just bought it! Been waiting for something like this!
Quick question: did you personally notice more hypertrophy on this routine than earlier? Asking because your Arms maximization book mentioned your arms got bigger from that routine.
Thank you for the support, Shredaholic
I did a very similar back training from last summer (2023) to April/May 2024 and definitely noticed results. The high volume, strict one arm row was the biggest winner.
I am still doing those exercises but less volume and less frequently.
Hello TruthSeeker!
Can i follow all of your three training programs at the same time, and maximize my natural potential; Paraphasing ” the upper chest routine” ” bigger arm muscles routine” and this ” lat maximization routine” ?
I have been following your training routine from Natty maximisation book
“Routines that will make the industry mad” I am paraphrasing.
In general, if you are specializing in everything, you are specializing in nothing. But you can for example, do this “Lats Routine” with triceps specialization too.
Avoid more than 2 specialization at the same time.
And thank you for your support.
Truth seeker is that you in the picture.
Like always, I already purchased the new pdf, and although I haven’t read it yet, I already know it’s going to be good. Life has gotten into way when it comes to my training, so I already know I’m probably unable to follow any specialized routine now, but it doesn’t change the fact that I want to read this thing. Really admire your productivity and output Truth! I’ve said all these things already many times but I’m going to do it again, this will be my mantra until one of us stops writing altogether 😊 Thanks for all the articles, wisdom, knowledge, insights and instructions that you’ve given during all these years. You’ve really set me free when it comes to training, and of course, you’ve given a lot to think in other aspects of life too (more than training related stuff). I don’t really play if / then games in life, but the only sad thing about this site is the fact that it didn’t exist yet when I was younger. If it would have existed back then, then I would have been able to make much wiser decisions in my life back in the day.
Truth, is that your back? Because if it is, congratulations, that’s a great back! I thought I have a decent nattyboy back, but your back makes me ashamed of mine 😀
Thank you for the support, Sam.
One of the main reason why NoN still exists is the comment section. Thank you for the long and interesting comments.
“I’ll buy that for a dollar!” =))
Thank you!
Thank you for the support!
Hey Clarence Leons got a car just like you maaan
I now had the time to read the pdf, and its good stuff, as always. You’ve really put on a lot of actual work into strength training, it shows in your writing (actual instructions that aren’t 100% along the lines with the mainstream) and results. I admire the work you’ve been able to do all these years, a lot of different kinds of emphasis and specialization. The longevity of your work is something of a beauty.
It this a pic of you?
I displayed similar wings and no one cared.
If.. i was wearing shorts. People all of a sudden started noticing my stick calves. The type of a Shawn Crawford.
Big Wings plus long pants would make a better title :D.
Would be cool to see a paid pdf of sample meals you like, calories you follow to lose fat and then maintain your physique.
Not an expert, but if I up my game there, I will write a post.
Your lat development is very nice, you also have rather good (low) insertions.
Would you have any potential advice regarding hypertrophy maximisation for boyos with high (shi**y) insertions such as myself?
Thx alot,
Don’t think about insertions. It is what it is. I have terrible/short forearm, calves, biceps and hamstring insertions. There’s nothing you can do about it.
Just completed reading the pdf on lats maximization, and had a question.
What about doing only high-volume deadlifts to build the back? I find deadlifts much more fun than rows.
What would the aesthetic effect of only deadlift training be? Would it help to build the v?
Many thanks, really appreciate your expertise.
Deadlifts will thicken the back, but they aren’t the most ideal for lat growth because:
– They stress the CNS too much (in other words you can’t train as often and as hard)
– The lats work by pulling the bar towards you, but isometric training is not ideal for hypertrophy.
But you can 100% do only deadlifts and be happy. But the back will get thicker rather than wider.
If you only do pull-ups, you have the opposite issue – wider back but lacking thickness.
Truth Seeker, thank you very much for getting back right away. The distinction between training for back thickness vs. width is now crystal clear.
Have a comment on effects of stressing the CNS (which you mention in multiple spots in the site). There is one benefit to CNS killing exercises, ***nothing*** clears the mind as ***heavy*** deadlifts or squats, the heavier the better. Have a super stressful job, and that’s how I am able to reset my brain and maintain sanity. Literally thinking doctors should prescribe powerlifting instead of antidepressants.
Thank you for your new e-Book. Can you make also a e-book about home training for hypertrophy ? I would buy it, because I train at home the most of the time.