Sadik Hadzovic is a fitness model carrying one of the most aesthetic physiques you have ever seen. He is extremely lean, muscular and has a muscle pop that drags people into a stupor. As always, the important question is – how can you build such an amazing physique? Can you do it naturally? Is Sadik Hadzovic natural or is he pinning like many other fitness models?
How big is Sadik Hadzovic?

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Online sources reveal that Sadik Hadzovic has the following body stats:
Height: 5’11″/180cm
Weight: 194lbs/86kg
According to’s guide for natural bodybuilders a 5’10” tall male would have a maximum bodyweight of about 177lbs. This number is extremely hard to reach unless you have superior genetics. It’s also for lifters who have about 5-8% body fat.
Sadik Hadzovic weighs 194lbs, which puts him 15-17lbs over the estimated number.
Sadik Hadzovic is almost as big as Serge Nubret
At 5’11″@194lbs, Sadik Hadzovic is about as big as the legendary bodybuilder Serge Nubret from France who stood next to some of the best and was not natural. Nubret was about 6′ tall and weighted between 200 and 217lbs in contest condition. Isn’t it odd that modern fitness models are getting so close to the stats of bodybuilders who lived during the Golden Era?
The usual needle revelations: Photoshop look, 3D steroid delts, dryness…


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As you can see for yourself, Sadik Hadzovic’s body looks composed in Photoshop. His muscle mass showcases quality that’s a little hard to achieve naturally.
If we take this guy back in time, he would successfully compete in professional bodybuilding shows. 30-40 years ago, there were bodybuilders who had a similar amount of mass and were still not 100% natural.
You’ve been brainwashed, HARD!
Today, there are many truth deprived individuals who believe that achieving the above physique is possible for the protein powder only bodybuilder.
However, protein powder and creatine addicts never get close to the following stats – 5’11” @ 194 lbs @5-8% BF. To tell you the truth, even 185lbs seems excessive for those guys.
Dumbbest fucking article I’ve ever read. I weigh 200 LEAN muscle mass prolly 7% and I’m 5 foot 8… 100% natural never touched any performance enhanchin or testosterone boosting substance EVER. people can easily achieve a physique like his if they work hard enough
LOL trust me bro, you’re not 200 lbs and 7%. Guaranteed. So many gym bros like yourself have a 6 pack showing and immediately believe they’re shredded af and 5% bf. If you think Sadik or literally anyone at the Olympia level is natural then you’re a fool. Nobody is saying they’re not impressive, or that it’s suddenly not respectable because they’re on drugs. The fact of the matter is, an Olympia level competitor (even the female athletes) are going to be on some non-natty shit. Get over it.
Dumbass article I’m only 16 and I’m 5′ 9″ weighing 175, 10 percent body fat or lower.
I’m 6′ 194, I Pro WFF sports model and never touched any steroids ever. It’s possible, I was muscular since very young and did since I have memory, today s diets n supplementation does play a role, and I tell u it’s possible, but not sure if he had not used it. Anton Antipov is a better candidate who might be a clean athlete?
Such a terrible article I’m only 16 and I’m 5′ 9″ weighing 172 ,10 percent body fat or lower. And Sadik is nowhere near as massive as serge was.
lmao fucktard. Why did you have to cap “lean” then say you’re at “prolly” 7% bodyfat?
Typical gym douche who thinks he’s shredded?
Don’t just talk. Show your pic. And we shall see how you look…
Being a keyboard warrior is so easy … Sitting behind a computer and saying ” I weigh this much ” is v easy.. Show your pics first
This mike dude is a retard
This youtube troll naturalaskalimuscle is a retard
it also depends on age teenagers have a natural high levels of testosterone that allows them to maintain a body with quality muscle mass, this goes away at about 30 so it is completely possible.
for example I am 17years old 5’6 and weigh 175lbs at 7 percent body fat, also a vegan.
No, you’re most defintely not 5’6″
175 at 7% body fat at 17 years old. And a vegan you say? Oh, this is hilarious.
I’m 14 330 pounds 5’4 and 3% body fat I’m actually phil heath so yes it’s possible all I eat are apples and chicken
U wot m8 ?
Lol and I’m batman
Almost as big as Serge Nubret ? Ahaha, you are so full of shit !
Hell im 5’9 194 and really lean, never touched anything and eat cake and hotdogs all day, been this dize since ive been 17. Im on instagram as giftedbeast if you want to see for yourself.
Guys I am 5’2″ and have been natty all my life and have a 14″ pecker with 1% body fat and all I eat are stewed raisins
Your a fucking retard. Just put a big disclaimer on your website thats says everyone is on roids, and my facts are fucked up.
Serge was 6’0″ and 212lbs in contest shape. A whopping 18 pounds over sadik. That vascularity and dryness are results of proper contest prep. Something you obviously suck at.
Why dont you spend more time in the gym and working on your diet instead of talking shit about everyone who makes you look like a pudgy little bitch.
My ass is far but I have a six pack, and a 4inch pinch. I’m also all natty
idk I mean I’m about 5’11 but I am barely 160 and 10% bf it’s hard to bulk for me as an ecto I am shredded but want to put on some more mass.
It’s piss it’s sick
How much do you make a year and how much other top 10 make a year ?
i’m 5’9 and 162 and like 13% body fat so i don’t know who to believe but i’m on Instagram give me a follow at mattfeedyfit lol
I am 4’9 10 years old .0000001% body fat and 255 pounds of lean muscle and i am all natty
He isn’t natural and barely anyone in men’s naturals is actually natural. He has time after time gained muscle and lost fat while still being at low body fat percentages. He’s not on tren but definitely some text .
RIP natty Sadik…he went hard on steroids in 2016…
Im 5’8″ and I weighs 220lbs with lower then 10%bf and all natural…..never touched steroids ..
Just joking its impossible without drugs
I am 5’9.5 inches tall /176.5 and weight 176 pounds at 12 percent body fat. 18 years old and have worked for nearly six years to build myself. I can tell you there is a good chance that Sadik is likely using an illicit substance becuase his conditioning year round is insane. Nobody who is natural can be as shredded as him all year, vascular and full muscles. I respect him though despite this.
Fuck you jason blaha you fat ugly lazy fucking sloth physique