Category Archives: training

Are Squats Needed For Big Arms?

| by Truth Seeker |

Many programs built around the barbell back squat such as Starting Strength and its child StrongLifts claim that squats will add inches to your arms faster than anything else. Similar statements, however, are deprived of logic. You don’t need squats to develop strong arms regardless of what the 5×5 maniacs say. If you want your […]

An Inch To Your Arms – How long does it take?

| by Truth Seeker |

The online realm is infested with bodybuilding routines promising an inch to your arms in a negative time period. The guys from T-Nation usually post one of those every month and promise you brutal growth in 30 days. Naturally, it’s all nonsense. Gaining an inch takes a lot longer than most people think. How long does […]

The Biggest Problems With P90X

| by Truth Seeker |

1.Too many exercises P90X is a routine built on the so-called muscle confusion principle. That’s why it contains so many exercises. Variety, however, does not equal success, the same way working five different jobs does not equal wealth. 2.Dangerous exercises Some of the exercises in P90x are borderline dangerous, especially for the untrained. Movements like […]

Bench Dips – Triceps Builder Or Shoulder Destroyer?

| by Truth Seeker |

Bench dips are often part of workout DVDs such as P90X. However, they aren’t a joint friendly exercise because of the extreme shoulder stretch. You are risking a rotator cuff injury as well as shoulder impingement. Without a doubt, bench dips work your triceps muscles really hard, and you are going to get a great arm […]

Alternatives To The Bench Press

| by Truth Seeker |

The bench press is a classic, but sometimes you may be in a position when you just can’t do it for whatever reason. Don’t worry. There are plenty of bad girls waiting to take her place. Push-ups Push-ups can be a great bench press alternative. The exercise is fairly simple and can be done at […]

Increase Your Pull-up Numbers GTG Style

| by Truth Seeker |

Grease The Groove (GTG) is a training method popularized by the Latvian strength coach Pavel Tsatsouline. GTG’s main purpose is to increase your numbers on bodyweight exercises such as pull-ups, push-ups, dips and more. GTG in a Nutshell 1.Choose an exercise that you want to excel in. (e.g., pull-ups, push-ups, dips) 2.Cut your maximum number […]

Pull-ups Vs. Barbell Rows

| by Truth Seeker |

What’s better for your back development – pull-ups or barbell rows? Both exercises have proven to be effective over many decades of physical exercising. To determine which one is better, we have to put them into a context. Pull-up Benefits 1.Affordable Pull-ups do not require a lot of equipment and can be done almost everywhere, […]

Kipping Dips Do Not Develop Your Chest And Triceps

| by Truth Seeker |

The kipping dip requires the lifter to use the entire body to get up. Since more muscles are involved in the movement, more reps can be done this way. But is this good? The kipping dip is an inferior exercise for the following reasons: – the stress is taken away from the triceps and chest […]

Lunges Vs. Squats – What’s better for mass gains?

| by Truth Seeker |

Lunges and squats are the two most popular lower body exercises. They can be done with added weight or without. Question is, which one of the two is better for mass gains? Squat advantages The squat is a close chain exercise that could build very strong legs. It allows you to lift a lot of […]

Pull-ups vs. Chin-ups – What’s better?

| by Truth Seeker |

The battle between pull-ups and chin-ups has been going on for a long time. There are famous defenders of both camps. For example, the author of Starting Strength Mark Rippetoe has been known for his chin-up affection while other gurus such as Pavel Tsatsouline prefer pull-ups. Which one is easier on the joints? People who […]

Charles Poliquin’s One-Day Arm Cure Debunked

| by Truth Seeker |

The Canadian strength coach Charles Poliquin and the bodybuilding web-page T-Nation often present fast ways to build bigger arms. Every month if not week there’s a new article supposedly containing the secret to big guns. Most of the time the information is deprived of logic and targets the ignorant people new to the bodybuilding world who […]