Category Archives: powerlifting

Fake Strength: Quit Ego Lifting and Build Muscle

| by Truth Seeker |

Everybody has seen the guy who would rather die than bench press less than his training partners. When you sacrifice form for weight on the bar, you are essentially developing fake strength and training your ego, not your muscles. It would be naive to ignore the indisputable fact that everybody goes to the gym to […]

Deload – The Key To Successful Bodybuilding Routines

| by Truth Seeker |

Lifting the same keeps you the same. To get to new levels of strength and muscle mass, you have to improve. Yet adding weight to the bar forever is not an option. After 6-12 weeks of hard work and progressive overload you need a deload phase. The deload phase is simply a period when you […]

Dave Tate’s Weight Gaining Plan Sucks

| by Truth Seeker |

In an interview, Dave Tate revealed one of his “secrets” for gaining weight. The story goes like this: There was a time at the Old Westside gym where I couldn’t gain weight to save my fucking life. There was this dude who trained there who could just put on weight like fucking magic. He’d go […]

10 Myths About Barbell Squats

| by Truth Seeker |

Myth 1: Squats will make your waist bigger and “spoil” your physique Many bodybuilders believe that their midsections will get out of proportion if they perform heavy squats regularly. While it’s true that squats strengthen your abdominal muscles, your abs will never get so big that they look out of proportion. The grotesque guts that […]

Elliott Hulse Is On Steroids?

| by Truth Seeker |

Elliott Hulse is a professional strongman and a former high-school football superstar enjoying a tremendous popularity on YouTube for his videos on strength, muscle, and philosophy. He has thousands of subscribers who follow him and aspire to acquire his mass and strength. The question is – can that happen naturally? According to official statements made […]

Creatine Is a Scam

| by Truth Seeker |

Creatine a.k.a. ”the most researched” bodybuilding supplement has been promoted heavily over the last few decades. Many consider it a must for natural bodybuilders. Is the hype backed up by real results? Function: The main function of creatine is to facilitate the recycling of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). ATP is known as “nature’s energizer” and is […]

CT Fletcher Used Steroids To Build His Biceps And Triceps?

| by Truth Seeker |

CT Fletcher’s YouTube channel is one of the most popular online sources of powerlifting and bodybuilding information. What attracts people the most are the powerful biceps and triceps displayed by the former powerlifter champion who is now in his 50’s. According to official statements made by CT Fletcher, he is natural and hasn’t used anabolic […]

GOMAD – as good as anabolic STEROIDS?

| by Truth Seeker |

GOMAD is an old-school diet consisting in drinking a gallon of milk a day. The idea that milk builds muscle mass and strength is not a new one. Many popular authors of strength literature such as Randall J. Strossen and Mark Rippetoe are known to promote milk diets to beginner lifters who want to get […]

The Myths Behind Super Squats by Randall J. Strossen

| by Truth Seeker |

Many authors of strength literature present the barbell back squat as the most effective exercise for a natural bodybuilder. Consequently, the majority of the training programs written for beginners are built around the back squat. This may be the current trend, but the idea that squats produce quick and extraterrestrial hypertrophy within the body of […]

Is Layne Norton On Steroids?

| by Truth Seeker |

“People trust their eyes above all else – but most people see what they wish to see, or what they believe they should see; not what is really there” – Zoë Marriott Layne Norton is one of the most popular natural bodybuilders in the world. Over the last decade, he built a tremendous fan base by […]

The Whey Protein Scam In Natural Bodybuilding

| by Truth Seeker |

Millions of spoiled teenagers are stealing money from their parents to buy whey protein in the hope that a higher intake of amino acids will transform them into muscular beasts. Sadly, whey protein is one of the oldest scams in the world of muscle. Since the very beginning of the iron game, protein powder has […]

Why Are Bodybuilders Doing G4P

| by Truth Seeker |

Bodybuilding is a cult sport/beauty contest that comes with many expenses. The drugs and food required for the construction of physiques so much higher than the natural potential are not free. An average IFBB pro bodybuilder spends several thousand dollars each month on anabolic steroids, growth hormone, food, gym membership, professional coaching, drug gurus..etc. When […]