Category Archives: cool
Real World Bodybuilding Tips, Exposed Myths and More 2 Year Anniversary Edition Post
The one and only website came to this world 2 years ago, but the events that led to its creation go back a whole decade. A decade full of mad stories, sick obsession, retardism, delusions, frustration, endless hours in forums, starvation, bulking, culking, cutting, screams, grunting, sweat, mockery, and emotional pain. Believe it or […]
The Biggest Biceps Mistake People Make! {FREE guide to ma$$ive NATTY biceps included}
Admit it! The first time your biceps grew by an inch, your inner self transposed up to a higher, celestial octave. Your fingers started shaking, and the measuring tape slid down towards the ground like a spiral fading into the harmonious and peaceful water. One by one the objects in the room received a powerful […]
What Are Bodybuilders Eating To Get So Big?
Dedicated to those who get horny from watching bodybuilders shop in supermarkets. Many online videos in the muscle sector reveal the eating habits of pro bodybuilders and their little brothers from the aesthetic crew also known as the Lower Doses Crew. The muscle warriors experience great pleasure from filming food trips during which they acquire […]
Chicken, Rice & Broccoli Inferno – Bodybuilding’s “Secret” Anabolic Recipe?
Keeping Your Muscle Mass On a Trip: Playing The Protein Hunger Games Ain’t Easy
5 Bodybuilding and Strength Training Tips That Could Cause Brain Damage
How Do You Know That They Are Not Using Testosterone? Many "pin" regularly in the shadows.
Making a straightforward natty or not diagnosis is not always possible. There is a specific group of muscle constructors that don’t jump out of the page as easily as men like Kali Muscle. Those individuals are muscular, but not very lean. Usually, they are also pretty strong for the average gym standards – benching 300lbs, barbell rowing 275 lbs, […]
Bodybuilding Basics: Noob Gains Explained
The so-called “noob gains” represent the 5-10lbs of muscle gained during the first 6-12 months of serious training. Those will be easiest and fastest gains that you will acquire as a lifter. Past that point, the progress will slow down tremendously. Noob gains differ from person to person. If you are really skinny, I mean […]
My Experience With Serge Nubret’s Training Method
A few years ago I got extremely frustrated with my lack of muscular size. I was still looking for a way to hack the system and acquire a respectable physical development that would earn me the right to flex in public. During one of my desperate quests for muscle glory, I found online posts which […]
What is The Key to Hypertrophy? Strength? Reps? | Give me the secret, please!
For many years, I have been trying to find the secret to bigger muscles. In this post, I will share my observations on the most common roads to hypertrophy. Strength = Muscle size? Many gurus (e.g., Mark Rippetoe, Lyle McDonald, Pavel Tsatsouline) have been saying for years that more weight on the bar equals bigger muscles […]