Are Vegan Bodybuilders Natural or Are They Using Anabolic Steroids?

| by Truth Seeker |

According to my inbox, people really want to know how so many vegans are getting lean and mean. It appears that muscular vegans have developed an aura of pureness around them. This makes the crowd hope that veganism could be both – respectful to the animal kingdom and anabolic.

After all, vegans would never put anything unhealthy in their bodies, right? When this mystery feeling is combined with the fact that every inexperienced natural bodybuilder believes that someday he will find the “real muscle building method”, vegans with muscles start to receive attention.

How do the popular vegan bodybuilders get so muscular?

Are plant-based foods anabolic?

The fact that someone is a vegan does not make him a natural bodybuilder. Veganism requires you to avoid animal products, not to remain steroid-free. Steroids are synthetic and therefore allowed in a vegan’s life by default.

Many of the plant-based muscle prodigies like Scooby Werkstatt are over 200lbs, lean, and consequently potential steroid users.

How can you know if someone is truly a vegan?

If you have read more than one post on this site, you probably know that most bodybuilders lie about their steroid use. They are selling you protein powders, creatine, BCAA, glutamine, multi-vitamins and other supplements while taking drugs themselves. For this reason, it isn’t illogical to ask the following question:

How can you know if someone is really a vegan?

What stops people from lying about their diets in an attempt to cause controversy? Are you with them 24/7? They could be eating all the meat in the world while claiming vegan in front of their audience. You can never know.

Is Veganism Anabolic?

I am almost sorry to inform you that veganism is not anabolic and does not cause extraordinary muscle growth.

If anything, diets that include animal products are more anabolic since testosterone is derived from cholesterol. Thus, the fact that you are a vegan actually makes it harder to build muscle. You won’t suddenly add 20lbs after cleaning your system of all animal products.

In addition, veganism makes the preservation of muscle mass harder when you are dieting. The golden rule of keeping your muscle mass while losing fat is to eat a low-calorie diet rich in protein. How do you that when you are 100% hardcore vegan? I guess there are some vegan shamans that could offer a variety of plant-based foods high in protein and low in overall calories, but in general, similar sources are hard to find. There aren’t low-calorie peanuts as far as I know.

If it is too big to be natural, it probably isn’t.

When somebody is 6’ @ 200 lbs @ 5% BF, he is obviously not natural regardless of dietary preferences. Many of the popular vegan monsters have similar stats, and yet they claim to be steroid-free. Somewhat ironically, they refuse to eat animal products because “that’s not natural”, but injecting your glutes with grams of synthetic gear, which was unavailable before the 1930s, seems “natural” and perfectly fine. I assure you that when somebody is really big, it’s the drugs, not the tofu.

In conclusion

Regardless of your food choices, you cannot be as big as steroid users when you are natural. It is practically impossible. Vegan or not, you will still fall within the limits of your natural potential.

souce: tpsdave; Veganism thrives on exploitation.

souce: tpsdave;
The other side of veganism.

Side note:

I don’t think that vegans realize that most of their foods sources are extremely dependent on animals. The majority of the animals cultivating vegan foods are known as people.

Do you know how much physical effort it takes to cultivate and gather 100 grams of almonds?

Do you know how hard it is to cultivate rice?

It’s brutal work for super low wages.

By default, this makes plant based foods dirty too. In addition, the “free trade system” has deprived many countries of their own resources, so that we (the good vegans wanting to protect the planet) can find “cheap” nuts in the store.

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  1. Andre

    Man, those final quotes were eye openers. Massive thanks for these ideas, it really makes us think things through

  2. LIAM

    Meh right and wrong!.
    Animal products have a proven track record of causing diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer.. I eat meat that is hunted and fished by myself or family members. But switching to vegan diet to prevent such diseases that run in my family.. feed lots full of hogs, cattle, and chickens carry diseases that are transported to humans when we eat them. Dont be fooled the pharmaceutical companies dont want us to get healthier or they will lose all there money. They run this world.. and so do the processed food companies!

  3. Sam

    Well, that was the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.

    1. Gabriel

      Not sure I understand your statement “But switching to vegan diet to prevent such diseases that run in my family.. feed lots full of hogs, cattle, and chickens carry diseases that are transported to humans when we eat them.”

    2. Doug BATES-

      YUp, SAM-!



      1. Ryan

        Lol, this seems like it was written by a big dumb meat eating child

      2. John

        You don’t think people can avoid drug test, they don’t even drug test the pros, even if they did, you would see that every single one of them will test positive, or probably be able to cheat the test, and sure 205 lb, and 5% body fat man, I might believe you if you ate a high fat, high protein, low carb diet, and cholesterol is good for your body, if you consuming the correct foods

        1. Jeff

          You’re a loser because you unabashedly associated Scooby with steroid users. He’s never used them. You should be ashamed of yourself. Everything else you say becomes worthless once you talk trash like that

    3. Zorba

      Well, your reply is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. At least Liam wrote some sound statements and his reasoning and thought process, unlike your irrelevant and idiotic statement.

    4. Ahmed

      You talk about how poor people are exploited to grow crops. Well, the majority of crops we grow are fed to animals; 90% of soy, which contributes to deforestation, is fed to livestock. We currently produce enough food for 10-11 billion people yet 800 million are starving and almost 3 billion are malnourished. In a vegan world, land use for agriculture would decline 76%, simply because animal agriculture is inefficient. We would have more food to feed more people and better food security. Animal agriculture is, after fossil fuels, one of the biggest contributors to climate change, which affects poor countries through famine,floods, crop failure, etc. way more than the rich. On top of that, 2-3 trillion sentient creatures are killed each year when we could all be healthy on a vegan diet. Simple solution to all these problems: veganism. It’s not the only solution, of course, but a pretty big one.

  4. amanda hugankiss

    did you drink bong water before writing this crock of shit?
    It’s not only vegans that eat almonds and rice you fuckwit! Last time I checked bodybuilders loved rice and almonds ? Omfg so uninformed and leaning to the side of vegan hating. Try it puss, I dare you.

    1. John

      He probably doesn’t want to end up dying from the lack of b12 you aren’t getting from your plants, we are out here eating meat, and not getting brain damage from the lack of b12 that Vegans have, and not shit dumb ass, regular bodybuilders eat rice and almonds, rice is a great source of energy, and almonds have some fats and some protein, and are also high in calories, but that’s not all they are eating, you don’t see bodybuilders fucking eating bags of almonds, probably cups of rice.

  5. Steve

    “By default, this makes plant based foods dirty too.” Although I don’t doubt some of the workers laboring in the fields that yield the vegetables, nuts and legumes that are consumed by vegans, aren’t treated very well or rightfully compensated for their efforts, it’s a much better scenario when compared to factory farming. Why don’t you mention that? I’m assuming you’re a meat eater? I think your analogy was idiotic and irresponsible.

  6. L O

    “By default, this makes plant based foods dirty too. In addition, the “free trade system” has deprived many countries of their own resources, so that we (the good vegans wanting to protect the planet) can find “cheap” nuts in the store.” by Truth Seeker.
    Man this sentence I’m sure it will go to the history. So then… what do animals eat ? Do you know cattle eat peanuts ? You can look it up here: and how much peanuts do you think a cow eat per day ?? up to 7 pounds per day !! look it up here : and a cow will live approx 1 year and a half, in 1 year a cow will eat 2,500 pounds approx of peanuts… and a cow will “give” approx 400 pounds of meat… so 1 pound of meat will be the equivalent of 6.25 pounds of peanuts… so that statement doesn’t make any sense… veganism is still a better option for exploiting less people because I don’t eat 6.25 pounds of peanuts a day (and eating 1 pound of meat a day is easy for meat eaters)… i just had 4oz of peanuts today, keep justifying yourself… even then that you “care” about resources on the planet, go vegan and you will use WAY LESS resources on the planet. Im sure you are the one carrying the bananas on the photo, or you look like that, because what you talk doesn’t make any sense…

    1. Doug Bates

      GENIUS! – ! TRUTH-!


    2. John

      What the hell are you talking about, cattle aren’t suppose to eat peanuts, their natural food is grass, you can feed cattle anything it doesn’t mean it’s healthy for them, just like a fat fuck can fill their mouths with ice cream, snickers bars, and smoothies and candy all fucking day, it doesn’t mean it’s healthy for them.

  7. Arleta

    I’m a omnivore turned vegeterian, turned pecetariam, turned vegan, turned flexitarian (present). I think there’s a lot of common sense and conclusions I arrive at myself over the years of searching the most optimal and sustainable way of eating.
    I do think tha everyone should find the way of eating that work best for them in terms of supporting their hearth and fitness goals but with the planet in mind of course. Most of us is doing best on diets comprising of mostly plantbased wholefoods with small addition of wholesome animal products. This is thought to be most beneficial for human health and the environment.

  8. Andrew

    The author of this article should watch, ‘Game Changers,’ on Netflix… He or she sounds extremely uninformed, just in the way the information is presented. Just poorly written.

    1. John

      Sir, you sound like the uninformed one, just go look up malnourished vegans on YouTube, and that’s all the proof you need.

  9. Francesco Cesconatty

    There are so many that spread all kinds of misinformation, trying to discredit those on a 100% plant-based diet, and promote animal cruelty products !!

    And sure, there are people on a 100% plant-based, or vegans, that use steroids, and lie about taking them, but most among us do not use illegal harmful substances, and they are big, strong, fast and lean, winning in more and more sports !

    More top athletes men or women, are already or are becoming 100% plant-based, as top tennissers, certainly the fastest runners, and a growing number are among the fastest running men/women alive, swimmers, in formula one, bodybuilders, on motor- or bikes,…and many more, are on a 100 % plant-based diet.

    And it may seem some non vegans are “stronger”, because they use growth hormones and steroids, but have less stamina and longevity, their recovery time is extremely longer, they get tired and retire earlier, have and will continually encounter health issues, and also die younger.

    There’s absolutely no way any animal product producers, sellers and consumers, can ever honestly win an argument that makes them right about anything they say, that could ever top being 100% plant-based, feeding from the source of all the primary source of all nutrients, and that is plants, and plants alone, all other sources are secondary to last quality feeding sources.

    We are blessed as a human species to be able to digest plants, extract all we need from them, that also includes, to take what we need from plants, to make our own collagen and calcium too.

    Environmental, human and non human animal rights, no matter where from in the entire universe, are all one concern 🤜 🤛🏽⚡ 💫✨

    1. Chimperman

      Well sure, but have you considered whether those people might be trying to discredit vegan bodybuilding because it is a hoax and does not work?

      There is a very big lobby trying to convince the world that meat is bad and eating vegan is healthier, when the opposite is true. And what is powering that lobby is money, not facts.

      Eating plant-based isnt even natural most of human existence they hunted. We have incisors (fangs) which animals completely adapted to plants to not – like horses or cows. Humans drink milk from birth. Stating as fact that 100% plant based is obviously better doesn’t make it so. You are deficient in diet and that’s why you always get ill. All of those plants need to be protected and have pests – animals , mice, birds killed . they aren’t “meat free”, you just dont have to see it. You can not get a complete nutritious diet from it. Your illnesses would be cured by just eating meat or milk occasionally. This is a dogmatic argument, not a pragmatic one..

      Humans spent a big chunk of time in the last ice age hunting meat, because it’s the only food that was available in enough quantity to support them. Cave paintings are of animals and people throwing spears at them. Youi’re denying the obvious for a well-funded cult belief.

      Even if you believed all this wishful stuff about animal and universal rights, animals dont care one bit about this. In the animal world, it is kill or be killed. They fight for territory. They consume each other when they die. Cows will eat mice or small birds and beetles. They aren’t vegetarian. There is no such thing as vegan in the animal world, it is unnatural and wishful.

  10. Chimperman

    Think vegan BB just a lie. You sell a dream and gain clout for your claim.

    Everybody including sports science has always known that animal protein (which includes diary, doesn’t need to include meat) is the only complete protein and that is required to build good quality muscle.
    Until 5 minutes ago when the W£F sponsored vegan fad suddenly flooded us and now there are all these people – with youtube channels claiming to be vegan naturals, while looking like “ordinary” steroid users on protein powder.

    I see people saying in comments that “you should watch netflix and get informed” and similar – and apparently unaware that there is a big sponored movement behind this – the Green Lobby, which is trying to demonize meat consumption (but only in Western Democracies), and these guys are connected to the W£F which has weird plans for the world. And Netflix or Instagram aren’t portals of truth.

    Film makers put in their films, whatever their production company who is sponsoring their film tells them to put in it. And their production company tells them to put in whatever the people sponsoring them tells them to put in. It’s a form of underhand lobbying, to change what people think. They usually tack in some stuff about climate change and renewables as well. It’s just a sponsored hoax.

    Unrelated, I think the title “if its too big to be natural, it isn’t” would convey what you mean better if you changed it to “it probably is”. I know what you mean, but that makes it clearer.

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