Tag Archives: bulking

Eating Clean All The Time Is Counterproductive

| by Truth Seeker |

Many bodybuilders have been brainwashed to believe that eating clean all the time will produce the best possible physique and send them to heaven. This is not the case at all. Eating clean all the time could actually be counterproductive. Living your life around the clock and walking with a box of chicken breast and […]

Creatine Is a Scam

| by Truth Seeker |

Creatine a.k.a. ”the most researched” bodybuilding supplement has been promoted heavily over the last few decades. Many consider it a must for natural bodybuilders. Is the hype backed up by real results? Function: The main function of creatine is to facilitate the recycling of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). ATP is known as “nature’s energizer” and is […]

The Myths Behind Super Squats by Randall J. Strossen

| by Truth Seeker |

Many authors of strength literature present the barbell back squat as the most effective exercise for a natural bodybuilder. Consequently, the majority of the training programs written for beginners are built around the back squat. This may be the current trend, but the idea that squats produce quick and extraterrestrial hypertrophy within the body of […]