Tag Archives: biceps

Feeder Workouts for Arms: Do They Work?

| by Truth Seeker |

FAQ: What are feeder workouts? Feeder workouts are frequent pump training sessions designed to massively accelerated the hypertrophy of a specific body part. The modern originator of the feeder template is Rich Piana who uploaded several videos on the subject. According to Rich, feeder workouts should be done the day after a hard training session […]

Are Biceps Curls Useless?

| by Truth Seeker |

Short answer: Biceps curls are a very potent and mighty functional exercise. The 5×5 sycophants demonized it with an ulterior motive in mind – to dress their “revolutionary” barbell routines as superior for naturals. But curls are and will always be the go-to biceps builder. When implemented properly into a routine, curls are not a […]

Are Chin-ups Enough for Biceps?

| by Truth Seeker |

Short answer:  The chin-up is a pull-up variation done with a supinated/underhand grip (palms facing towards you). Subsequently, the biggest arm flexors i.e. the biceps receive a significant market share in the exercise. The contribution of the biceps combined with the ability to scale the chin-up forever by adding weight, turn the movement into a […]

5 Reasons Why Squats Are Stopping You from Getting BIG Arms

| by Truth Seeker |

The bar was loaded. My back was covered in chalk. The belt was squeezing my waist like a pair of pliers. A rhythm that could make a dead heart beat again, and a guitar escorting your soul to the place where deities live, were coming out of my headphones. I got under the bar – […]

The Pump In Bodybuilding – Does It Equal Progress?

| by Truth Seeker |

The pump has been an integral of bodybuilding since the very beginning. Arnold Schwarzenegger compared the pump to the pleasure of ejaculating. However, if we put aside the sensation, what else does the pump offer? How do you get a pump? You can get a pump by doing high reps with a 10lbs dumbbell. That’s why […]

Did Leroy Colbert Build His 21 Inch Arms Naturally?

| by Truth Seeker |

Leroy Colbert, a legendary bodybuilder born in 1933, was supposedly the first man on the planet to build 21-inch muscular arms without steroids. He was a competitive bodybuilder with a great future until an almost fatal motorcycle accident damaged his ankle. Colbert claimed that the accident might have saved his life by pushing him away […]

Arm Day? You are wasting your time, stupid!

| by Truth Seeker |

Everyone wants big arms. The vast majority of the lifting population is secretly measuring its arms every few days. It’s an obsession. An addiction. Madness. People simply want to have that big, ”what the fuck, dude?” arm. The common path to arm ascension chosen by most humanoids is to mimic the pros by adding a […]

Biceps Training – Dumbbells Vs. Barbells

| by Truth Seeker |

Many wonder what’s more effective for biceps growth – barbell or dumbbells. To come up with an answer, we have to examine the benefits and disadvantages of both methods. Barbells allow you to lift the heaviest weight possible – a property that has earned them the name “mass builders”. However, it’s not that simple. You […]

Building Big Arms With Bodyweight Exercises

| by Truth Seeker |

Bigger arms can be acquired through bodyweight training. If you train intelligently and follow simple progressions, you can get pretty close to your maximum natural arm size by doing solely bodyweight exercises. One of the better bodyweight exercises for the biceps are pull-ups on rings. The rings allow your wrists to rotate freely, which reduces […]

How Do I Get Arms Like Phil Heath Naturally?

| by Truth Seeker |

Phil Heath is known for his exceptional arm development. The muscle bellies of his biceps and triceps look extraterrestrial. Since the upper arms are the modern symbol of strength and muscle, many beginners are wondering how one could get arms like Phil Heath. Many extremely unaware individuals think that food, whey, and creatine can get […]