Tag Archives: back training

The Rounded Back Deadlift: How Round Is Too Round?

| by Truth Seeker |

The lifting manual says that rounding of the back could hurt the spine. As a result, anyone who deadlifts with a rounded back has always been considered a stupid brah buying a ticket to Snap City. This may be correct if we are talking about beginners, but there is also a group of advanced and educated lifters who […]

Bodybuilding Tips For More Productive Back Workouts

| by Truth Seeker |

Today’s post presents tips designed to make your back training more productive. I can’t breath when I do heavy chest supported rows. What now? The chest supported row is a decent exercise that trains the rear musculature of the upper body without stressing the lower back. This property makes the movement useful when you want […]

Are Pull-ups Enough To Get a Big Back?

| by Truth Seeker |

Pull-ups seem to be one of the most Hollywood-friendly exercises in the world. 90% of the training sequences in movies include pull-ups. Question is, are pull-ups good enough to give you a big back by themselves? Define what’s a big back, please. Obviously, you are not getting Ronnie Coleman’s back development by doing pull-ups alone. His […]

Deadlift – Some People Are Built To Do It, Others Aren’t

| by Truth Seeker |

The deadlift is among the most mythical exercises in the gym. Some do it and love it while others prefer to hold hands with Edward Scissorhands instead of deadlifting. Once you are an advanced athlete, a heavy deadlift attempt may take two weeks or more to recover from. The main decisive factor when it comes to deadlifting […]

Training Lats – A Few Fine Points

| by Truth Seeker |

In this post, I will present you a few important points that you need to know in order to develop bigger and stronger lats that will elevate your aesthetics to the next level. 1.Training the lats is not like training the biceps. The latissimus dorsi is the biggest muscle in the upper body. The movements […]

Do Rack Pulls For a Thicker Back

| by Truth Seeker |

Rack pulls are not a popular exercise. You rarely see them on ”back day”. That’s not a surprise since most humans go to the gym to play with the machines. Hard basic exercises are not as attractive as pump work. Another factor contributing to the rack pull’s obscurity is the requirement for a power cage […]

Improve Your Pull-ups Numbers By Doing Ladders

| by Truth Seeker |

One of the best ways to improve your pull-up numbers is to do a lot of pull-ups. There are many different ways to achieve this goal. One of them is the ladder system. The ladder method works like this – 1 pull-up; rest; 2 pull-ups; rest; 3 pull-ups; rest; 5 pull-ups; big rest; start all […]