Tag Archives: arnold

The Secret To Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Arm Size

| by Truth Seeker |

Arnold Schwarzenegger had a physique that most people consider ideal. He was massive, lean and brought someĀ of the best chest and arms in bodybuilding. To this day, Arnold’s chest and biceps development are unmatched. What’s the secret to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s arm size? 1.It’s not a secret routine The online space is infested with routines revealing […]

Politics In Bodybuilding

| by Truth Seeker |

Bodybuilding is one of the most controversial judged events. Sadly, on many occasions, the winner of the competition is chosen before the start of the contest. The 1st place is often given to the most marketable bodybuilder due to lucrative reasons. A good example would be the competition Mr. Olympia in 1980 when Arnold Schwarzenegger […]

Is Polska Genetics (Mischa Janiec) Natural?

| by Truth Seeker |

Mischa Janiec a.k.a. Polska Genetics is a popular natural bodybuilder. He has a very wide frame, a broad back, and an armor chest. Mischa claims that his body has been achieved without the use of anabolic steroids. However, many wonder whether this is really the case. When making your decision consider the following factors: 1.Polska […]