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| by Truth Seeker |

You can buy all books of for USD 9.75.

If you ask the officials, they will tell you that you can get as big as you want to. Their employees will confirm that. But most experienced natural warriors know that this simply isn’t true. The limits are real regardless of what the commercials say.

This book contains my current answer to the question how big you can get naturally.

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A Hater’s Synthesis is a book that shows the worldview of a person fed up with fake positive thinking and social media likes.

It’s spread into three parts.

The first part focuses on the muscle game and follows the typical journey of a man trying to make sense of life through an obsessive construction of thicker muscle fibers.

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Training Focus II is the second book from’s series dedicated to the lifting aspect of the muscle game. It comes with more routines and essays on the iron world.

The goal of the book is to reduce the fog and unrealistic expectations created by mainstream outlets focusing on quantity and repetition serving the main mechanisms.

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Training Focus is the first part of the series “A Guide To Surviving In The World of Juice“. It focuses on training and contains the main principles I have learned from banging my head in the gym for a decade.

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E-MU$$LE is a short book that reveals what it takes to build a successful online fitness platform.

It contains my analysis of the popular online fitness gurus as well as the strategies I have learned during my 10-year journey in the world of online fitness as a user and content creator.

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You can buy all 5 books for USD 9.75

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  1. Greenlake

    I don’t have a pay pal account and don’t want one. Can’t find the way to pay with card

    1. Truth Seeker Post author

      I added an option to purchase all books with a card.

        1. Truth Seeker Post author

          Thank you for the support!

  2. Edoardo

    Truth seeker what do you think of mcrobert philosophy and his magazine hardgainer? In my opinion Hardgainer was great

  3. TheHardgainer

    Hei dude, I have read your books I like the way you write. However I think that you are too pessimistic about the natural potential for growth. Genetics is simply the expression of a possibility, you can’t known until you try. There is wide range of variation, like we have extremely tall people on one side and midget on the other, we have extremely genetic gifted people on one side and people with poor genetic on the other. I’ve known a pair of people with extremely good genetic, and they are both far beyond the upper numbers that you presented in your books. So Don’t overthink numbers, because you can’t possibly know how far you can go until you try I think also that training cycles should be long, at least 5-6months,the weight increase must be very slow, 0,5-1kg when you are near the previous best weigh

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