Category Archives: supplements

Plazma Reactive Pump – Honest Review | It’s scammy

| by Truth Seeker |

In this post, nattyornot will reveal the nonsense hidden behind Plazma Reactive Pump advertised by 1.The supplement Plazma Reactive Pump is advertised by a heavy steroid user – John Meadows. 1.1 John Meadows is 5’6” (167 cm) and weighs 230 lbs (105 kg) at 5-8% body fat. This means that he is the size […]

Steroids Are Not Just The Finishing Touch

| by Truth Seeker |

Anabolic steroids have been a part of bodybuilding since the very beginning. Testosterone was already available in the 1930s. Bodybuilding is a sport/activity/beauty contest entirely depending on steroids. A common trend among bodybuilders is to downsize the importance of anabolic steroids. They want the general public to believe that drugs are only a small part […]

Six Pack Abs – How Long Does It Take To See ‘Em Bad Boys

| by Truth Seeker |

If you go to any bodybuilding forum, you will see that a large portion of the topics is dedicated to the quest for ripped six-pack abs. This is hardly a surprise. We have been living in the era of the six-pack abs for a long time, my friend. The image of defined abdominal muscle is […]

Beginner Bodybuilders Do 15 Crucial Mistakes

| by Truth Seeker |

1.Taking supplements The bodybuilding industry uses the bodies of steroid users to sell you all kinds of magic powders that ultimately do nothing. Don’t waste your time and money on supplements. It’s all an illusion. Truth be told, most professional bodybuilders don’t even take the products they advertise. 2.Eating too much Beginner bodybuilders are usually […]

Christian Thibaudeau – Steroid User?

| by Truth Seeker |

Christian Thibaudeau works for the “muscle worship” website He claims that he has assembled his physique without the use of anabolic steroids. Consequently, many unaware teenagers believe that they can build a body similar to the one of Christian Thibaudeau without drugs. They go to and buy all the supplements pushed in their […]

Pre-Workout Supplements Substitutes

| by Truth Seeker |

Every 5 minutes a new pre-workout supplement hits the market. They are everywhere, and yet each new product claims to have unique properties. ”Unlike the rest, ours work.” If you remove the fancy labels, pre-workout supplements are nothing more than fast carbs (sugar). This is the oldest trick in the book. Everyone feels more energetic […]

Creatine Is a Scam

| by Truth Seeker |

Creatine a.k.a. ”the most researched” bodybuilding supplement has been promoted heavily over the last few decades. Many consider it a must for natural bodybuilders. Is the hype backed up by real results? Function: The main function of creatine is to facilitate the recycling of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). ATP is known as “nature’s energizer” and is […]