This article is written from the perspective of a male. But It will be helpful even if you’re a woman as in this case there are many overlapping points.
It’s About You
What does mainstream advice say about ghosting?
Usually, it gives you some blue pills such as “it’s not about you”…etc.
The truth is that it’s exactly ABOUT YOU.
If you’re getting ghosted, it’s because of YOU. The woman ghosting you is ghosting you, not some other guy. Then, by definition, the source of the ghosting behavior is found somewhere within your parameters and context.
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Such a great article on a very interesting topic. I wasn’t really that interested in it, and only had a very little understanding of it but now I know more. While reading the PDF, I realized that I did ghosting, or a form of it, back in my dating / fucking days (this was over a decade ago, so it was a bit different). It’s uncanny because it was involuntary for me. It just happened, and I don’ really know why. But I remember that some of the women I met told me at some point that they didn’t like the fact that I didn’t answer quickly in the beginning etc. And that felt like they ended up wanting the thing even more. But yeah, I did it by accident. It was probably because I wasn’t trying to really meet anybody, but rather have fun and after a long relationship before that, I was doing many other things too, so I really felt busy enough to not being able to answer messages etc. all the time. Sometimes I even forgot to meet some of the women when we were supposed to meet, but in the end, they agreed to meet another time. But as said, things are very different today. I think that if I was single now, I wouldn’t have a chance to even get a date or whatever they are called today. I think my only chance would be to meet somebody in real life outside all the apps etc. But chances of that would be slim and none.