Tag Archives: lifetime natural bodybuilders

Can You Be As Big As Tom Hardy Without Steroids? Is it possible to acquire the muscle mass of the actor naturally?

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On a couple of occasions, the British actor Edward Thomas Hardy better known as Tom Hardy displayed a well-developed physique. In the movies “Bronson”, “Warrior” and “The Dark Knight Rises”, Tom Hardy plays the role of very strong and muscular characters. His physique was used by many to promote a variety of training protocols claiming […]

Skip La Cour – Natty or NOT?

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Skip La Cour is one of the most popular alleged natural bodybuilders. Many natties aspire to attain his physique. But is this a pipe dream? Can you get there naturally? Is Skip La Cour natty or not? The personal website of Skip La Cour reveals that in his prime his body stats were: Height: 5’11” […]

Bodybuilding Slang and Terms Explained

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Like every unique niche, bodybuilding comes with its own slang. Some of the most used phrases and words are explained in the article below. Muscle Pump – a natural process during which the muscle is engorged with blood and waste byproducts Natty – “natty” is short for “natural”. In the world of bodybuilding, the term […]

Is Layne Norton On Steroids?

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“People trust their eyes above all else – but most people see what they wish to see, or what they believe they should see; not what is really there” – Zoë Marriott Layne Norton is one of the most popular natural bodybuilders in the world. Over the last decade, he built a tremendous fan base by […]

Why Bodybuilders On Steroids Compete In Natural Shows

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According to the rules of natural bodybuilding competitors who use anabolic steroids and other muscle enhancing drugs should not compete in natural shows. Yet many popular contests for natural bodybuilders are won by athletes on drugs. The main reasons for this phenomenon are: Ineffective drug testing More often than not, the tests are just a […]

*What is natural bodybuilding, R-E-A-L-L-Y?*

| by Truth Seeker |

“Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes… just be an illusion.” Javan There are two definitions of the term natural bodybuilding – an official one and an underground one. Official definition: Natural bodybuilding represents a competitive activity in which the participants are judged by the aesthetic qualities of their physiques. The bodybuilders’ goal […]